Interference (AQA AS Physics)

Exam Questions

3 hours44 questions
1a2 marks

A monochromatic light source is incident upon a single slit, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1


Bright and dark fringes are produced on the screen. 

State what is meant by a monochromatic source and why it is needed to view the fringes on the screen.

1b2 marks

After the light passes through the single slit, the double slits then act as coherent sources. 

Explain what is meant by the term coherent sources.

1c1 mark

Explain how the use of the single slit in Figure 1 means the light is then coherent when it passes through the double slits.

1d2 marks

Explain what the bright and dark fringes represent on the screen.

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2a2 marks

Explain what is meant by constructive and destructive interference.

2b1 mark

Due to there being a finite distance between double slits in Young’s experiment, the waves from each slit will have a path difference affecting what is seen on the interference pattern. 

Explain what is meant by path difference.

2c4 marks

Table 1 shows the path differences between two waves of wavelength λ from a double slit. 

               Table 1

Path Difference

Type of Interference (Constructive or Destructive)



 begin mathsize 16px style 3 over 2 end styleλ


begin mathsize 16px style 7 over 2 end style λ




Fill in the second column in Table 1 to describe whether the two waves will constructively or destructively interfere for each path difference.

2d3 marks

A single coherent, monochromatic light source is incident upon double slits. This produces Young’s fringes on the screen. 

The pattern on the screen may be represented as a graph of intensity against position on the screen, as shown in Figure 1.


Sketch the interference pattern seen on the screen on Figure 1.

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3a3 marks

State two precautions when using a laser and explain why these precautions are necessary.

3b1 mark

Red laser light is incident upon two slits S subscript 1 and S subscript 2 as shown in Figure 1. The waves then interfere at the screen, producing red and black fringes.

Figure 1


Sketch on Figure 1 the path difference between the waves from slit S subscript 1 and S subscript 2. Label this as P.

3c2 marks

The path of the wave from S subscript 1 is 3λ and that from S subscript 2 is 5λ. 

Calculate the path difference and determine whether a red or black fringe will appear on the screen at the point where the two waves interfere.

3d2 marks

The distance between slits S subscript 1 and S subscript 2 is 6 mm and the distance to the screen is 1.5 m as shown in Figure 2. The red laser is replaced with a difference source.


Calculate the distance between successive bright fringes on the screen when a laser source with wavelength of 450 nm is incident upon the double slits.

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4a2 marks

In the 1800s, Thomas Young devised the famous double slit experiment. He illuminated two closely spaced narrow slits with light from a single light source and witnessed bright and dark fringes appear across the screen. 

State and explain what this suggests about the nature of light. 

4b3 marks

A light source, L has a frequency of 5 × 1014 Hz. 

Determine whether another light source with a time period of 0.002 ps and a constant phase difference with L is coherent. Explain your answer.

4c3 marks

Jenna is setting up a double–slit experiment and wants to determine the fringe spacing for a specific configuration. There needs to be at least 10 fringes on the screen for this to be measured accurately. 

However, with her current configuration, the fringes are too far apart on the screen so less than 10 are visible. 

State how Jenna could change the following variables in the experimental set up so that the fringes appear closer together on the screen. 

            (i)         wavelength of light           

      (ii)        slit width 

      (iii)       distance between the slits and the screen 

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5a2 marks

Figure 1 represents the experimental arrangement used to produce interference fringes in Young’s double slit experiment.

Figure 1


The light source is a generic light bulb. 

 Explain why the single slit is needed to see the interference pattern on the screen from this light source.

5b1 mark

The light source is switched to a light bulb producing white light. 

State what is seen at the zero order fringe on the screen.

5c2 marks

On the screen, the other orders show a range of colours in a spectrum which are listed in Table 1. 

 Arrange the colours in Table 1 in order of that closest to the centre of the interference pattern to the furthest away from the centre for one of these spectrums. 

Table 1








5d2 marks

The light source and single slit are replaced with a microwave source instead. 

Figure 2 below shows the paths of microwaves from two narrow slits, acting as coherent sources through a vacuum to a detector.

Figure 2


Sketch the wave travelling from the first slit if a maximum is detected by the detector at its current position. 

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1a3 marks

Figure 1 shows schematically an arrangement for producing interference fringes using a double slit.


There are two slits at points A and B and a bright fringe (maximum intensity) is observed at the point labelled P.

Explain how the path difference determines that the light intensity at point P is a maximum.

1b3 marks

The light source has a wavelength of 45 mm. 

The distance from A to P = 1.13 m and from B to P is 1.40 m. 

Show that the light intensity at point P is a maximum.

1c2 marks

The light source used in Figure 1 is monochromatic but not coherent. 

Explain the purpose of the single slit to observe clear interference fringes.

1d2 marks

In another double slit experiment, the separation of the slits is 6.3 × 10–4 m. The distance from the slits to the screen is 0.45 m. 

Calculate the distance between the centres of two adjacent bright fringes when light of wavelength 780 nm is used.

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2a2 marks

A narrow beam of monochromatic blue light is directed at a double slit arrangement with slits S and T shown in Figure 1. Parallel blue and dark fringes are seen on the screen.

Figure 1


Explain briefly the role of diffraction in producing blue and dark fringes on the screen. 

You may draw a sketch to support your explanation if you wish.

2b4 marks

Explain the formation of the fringes seen on the screen.

2c3 marks

The blue light has a wavelength of 460 nm. 

The distance from S to X is 0.16 µm and from T to X is 0.85 µm. 

Determine whether point X in Figure 1 is a blue fringe or a dark fringe.

2d3 marks

Describe how the appearance of the fringes would differ if red light had been used instead of blue light. Explain why this occurs.

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3a3 marks

Figure 1 shows the maxima of a two slit interference pattern produced on a screen when a laser was used as a monochromatic light source.

Figure 1


The wavelength of the monochromatic light = 640 nm

The distance from the slits to the screen = 7.5 m

 Use Figure 1 to calculate the slit spacing of the two slits that produced the pattern. Give your answer in mm.

3b2 marks

Calculate the angle between the middle of the central fringe and the middle of the third bright fringe.

3c3 marks

The monochromatic light source is a red laser.

Describe and explain the change in the pattern seen on the screen when the red laser is replaced by a green laser. Assume the brightness of the central maximum is the same for both lasers.

3d2 marks

Explain why less fringes would be seen if each of the slits was made wider, assuming that no other changes are made.

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4a2 marks

Figure 1 shows a diagram of apparatus used to demonstrate the formation of interference fringes using a white light source in a darkened room. Light from the source passes through a single slit and then through two narrow slits S1 and S2 with separation s.


Describe the interference pattern that is seen on the white screen. 

4b4 marks

A filter transmits only blue light of wavelength lambda and yellow light of wavelength 1.3 lambda. This filter is placed between the light source and the single slit. 

Describe the interference pattern now seen on the white screen. 

Use a calculation to support your answer.

4c2 marks

A physicist carries out the Young double-slit experiment using the arrangement in Figure 1 using a laser that emits orange light of wavelength 610 nm. The separation of the slits, s, is 47 µm. 

Using a metre rule, the physicist measures the separation of two adjacent bright fringes in the central region of the pattern to be 7 mm. 

Calculate the distance D.

4d3 marks

The physicist uses the same arrangement of apparatus to measure the wavelength of visible electromagnetic radiation emitted by another laser.

Describe what variables they could change in the apparatus in order to obtain an accurate value for the wavelength.

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5a2 marks

A laboratory ultrasound transmitter emits ultrasonic waves of wavelength 0.8 cm through two slits as shown in Figure 1. A receiver, moving along line AB, parallel to the line of the slits, detects regular rises and falls in the strength of the signal. 

A student measures a distance of 0.42 m between the first and the fourth maxima in the signal when the receiver is 1.5 m from the slits.

Figure 1


The ultrasound transmitter is a coherent source. 

Explain what is meant by the term coherent source.

5b3 marks

Explain why the receiver detects regular rises and falls in the strength of the signals as it moves along the line AB.

5c3 marks

Calculate the distance between the two slits.

5d3 marks

One of the slits is now covered. No other changes are made to the experiment. 

State and explain the difference between the observations made by the receiver as it is moved along AB before and after this change.

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1a3 marks

A student designs an experiment to replicate Young’s double slit demonstration. 

The student opts to use a candle as a light source, with a piece of coloured filter paper to produce monochromatic light. They then consider additional apparatus required in order to observe an interference pattern. 

Sketch a diagram, labelling all apparatus as well as any important quantities, to show the setup the student should use to produce and observe a diffraction pattern.

1b4 marks

The student labels the two slits on the double-slit grating slit X and slit Y. 

The student then paints over slit X, such that the intensity of light emerging from it is 50% of that emerging from slit Y. 

Discuss the effects, if any, this tweak will have on the student’s observations.

1c4 marks

The student finishes setting up their apparatus and makes a quick note of two separate measurements in a lab book. 

Figure 1a


These are shown in Figure 1a. They then plot a graph of the intensity of light against the distance from the centre of the screen, represented by the origin. This is shown in Figure 1b.

Figure 1b


Using the information in Figure 1a and Figure 1b, determine which colour of filter paper the student most likely chose for this experiment.


1d3 marks

Determine the phase difference between the waves meeting at the point that is 2.8 mm from the centre of the screen. 

Show how you arrive at your answer.

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2a4 marks

Two coherent sources, A and B, which are in phase with each other, emit microwaves of wavelength 40.0 mm. The amplitude of waves from source B is twice that of source A. 

A detector is placed at the point P where it is 0.93 m from A and 1.19 m from B, as shown in Figure 1. The centre axis is normal and a bisector to the straight line joining A and B.

Figure 1


With reference to the phase of the microwaves, deduce the magnitude of the detected signal at P and explain your reasoning.

2b3 marks

Wave intensity I is proportional to the square of the amplitude A. This can be written as: 

                     I A2

Use this result to determine the ratio of the intensity at P to the intensity at O.

2c5 marks

Deduce, with suitable calculations, how the detected signal varies as the detector is moved from to O

2d2 marks

The source B is altered such that it emits waves that are 180º out of phase with source A. 

Deduce the type of interference that now occurs at point P and explain your reasoning.

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3a3 marks

Figure 1 shows two loudspeakers S subscript 1 and S subscript 2 which are placed in an open field on a still day.

Figure 1


M is a microphone placed in the same horizontal plane as the loudspeakers. S subscript 1 and S subscript 2 are separated by 3.22 m and S subscript 2 is 10 m away from M. 

The lines S subscript 1 S subscript 2  and S subscript 2 M are perpendicular to each other. 

Discuss the conditions for wave coherence and suggest how it can be achieved by the setup shown in Figure 1.

3b5 marks

When the loudspeakers are switched on, the sound of frequency f = 1650 Hz is emitted in phase. 

Given that the speed of sound in air is 330 m s–1, calculate the number of wavelengths represented by the path difference between the two waves and state whether the sound detected at M has a minimum or maximum amplitude. 

You may treat the loudspeakers and the microphone as point objects. At the minimum amplitude, the microphone would detect a silent spot.

3c4 marks

The frequency of the signal is slowly varied to a value f subscript X. 

During this change, the microphone M detected two whole cycles of change in amplitude. 

Use ratios to calculate the two possible values of f subscript X.

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4a4 marks

A soap bubble is known as a ‘thin film’. There is a thin layer of water trapped between soap molecules on either side, as shown in Figure 1a. 

Light that hits the bubble behaves in very predictable ways, resulting in visually interesting and colourful effects.

Figure 1a


Blue light of wavelength 400 nm is incident at an angle θ on a bubble where it splits into a ray that is reflected (ray α) and a ray which refracts into the bubble (ray β). Ray β reflects from the other side of the film, and then leaves the bubble again. 

A simplified diagram of this situation is shown in Figure 1b, with labelled points A, B, C and D.

Figure 1b


Upon reflection, ray α undergoes a phase shift of π radians. Ray β does not undergo any phase shift upon reflection. 

Write an expression for the path difference between ray α and ray β in terms of points ABC and D.

Justify your answer.

4b4 marks

For a given angle of incidence θ, discuss what will be observed above the surface of the bubble for different colours of light.

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