The Reactions of Chlorine (Cambridge (CIE) AS Chemistry): Exam Questions

46 mins15 questions
1a2 marks

Explain why fluorine has a lower boiling point than chlorine.

1b1 mark

Chlorine can be reacted with sodium hydroxide to form bleach.

Write an ionic equation for the reaction between chlorine and cold dilute sodium hydroxide solution.

1c1 mark

Give the oxidation numbers of chlorine in each of the chlorine containing ions formed in the reaction in part (b).

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1a4 marks

Chlorine will react with cold, dilute sodium hydroxide.

i) Write the equation for this reaction. State symbols are not required.


ii) State the name for the product containing both oxygen and chlorine.


iii) Explain why this reaction is an example of a disproportionation reaction.


1b2 marks

Chlorine is added to drinking water to ensure that it is safe to drink.

i) State a concern with adding chlorine to drinking water.


ii) Write an equation for the reaction of chlorine with cold water.


1c2 marks

Use an appropriate chemical equation to explain why one of the products formed in the reaction in part (b) is classed as a weak acid. 

1d2 marks

When chlorine reacts with hot dilute sodium hydroxide a different product is formed. State the formula of the different product and the oxidation state of the chlorine atom in this compound.


oxidation state of chlorine

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2a4 marks

Chlorine will react with cold, dilute sodium hydroxide.

i) Write the equation for this reaction and give an important use of the solution which is formed.


ii) State the name of the product formed which contains both chlorine and oxygen, and explain why this reaction is an example of a disproportionation reaction.


2b3 marks

When chlorine is reacted with water the following equilibrium is established

Cl2 (aq) + H2O (l)  ⇌ H+ + Cl (aq) + HClO (aq)

i) State the oxidation state of Cl in HClO

oxidation state of Cl in HClO:


ii) Deduce what happens to this equilibrium as the HClO reacts with bacteria in the water supply. Explain your answer.


2c1 mark

Suggest a disadvantage of treating water with chlorine.

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3a1 mark

Chlorine is a strong oxidising agent. In terms of electrons define the term oxidising agent

3b2 marks

Chlorine is added to water to kill harmful bacteria and make it safe to drink. When added in the presence of sunlight, chlorine is both oxidised and reduced. 

i) Write an equation for this reaction


ii) State the oxidation state for chlorine in the products formed


3c3 marks

The reaction of chlorine with water with chlorine can be described as a disproportionation reaction. If chlorine reacts with hot dilute sodium hydroxide, the same type of reaction occurs.

i) Write the equation for the reaction of chlorine with hot dilute sodium hydroxide


ii) Explain why this is also an example of a disproportionation reaction


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1a4 marks

The halogens can react with iron wool to produce various iron compounds including iron(III) chloride, iron(III) bromide and iron(II) iodide.

The Fe2+ ion can also react with chlorine, Cl2 and bromine, Br2

i) State the half-equation for the conversion of Br2 to Br


ii) State the half-equation for the conversion of Fe2+ to Fe3+


iii) Hence, give the full equation for the reaction of Br2 and Fe2+


iv) Explain why I2 cannot convert Fe2+ to Fe3+


1b2 marks

Bromate ions are toxic and fish eggs exposed to bromate can develop disorders in the brain and spine. This can also poison humans, where symptoms include acute gastrointestinal irritation and depression of the central nervous system. 

Another reaction in which bromate ions are formed is by the reaction with disinfection contaminants, such as hypochlorite, HClO, in sea water shown in the equation.

Br + 3HClO + 3OH → BrO3 + 3Cl + 3H2O


State the oxidation number for Cl in HClO and Cl.

1c2 marks

Identify the oxidising agent in the reaction given in part (c). Explain your answer.

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