Equations of Motion (AQA AS Physics)

Exam Questions

3 hours45 questions
1a5 marks

The following quantities are used to describe the motion of an object:







Complete Table 1 by placing a in the correct column to show whether each of the quantities are scalar or vector. 

Table 1



















1b3 marks

A runner completes a full lap of the 200 m running track, shown in Figure 1, in a time of 52.8 s. 

Figure 1


Calculate the average speed of the runner over the entire lap.

1c3 marks

State the average velocity of the runner over the entire lap and explain your answer.

1d1 mark

Define instantaneous velocity.

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2a2 marks

A sky diver jumps from a plane. Forces A and B act on the sky diver, as shown is Figure 1.  The skydiver maintains this position until they open their parachute. 

Figure 1


Name the forces A and B.

2b3 marks

Figure 2 shows the velocity–time graph of the skydiver from the moment they leave the plane until they are falling with the parachute open. 

Figure 2


Describe the acceleration of the parachutist between the times:  

(i)    t = 0 s and t = 30 s 

(ii)   t = 30 s and t = 41 s


2c1 mark

Use the graph in Figure 2 to state the terminal velocity of the skydiver.

2d2 marks

Compare the magnitudes of Force A and Force B, from Figure 1, between the times:           

            (i)         t = 0 s and t = 30 s

            (ii)        t = 30 s and t = 41 s

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3a1 mark

An aircraft takes 15 seconds to reach the required take off speed of 288 km h–1. 

Show that the required take off speed of the aircraft is 80 m s–1.

3b2 marks

Assuming that the aircraft starts the take–off from rest and the acceleration is constant, calculate the acceleration of the aircraft as it travels along the runway.

3c2 marks

Show that the minimum distance the aircraft travels along the runway before it takes off is 600 m.

3d3 marks

Before the aircraft takes off the passengers are transported to the plane on a small bus.  The displacement–time graph of the bus is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1


Use the letters on the graph in Figure 1 to state when the bus was: 

(i)    Stationary 

(ii)   Accelerating 

(iii)        Starting to travel in the opposite direction to its initial motion.

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4a3 marks

Figure 1 shows the velocity–time graph of a bus travelling between two bus stops. 

Figure 1


Describe the acceleration of the bus between the following times:

(i)         0 s – 90 s 

(ii)        90 s – 180 s 

(iii)       180 s – 220 s

4b2 marks

Calculate the initial acceleration of the bus and give the appropriate unit.

4c3 marks

Calculate the distance the bus travels while it is accelerating.

4d2 marks

Calculate the deceleration of the bus.

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5a2 marks

A marble rolls off the edge of a table of height, h, with an initial horizontal velocity of 0.50 m s–1.  It follows a curved path, as shown in Figure 1, and hits the floor 0.30 seconds later a distance d from the edge of the table.

Throughout this question you can assume that there are no air resistance forces acting on the marble. 

Figure 1


By considering only the horizontal motion of the marble, calculate the distance, d, between the edge of the table and the point where the marble hits the floor.

5b2 marks

By considering only the vertical motion of the marble, show that the tabletop is 0.44 m above the floor.

5c2 marks

Calculate the vertical velocity of the marble the instant it strikes the ground.

5d4 marks

On the axis of Figure 2 sketch the graphs to show how the horizontal and vertical components of the velocity of the marble, vh and vv, vary with time from the instant the marble leaves the table to when it hits the ground.  

You should include appropriate values on your graphs where appropriate. 

Figure 2


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1a2 marks

A car, initially at rest, begins to move with an acceleration of 1.5 m s–2. 

Calculate the speed of the motor car after 20 s.

1b2 marks

Calculate the distance travelled by the motor car in the first 10 s of the motion.

1c1 mark

Calculate the distance travelled by the motor car in the first 20 s of the motion.

1d4 marks

Figure 1 shows the graph of acceleration against time together with two incomplete sets of axes.

Figure 1


Sketch on these axes the corresponding graphs of speed and distance travelled for the first 20 seconds of the car’s motion. 

You should include labels for the axes and any known numerical values.

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2a4 marks

A digital camera was used to obtain a sequence of images of a tennis ball being struck by a tennis racket. The camera was set to take an image every 6.0 ms. The successive positions of the racket and ball are shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1



The ball has a horizontal velocity of zero at and reaches a constant horizontal velocity at as it leaves the racket. The ball travels a horizontal distance of 96 cm between and G. 

Calculate the horizontal acceleration of the ball between and D.

2b3 marks

At D, the ball was projected horizontally from a height of 3.4 m above level ground. 

Show that the ball would fall to the ground in about 0.8 s. 

Assume that only gravity acts on the ball as it falls.

2c2 marks

Calculate the horizontal distance that the ball will travel after it leaves the racket before hitting the ground. 

Assume that only gravity acts on the ball as it falls.

2d2 marks

Explain why, in practice, the ball will not travel this far before hitting the ground.

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3a2 marks

Figure 1 shows the variation of velocity v with time t for a Formula 1 car during a test drive along a straight, horizontal track. 

Figure 1


State and explain which section of the graph shows that the car’s acceleration was uniform.

3b3 marks

Determine the distance travelled by the car during the first 5.0 s.

3c2 marks

Show that the instantaneous acceleration is about 16 m s−2 when t is 5.0 s.

3d6 marks

Figure 2 shows the aerofoil that is fitted to a Formula 1 car to increase its speed around corners. 

Figure 2


However, the aerofoil exerts an unwanted drag force on the car when it is travelling in a straight line so a Drag Reduction System (DRS) is fitted. This system enables the driver to change the angle of the aerofoil to reduce the drag. 

The graph in Figure 1 is for a test drive along a straight, horizontal track. Under the conditions for this test drive, the DRS was not in use and the engine produced a constant driving force. 

Explain why the velocity varies in the way shown in the graph. 

Go on to explain how the graph will be different when the DRS is in use and the driving force is the same. 

The quality of written communication will be assessed in your answer.

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4a1 mark

Figure 1 shows a golfer hitting a ball from the top of a cliff. 

Figure 1


The ball follows the path shown. The ball is hit with an initial velocity of 46 m s−1 at an angle of 34° above the horizontal, as shown. Assume that there is no air resistance. 

Calculate the initial vertical component of velocity of the ball.

4b2 marks

At point Y the ball is level with its initial position. 

Show that the time taken to reach Y is about 5 s.

4c3 marks

The total time of flight of the ball is 10.0 s. 

Show on Figure 2 how v, the vertical component of the velocity, changes throughout the whole 10.0 s. 

Figure 2


4d3 marks

Calculate the height h of the cliff.       

4e2 marks

In practice, the air resistance affects the path of the ball. 

Draw on Figure 1the path the ball takes when air resistance is taken into account.

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5a6 marks

The graph shows how the vertical speed of a parachutist changes with time during the first 20 s of his jump. To avoid air turbulence caused by the aircraft, he waits a short time after jumping before pulling the cord to release his parachute. 

Figure 1


Regions A, B and C of the graph show the speed before the parachute has opened. 

With reference to the forces acting on the parachutist, explain why the graph has this shape in the region marked. 

The quality of written communication will be assessed in your answer.

5b2 marks

Calculate the maximum deceleration of the parachutist in the region of the graph marked D, which shows how the speed changes just after the parachute has opened. Show your method clearly.

5c4 marks

Use the graph to find the total vertical distance fallen by the parachutist in the first 10 s of the jump. Show your method clearly.

5d2 marks

During his descent, the parachutist drifts sideways in the wind and hits the ground with a vertical speed of 5.0 m s–1 and a horizontal speed of 2.0 m s–1. 

Calculate the resultant speed with which he hits the ground and the angle his resultant velocity makes with the vertical.

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1a2 marks

A rock is thrown horizontally off a 150 m cliff and lands 90 m away. 

Calculate the speed at which it was thrown. 

In this question, assume that air resistance is negligible.

1b2 marks

The rock hits the ground at an angle θ to the horizontal. 

Calculate the value of θ.

1c3 marks

The rock is now attached to a catapult and launched at a castle wall. The rock is launched at an angle of 40º from the ground level at a speed of 27 m s–1. The castle wall is 50 m away and is 12 m high. 

Determine whether the rock makes it over the wall.

1d6 marks

Prove that, in the absence of air resistance, the maximum range of any projectile that starts and ends at ground level is achieved when it is launched at 45o to the horizontal.           

You may use the double angle formula: sin (2A) = 2sin(A) cos(A)

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2a5 marks

Figure 1 below shows a skateboarder descending a ramp. 

Figure 1


The skateboarder starts from rest at the top of the ramp at A and leaves the ramp at B horizontally. In going from A to B the skateboarder’s centre of gravity descends a vertical height of 1.8 m. After leaving the ramp at B, the skateboarder lands on the ground at C, 0.62 m away. 

Calculate the magnitude and direction of the horizontal resultant velocity immediately before impact at C. Take the downwards direction as positive. 

In this question, assume that air resistance is negligible.

2b5 marks

The skateboarder now leaves a different ramp inclined at 30º and 1.5 m high and lands on another ramp 55 m away which has a height of 1 m, as shown in Figure 2. 

Figure 2


Calculate the speed which the skateboard needs in order to reach the other ramp.

2c5 marks

An archer of height 1.8 m shoots an arrow from a bow. 

Each arrow has a mass of 70 g and the bow string is displaced by a maximum of 0.65 m before the arrow is released. The archer exerts a maximum force of 550 N and the arrow is aimed at an angle of 60º to the horizontal. 

Calculate the total time that the arrow is in flight if it lands on the ground. 

Assume there is no friction between the arrow and bow during release.

2d6 marks

The archer, inspired by the Hunger Games, decides to practice hitting a moving target with their arrow. They see a tree 10 m away with a loosely hung apple at a height of 5.8 m from the ground. Once the arrow leaves the archer’s bow at a velocity of 70 m s–1, their friend shakes the tree branches and the target apple immediately falls vertically downwards in freefall, as shown in Figure 2. 

Figure 2


The archer is debating whether they should aim above the apple (path A), at the apple (path B) or directly below the apple (path C) to hit it. 

Show, with a calculation, that the archer should aim directly at the apple with path B.

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3a4 marks

A stone thrown from the top of a building is given an initial velocity of 18.0 m s–1 straight upwards. The building is 60.3 m high and the stone just misses the roof on its way down. 

Calculate the time taken for the stone to 

reach maximum height.
return to the top of the building. 
reach the bottom of the building.        

For this question, take the upwards direction as positive and time t = 0 s is when the stone is first thrown upwards. Assume that air resistance is negligible throughout.

3b3 marks

Calculate the velocity of the stone at the instant it: 

Reaches maximum height
Returns to the top of the building.
Just reaches the bottom of the building.  

For this question, take the upwards direction as positive and time t = 0 s is when the stone is first thrown upwards.      

3c3 marks

Draw a velocity time graph of the motion of the stone, clearly marking the points calculated from part (a) and (b).

3d3 marks

When the stone hits the bottom of the building, it bounces upwards again at a velocity of 28 m s–1. It then continues to bounce, losing a quarter of its kinetic energy each time.

Figure 1


Sketch the motion of the stone on the graph in Figure 1 for two bounces. Clearly label any values on the velocity axis.     

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4a4 marks

A bus driver drives with a constant acceleration of 6.0 m s–2. After 3.0 seconds, they slow down to stop at a set of traffic lights at 5.0 m s–2. 

Given that the bus initially travelled at 4.0 m s–1 and that the bus fully stops at the traffic lights, calculate the distance between the traffic lights and the point where the bus began to accelerate. 

In this question, assume that air resistance is negligible.

4b4 marks

Figure 1


Draw the velocity­–time graph for the motion of the bus on Figure 1.

4c4 marks

Figure 2


Sketch the displacement–time and acceleration­–time graphs in Figure 2 for the bus. Label the axes appropriately and the graphs do not have to be to scale.

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5a3 marks

A hot–air balloonist drops an apple over the side at a height of 100 m whilst it is travelling upwards. The speed of the balloon is 3.5 m s–1 at the moment the apple is released. 


   (i)    the time taken for the apple to fall to the ground. 

   (ii)    the impact velocity of the apple on the ground. 

Take the upwards direction as positive and assume that air resistance is negligible.

5b3 marks

Now assume that air resistance is non–negligible. The apple reaches a velocity of 25 m s–1 after 3.9 s where it then has zero resultant force for the final 40 m. 

Sketch a velocity­–time graph of the motion of the apple. Label any relevant times and velocities of the apple.

5c4 marks

The apple is still dropped from 100 m, and air resistance is still taken into consideration. 

Explain the motion of the apple up to and including when it has zero resultant force.

5d3 marks

The hot–air balloonist now has two apples, Apple A and Apple B. Apple A is much lighter than apple B and they are both released from a stationary hot–air balloon at the same distance above the ground. 

Explain which apple should be thrown from the hot–air balloon second, in order for them both to reach the ground at the same time.

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