Nitriles & Hydroxynitriles (Cambridge (CIE) AS Chemistry): Exam Questions

1 hour21 questions
1a2 marks

When 1-chloropropane is heated under reflux with ethanolic potassium cyanide, KCN, the following reaction occurs.


i) Draw the displayed formula of the organic product formed in this reaction.


ii) State the IUPAC name of this organic product.


1b1 mark

Suggest why this reaction is useful to chemists during the synthesis of other organic compounds.

1c3 marks

The CH3CH2CH2CN can undergo hydrolysis.

i) Write the equation for the acid hydrolysis of CH3CH2CH2CN.


ii) Draw the displayed formula of the intermediate formed when CH3CH2CH2CN is hydrolysed by sodium hydroxide.


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2a1 mark

This question is about hydroxynitriles.

The hydroxynitrile shown in Fig. 2.1 can be prepared from the reaction between propanal and hydrogen cyanide.


Fig. 2.1

Give the IUPAC name of this hydroxynitrile.

2b4 marks

Using 'curly arrows', complete the reaction mechanism shown in Fig. 2.2 for the reaction between propanal and the cyanide ion, CN.

Include any lone pairs of electrons and partial or whole charges.


Fig. 2.2

2c1 mark

Name the type of reaction mechanism shown in Fig. 2.2.

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1a2 marks

Propanal undergoes nucleophilic addition with a mixture of HCN and NaCN to make 2-hydroxybutanenitrile, CH3CH2CH(OH)CN.

The mechanism for this reaction occurs in two main steps. The first step involves a nucleophile attacking the carbonyl carbon of propanal.

 Explain which species acts as the nucleophile during this reaction. 

1b3 marks

The second step in the mechanism involves an intermediate species, CH3CH2C(O)HCN, reacting with HCN to form 2-hydroxybutanenitrile.

 Draw the mechanism for this step.

  • Identify the intermediate species that reacts with HCN.

  • Include all charges, partial charges, lone pairs and curly arrows. 

1c2 marks

The structure of the 2-hydroxybutanenitrile product is shown in Fig. 1.1.



Fig. 1.1

 Predict the values for the bond angles a and b shown in the diagram.

1d4 marks

The product 2-hydroxybutanenitrile exists as a pair of stereoisomers.

 i) Name the type of stereoisomerism shown by 2-hydroxybutanenitrile.



 ii) Draw three-dimensional diagrams of this pair of stereoisomers. Indicate with an asterisk (*) the chiral centre on one of the structures drawn. 


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2a4 marks

Two students try to prepare butanoic acid from a halogenoalkane in the laboratory.

Both students perform a nucleophilic substitution reaction to form P in reaction 1 of Fig. 2.1.

They both form butanoic acid from P but student A uses a single reaction, while student B uses two reactions.


Fig. 2.1

i) State the reagents and conditions required for reaction 1. 


 ii) Student A uses 1-bromopropane to form P

Student B uses a different halogenoalkane which forms P at a slower rate. 

Suggest the identity of the halogenoalkane that student B uses. Explain your answer. 


2b2 marks

Student A converts into butanoic acid in a single step, reaction 2.

 i) Name the type of reaction occurring in reaction 2. 


 ii) State an appropriate reagent for reaction 2 and name the other product of the reaction. 


2c1 mark

Student B converts P into Q using dilute sodium hydroxide in reaction 3. This is followed by acidification of the product in reaction 4 to form butanoic acid.

Draw the structural formula of Q.

2d2 marks

Explain why it is likely that student A will have a higher overall yield of butanoic acid from their halogenoalkane than student B.

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3a6 marks

Halogenoalkanes are often used as intermediates in organic reactions.

Three reactions of bromoethane, CH3CH2Br, are shown in Fig. 3.1.


Fig. 3.1

For each reaction, state the reagent and solvent used.

 reaction 1

reagent ............................................................

solvent ............................................................

reaction 2

reagent ............................................................

solvent ............................................................

reaction 3

reagent ............................................................

solvent ............................................................

3b4 marks

Reactions 1 and 3 require specific reaction conditions to occur as shown in Fig. 3.1.


For each reaction, give another solvent and the alternative product that will be formed.

reaction 1

alternative solvent ............................................................

alternative product ............................................................

reaction 3

alternative solvent ............................................................

alternative product ............................................................

3c2 marks

The product of reaction 2 can be converted into CH3CN.

 i) Name the compound CH3CN. 


 ii) Name the type of reaction used to form CH3CN. 


3d5 marks

The product of reaction 3 can be used to produce propanoic acid by two different hydrolysis reactions.

Compare the two types of hydrolysis reaction in the production of propanoic acid from the product of reaction 3.

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1a2 marks

2-hydroxy-2-phenylpropanenitrile is shown in Fig. 1.1.


Fig. 1.1

Deduce the number of sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds in 2-hydroxy-2-phenylpropanenitrile.

 sigma ..............................

 pi ..............................

1b3 marks

A molecule of 2-hydroxy-2-phenylpropanenitrile contains sp, sp2 and sp3 hybridised carbon atoms.

State the number of sp, sp2 and sp3 hybridised carbon atoms in a molecule of 2-hydroxy-2-phenylpropanenitrile.

1c4 marks

2-hydroxy-2-phenylpropanenitrile can be produced from compound X, a secondary alcohol, in a two-step synthesis.

compound X

rightwards arrow with step space 1 on top

compound Y

rightwards arrow with step space 2 on top


State the reagents and conditions required for step 1 and step 2.

reagents for step 1 ...................................................................... conditions for step 1 ...................................................................... reagents for step 2 ...................................................................... conditions for step 2 ......................................................................

1d7 marks

i) Draw the mechanism for the second step in the synthesis of 2-hydroxy-2-phenylpropanenitrile.

You should clearly show the structure of compound Y and any intermediate formed and include all relevant charges, partial charges, curly arrows and lone pairs.


ii) Draw the structure of compound X.


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2a1 mark

2,2-dimethylpentanenitrile is useful in the synthesis of a variety of medicines and pharmaceuticals. 

Draw the skeletal formula of 2,2-dimethylpentanenitrile.

2b2 marks

2,2-dimethylpentanenitrile undergoes hydrolysis when heated with dilute hydrochloric acid.

Write an equation for the hydrolysis of 2,2-dimethylpentanenitrile.

2c3 marks

2,2-dimethylpentanoic acid can also be produced by the hydrolysis of 2,2-dimethylpentanenitrile using sodium hydroxide but this occurs in two steps.

i) Draw the fully displayed formula of the intermediate organic product.


ii) State the other product formed with this intermediate organic product.


iii) State the type of reaction that is required to produce 2,2-dimethylpentanoic acid from this intermediate organic product.


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