Which of the following is the displayed formula for ethylamine?
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Primary Amines
Which of the following is the displayed formula for ethylamine?
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What type of reaction makes ethylamine from bromoethane?
Nucleophilic substitution
Electrophilic substitution
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When 1-bromoethane reacts with an equal amount of X. What would X be and what is the product of this reaction?
| X | Product |
A | Ammonia | Amine |
B | Methylamine | Amide |
C | Water | Weak acid |
D | Methanol | Ethyl methanoate |
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Methyl iodide can be heated with ammonia. Which of the options describes the products of this reaction?
All of the above
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1-chloropropane can be used to make propylamine.
Which row shows the correct reagents and type of reaction?
| Reagents | Type of reaction |
A | Aqueous ammonia | Electrophilic addition |
B | Aqueous ammonia | Nucleophilic substitution |
C | Ethanolic ammonia | Nucleophilic substitution |
D | Ethanolic ammonia | Electrophilic addition |
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CH3CH2Cl reacts with an excess of ethanolic NH3.
Which compound is the main organic product?
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What is the correct set of reagents and conditions for the two reactions shown?
| (CH3)2CO | CH3CHClCH3 |
A | Sn / conc. H2SO4 | Dilute ethanolic NH3 |
B | Sn / conc. HCl | Excess ethanolic NH3 |
C | NH3 | Nitric acid / 50 °C |
D | KCN, H2SO4 | Excess ethanolic NH3 |
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Which amine could not be produced by the reduction of a nitrile?
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What is the systematic name of the amine shown?
Dimethyldiethyl ammonium chloride
Diethylmethyl ammonium chloride
Diethyldimethyl ammonium chloride
Methylethyl ammonium chloride
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