Energy Levels & Photon Emission (AQA AS Physics)

Exam Questions

3 hours44 questions
11 mark

Which of the following classes of electromagnetic waves will not ionise neutral atoms?

  • Infrared

  • X–rays

  • Ultraviolet

  • Gamma rays

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21 mark

Which of the statements is the correct definition of excitation of an electron?

  • When an electron is removed from or added to an atom

  • When an electron moves down an energy level emitting a photon

  • When an electron is given enough energy to move up an energy level, but not enough to leave the atom

  • When an electron is given enough energy to move up an energy level, and sometimes leave the atom

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31 mark

A photon with energy 4.8 × 10–19 J is incident upon a metal plate.

What is the wavelength of the photon? 

  • 350 nm

  • 4.10 µm

  • 410 nm

  • 2.10 µm

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41 mark

Which of the following experiments suggested that light can act as a particle?

  • Electron diffraction by a crystalline material

  • The photoelectric effect

  • α–decay

  • Young’s Double Slit experiment

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51 mark

The diagram below is an example of an electron diffraction pattern.


Which row correctly states how the momentum and therefore wavelength of the incident electrons should change to produce a pattern with a smaller radius?
















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    61 mark

    The diagram below shoes a simplified diagram of a fluorescent tube.


    What is the purpose of the phosphor coating?

    • This is where the electrons are ionised

    • Electrons in the phosphor coating de–excite to release visible light photons 

    • Electrons in the phosphor coating de–excite to release UV light photons

    • Without the phosphor coating, the electrons in the mercury atoms would not be excited 

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    71 mark

    A particle has a de Broglie wavelength of 1.2 nm.

    What is the momentum of this particle?

    • 5.5 × 10–31 kg m s–1

    • 5.5 × 10–22 kg m s–1

    • 5.5 × 10–28 kg m s–1

    • 5.5 × 10–25 kg m s–1

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    81 mark

    The diagram below shows the energy levels of a mercury atom.


    What transition produces a photon with the longest wavelength?


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      91 mark

      The diagram shows an energy–level diagram for a hydrogen atom.


      How many discrete photon energies could be produced from these energy levels?

      • 3

      • 5

      • 6

      • 9

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      101 mark

      The diagram shows some energy levels of an atom.


      The transition E subscript 4 to E subscript 1 corresponds to the emission of infrared radiation.

      A transition corresponding to the emission of X–rays would be

      • E subscript 3 to E subscript 1

      • E subscript 3 to E subscript 2

      • E to  E0

      • Eto E2

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      11 mark

      A particle of mass m has a de Broglie wavelength λ.

      What is the kinetic energy of this particle?

      • fraction numerator h over denominator 2 m lambda end fraction

      • fraction numerator h over denominator 2 m p end fraction

      • fraction numerator h squared over denominator 2 m lambda squared end fraction

      • fraction numerator v squared over denominator 2 lambda end fraction

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      21 mark

      A proton moving with speed v has a de Broglie wavelength λ.

      What is the de Broglie wavelength of an alpha particle moving at the speed 2v?

      • lambda over 8

      • lambda over 4

      • 2 lambda

      • 8 lambda

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      31 mark

      The diagram gives some of the energy levels of a hydrogen atom.


      What is the wavelength of the photon released from the transition?

      • 4.9 × 10–7 m

      • 4.9 × 10–9 m

      • 7.8 × 10–26 m

      • 2.9 × 10–7 m

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      41 mark

      The following is an energy level diagram for an atom. Electron transitions give rise to emission of spectrum wavelengths λ1, λ2, λ3, λ4, λ5.


      With reference to the diagram, which of the following statements is correct?

      • E subscript 3 greater than space E subscript 2 greater than E subscript 5 greater than E subscript 1 greater than E subscript 4

      • f subscript 4 greater than space f subscript 5 greater than f subscript 1 greater than f subscript 2 greater than f subscript 3

      • lambda subscript 3 greater than space lambda subscript 2 greater than lambda subscript 1 greater than lambda subscript 5 greater than lambda subscript 4

      • lambda subscript 4 greater than space lambda subscript 5 greater than lambda subscript 1 greater than lambda subscript 2 greater than lambda subscript 3

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      51 mark

      The values of the lowest three energy levels in a particular atom are shown in the table.

      The diagram shows these levels together with the ground state of the atom.









      q15_energy-levels-_-photon-emission_aqa-as-physics-mcqWhat is the frequency of the radiation emitted when an electron moves from level 3 to level 2?

      • 5.7 × 1014 Hz

      • 1.6 × 1014 Hz

      • 6.2 × 1014 Hz

      • 8.3 × 1014 Hz

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      61 mark

      Neutrons moving in a beam have the same de Broglie wavelength as electrons in a separate beam moving at a speed of 51 km s–1.

      What is the speed of the neutrons?

      • 28 km s–1

      • 51 km s–1

      • 28 m s–1

      • 51 m s–1

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      71 mark

      The diagram shows an energy–level diagram for a hydrogen atom.


      Which transition produces a photon of wavelength 103 nm?

      • E4 to E2

      •  E2 to E0 

      • E2 to E1

      • E3 to E1

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      81 mark

      An atom absorbs a photon of UV radiation. This causes excitation of the atom from its ground state. Another photon of visible radiation is then absorbed. Eventually, a photon of gamma radiation is emitted.

      Which energy level diagram represents this process?


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        91 mark

        A particle of mass m has a kinetic energy of K.

        What is the de Broglie wavelength of this particle?

        • fraction numerator h over denominator square root of 2 K m end root end fraction

        • fraction numerator h over denominator 2 K m end fraction

        • h over left parenthesis 2 K m right parenthesis squared

        • fraction numerator h over denominator square root of begin display style fraction numerator 2 K over denominator m squared end fraction end style end root end fraction

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        101 mark

        Which of the following statements about muons is incorrect?

        • A muon with the same kinetic energy as an electron would diffract less  

        • If a muon and an electron each have the same de Broglie wavelength then they each have the same momentum

        • A muon with the same kinetic energy as an electron would diffract more  

        • A muon with the same momentum as an electron has a smaller kinetic energy than the electron

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        11 mark

        What is the de Broglie wavelength of an alpha particle with kinetic energy 4.8 MeV?

        • 1.5 × 10–9 m

        • 2.6 × 10–21 m

        • 3.0 × 10–15 m

        • 6.5 × 10–15 m

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        21 mark

        A beam of electrons R is accelerated from rest by a potential difference of 200 V and another beam of electrons S is accelerated from rest by a potential difference of 1800 V.

        When they behave like waves, what is the ratio of their respective wavelengths lambda subscript S colon space lambda subscript R?

        • 9 : 1

        • 1 : 9

        • 3 : 1

        • 1 : 3

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        31 mark

        The energy level diagram below shoes six possible transitions between the energy levels of an atom. Each transition between levels creates a photon of definite energy and frequency.


        If the increase in frequency is from left to right, which of the following spectrum corresponds most closely to the transitions?


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          41 mark

          Transitions between three energy levels in a particular atom give rise to the three spectral lines of frequencies, in decreasing magnitude f subscript 1 comma space space f subscript 2 spaceand f subscript 3 with wavelengths λ1 , λ2 and λ3 .

          Which of the following correctly related f subscript 1 comma space space f subscript 2 and f subscript 3 and λ1 , λ2 and λ3




          A f subscript 3 space end subscript equals space f subscript 1 space plus space f subscript 2 1 over lambda subscript 1 space equals space 1 over lambda subscript 2 space plus space 1 over lambda subscript 3
          B f subscript 3 space end subscript equals space f subscript 1 space minus space f subscript 2 1 over lambda subscript 1 space equals space 1 over lambda subscript 2 space plus space 1 over lambda subscript 3
          C f subscript 1 space end subscript equals space f subscript 2 space plus space f subscript 3 lambda subscript 1 space end subscript equals space lambda subscript 2 space plus space lambda subscript 3
          D 1 over f subscript 1 space equals space 1 over f subscript 2 space plus space 1 over f subscript 3 1 over lambda subscript 3 space equals space 1 over lambda subscript 1 space minus space 1 over lambda subscript 2

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            51 mark

            A particular emission is indicated by the arrow on the line spectrum below.


            The frequency increases from left to right. The associated energy level transitions for the these emission lines are shown below.


            Which transition is the line in the emission spectrum indicating?

            • E subscript 3 space rightwards arrow space E subscript 0

            • E subscript 2 space rightwards arrow space E subscript 1

            • E subscript 2 space rightwards arrow space E subscript 0

            • E subscript 4 space rightwards arrow space E subscript 1

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            61 mark

            The diagram shows the energy levels for a mercury atom.


            A photon is emitted with a wavelength of 125 nm when an electron de–excites from energy level E2 to the ground state.

            What is the energy of E2?

            • –0.59 × 10–18 J

            • –3.77 × 10–18 J

            • –2.18 × 10–18 J

            • –5.9 × 10–18 J

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            71 mark

            The diagram shows some of the energy levels for a hydrogen atom.


            A free electron of kinetic energy 12.5 eV collides with a hydrogen atom in its ground state. The hydrogen atom is excited from its ground state to the first excited state. The kinetic energy of the free electron after the collision is

            • 2.29 eV

            • 22.9 eV

            • 60.0 eV

            • 3.38 eV

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            81 mark

            An alpha particle has a de Broglie wavelength of 62 fm.

            What is the kinetic energy of the alpha particle?

            • 53 eV

            • 53 keV

            • 53 MeV

            • 53 TeV

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            91 mark

            The ionisation energy of hydrogen is 13.6eV

            What is the de Broglie wavelength of the slowest electron that can ionise a hydrogen atom when it collides with it?

            • 0.16 nm

            • 0.33 nm

            • 0.59 nm

            • 0.78 nm

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            101 mark

            Which of the following graphs correctly shows how the kinetic energy Ek of a particle with constant mass and the energy E of a photon of light varies with their wavelength λ?


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