Different particles can be classified into hadrons, leptons, mesons and baryons.

Which row shows the correct classification of particles?
| Hadrons | Baryons | Leptons | Mesons |
A | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | 2 | 4 | 1 | 3 |
C | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
D | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 |
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Classification of Particles
Different particles can be classified into hadrons, leptons, mesons and baryons.
Which row shows the correct classification of particles?
| Hadrons | Baryons | Leptons | Mesons |
A | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | 2 | 4 | 1 | 3 |
C | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
D | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 |
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Which of the following is the correct quark composition of a proton?
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Which of the following particles has a baryon number of zero?
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Which one of these decays is never seen experimentally?
muons into electrons
neutrons into protons
kaons into pions
electrons into electron neutrinos
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Which of the following are the charge, strangeness and baryon numbers of an anti-strange quark?
| Baryon number, B | Strangeness, S | Charge, Q |
A | | –1 | |
B | –1 | +1 | |
C | +1 | ||
D | +1 | –1 |
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Beta-minus decay can be represented in terms of fundamental particles
What type of particle is particle X?
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In which of these interactions is strangeness not conserved?
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What is a meson?
a type of lepton
a particle composed of three quarks
the antiparticle of the electron
a particle composed of a quark and an antiquark
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Which of the following is a hadron of zero charge?
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What are the numbers of hadrons, baryons and mesons in an atom of ?
| hadrons | baryons | mesons |
A | 19 | 9 | 9 |
B | 19 | 10 | 10 |
C | 19 | 19 | 0 |
D | 28 | 19 | 0 |
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In a nucleus of Tritium,, how many ‘up’ quarks are there?
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Which of the following statements is not correct?
every baryon consists of three quarks or three antiquarks
the strangeness of a strange quark is +1
leptons do not interact with the strong force
the most stable baryon is the proton
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The K+ meson has a strangeness of +1.
What is the quark structure for a K+ meson?
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Which of the following statements is true?
pions decay into kaons
electrons decay into muons
hadrons do not interact with the strong force
strange particles decay through the weak interaction
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A protactinium nucleus decays into a nucleus of Th–230, a beta-plus particle and particle X.
What is a property of particle X?
it is an antiparticle
it has a lepton number of +1
it experiences the strong interaction
it is positively charged
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Which row in the table gives the correct quark combination for the particle?
| particle | category | quark combination |
A | proton | baryon | |
B | positive pion | meson | |
C | neutron | meson | |
D | negative pion | meson |
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A possible decay of the K+ is shown in the following equation
What could particle X be?
negative pion
neutral pion
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Some particles are made up of a combination of three quarks.
Which particle would not have a charge of either +1.6 × 10–19 C or zero?
down, down, down
up, up, down
up, strange, strange
up, down, down
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The composition of four different hadrons are shown in the diagram below.
One of the hadrons is a Σ0 particle. It has a charge of 0, and a strangeness of –1.
Which of the following hadrons, A to D, could the Σ0 particle be?
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Which of the following rows, A to D, correctly describes the properties of strange particles and strangeness?
| Created in particle-anti-particle pairs | In strong interactions | In weak interactions |
A | Never | Conserved | Not conserved |
B | Always | Not conserved | Can change by +1, 0, -1 |
C | Never | Not conserved | Can change by +1, 0, -1 |
D | Always | Conserved | Not conserved |
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The decay of a neutral kaon is given by the equation
What must particles X and Y be?
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A pion can decay to produce two leptons.
Which of the following reactions is possible?
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In an arrangement known as a ‘baryon decuplet’, baryons are organised along horizontal and diagonal axes, as shown in the diagram below.
What quantities are depicted on the horizontal and diagonal axes?
| Horizontal | Diagonal |
A | Charge, Q | Strangeness, S |
B | Baryon number, B | Charge, Q |
C | Strangeness, S | Charge, Q |
D | Charge, Q | Baryon number, B |
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The baryon, composed of the quark combination
, is produced through the strong interaction between a
meson and a neutron.
What is the quark composition of particle X?
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Particles can be organised in a plot known as the ‘eightfold way’, as shown in the diagram below. Plotting the particles in this way helps scientists to identify symmetries between different particles.
Six baryons and their quark compositions are shown at the vertices of a hexagon. The centre of the hexagon represents two baryons with the same quark composition.
Vertices are linked by horizontal axes representing strangeness, S, and diagonal axes representing charge, q. Some of the quark compositions are missing from the diagram.
What are the quark compositions of Σ+, Σ–, Ξ0 and Ξ–?
| Σ+ | Σ– | Ξ0 | Ξ– |
A | | | | |
B | | | | |
C | | | | |
D | | | | |
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In a reaction, four meson particles were made. Two of them were electrically neutral; while of the other two, one had a positive charge and the other had a strangeness of +1.
Three of the quark combinations were as follows: ,
Which of the following could not be the combination of the last particle?
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The K– is an example of a meson with strangeness –1.
Which of the following decays of the K– particle is most likely?
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A collision between two baryons occurs creating two mesons, this is shown below:
What are the particles involved in this reaction?
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
A | neutron | antineutron | | |
B | proton | antiproton | | |
C | neutron | antineutron | | |
D | proton | antiproton | | |
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Which row in the table, A to D, includes a valid particle for every column?
| Stable | Interacts via weak force | Interacts via electromagnetic force | Interacts via strong force |
A | antiproton | muon | proton | neutrino |
B | proton | electron | muon | neutron |
C | electron | proton | neutron | proton |
D | kaon | neutron | electron | pion |
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A collision between particles creates 4 mesons. Two of the mesons are determined to have the quark combinations and
The overall charge and strangeness of the 4 mesons is zero.
What are possible quark combinations of the other two mesons?
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