Introduction to Binomial Distributions (College Board AP® Statistics)

Revision Note

Dan Finlay


Maths Lead

Conditions for binomial distributions

What is a binomial distribution?

  • A discrete random variable X follows a binomial distribution if it counts the number of successes when an experiment satisfies the following conditions:

    • there are a fixed number of repeated trials (n)

    • the trials are independent of each other

    • there are exactly two outcomes of each trial (success or failure)

    • the probability of success (p) is constant for each trial

  • The notation for a binomial random variable is X tilde B open parentheses n comma space p close parentheses

    • n is the number of trials

    • p is the probability of success

      • 1 minus p is the probability of failure

  • X can take the integer values 0, 1, 2, ..., n

Modeling with binomial distributions

What can be modeled by binomial distributions?

  • A binomial distribution can model any variable that satisfies the four conditions

    • e.g. the number of times a coin lands on heads when flipped 20 times

      • The coin is flipped 20 times

      • Each coin flip is independent of each other

      • A success is landing on heads and a failure is landing on tails

      • The probability of landing on heads is constant as the same coin is used each time

  • Binomial models can sometimes still be used when it seems like there are more than two outcomes

    • e.g. the number of times a six-sided dice lands on a six when rolled 20 times

      • Although the dice could land on one of six numbers, for this experiment there are only two outcomes: landing on a six (success) or not landing on a six (failure)

    • Binomial distributions are good models in these situations provided that a successful outcome can be clearly defined

  • Binomial models can sometimes still be used when the independence condition is not fulfilled

    • e.g. the number of people in a sample of 30 who are unemployed when it is known that 50 people are unemployed out of a population of 1,000 people

      • The probability that the first person sampled is unemployed is 50 over 1000 equals 0.05

      • The probability that the next person sampled is unemployed depends on whether the first person is unemployed or not (49 over 999 equals 0.0490... or 50 over 999 equals 0.050...)

    • Binomial distributions are good models in these situations provided the size of the population is at least 10 times the size of the sample

What cannot be modeled by binomial distributions?

  • Binomial models are not suitable if:

    • there is not a fixed number of trials

      • e.g. the number of emails received in an hour could be infinite

    • the trials are not independent

      • e.g. the number of blue tokens obtained when five tokens are taken from a bag containing 6 blue tokens and 4 red tokens

    • there are more than two outcomes

      • e.g. the number a dice lands on when rolled

    • the probability of success changes

      • e.g. the number of times an archer hits a target out of ten shots if they take a step closer to the target after each shot

Properties of binomial distributions

What is the shape of a binomial distribution?

  • The value of p in a binomial distribution X tilde B open parentheses n comma space p close parentheses, determines the skewness of the distribution

Value of p


p less than 0.5

Positive skew

Bar chart of the binomial distribution X~B(10,0.2). The y-axis shows probability, ranging from 0 to 0.30, with bars showing values for x from 0 to 10. The graph is positively skewed.

p equals 0.5


Bar chart depicting a binomial distribution X ~ B(10, 0.5), showing the probability of different values from 0 to 10 on the x-axis and probabilities on the y-axis.
The graph is symmetrical.

p greater than 0.5

Negative skew

Bar chart showing the binomial distribution X ~ B(10, 0.8). The highest bars are at X=8 (0.30) and X=7 (0.27). Other bars have lower probabilities.

How do I calculate the mean and standard deviation of a binomial distribution?

  • If X tilde B open parentheses n comma space p close parentheses then

    • the mean is mu subscript X equals n p

    • the standard deviation is sigma subscript X equals square root of n p open parentheses 1 minus p close parentheses end root

      • These formulas are given in the exam

Exam Tip

A company manufactures children's toys. Each toy has a 2.5% chance of being defective. The manager of the company randomly samples 40 toys. The random variable X is the number of toys in the sample that are defective.

(a) State the distribution of X.


The random variable is binomial because there is a fixed number (40) of independent trials with two outcomes (defective or not) and the probability of being defective is constant

Identify the parameters: n equals 40 and p equals 0.025

X tilde B open parentheses 40 comma space 0.025 close parentheses

(b) Find the expected number of defective toys in the sample.


Use the formula for the mean of a binomial distribution mu subscript X equals n p

table row cell mu subscript X end cell equals cell open parentheses 40 close parentheses open parentheses 0.025 close parentheses end cell row blank equals 1 end table

The expected number of defective toys in the sample is 1

(c) Find the standard deviation of the number of defective toys in the sample.


Use the formula for the standard deviation of a binomial distribution sigma subscript X equals square root of n p open parentheses 1 minus p close parentheses end root

table row cell sigma subscript X end cell equals cell square root of open parentheses 40 close parentheses open parentheses 0.025 close parentheses open parentheses 1 minus 0.025 close parentheses end root end cell row blank equals cell square root of 0.975 end root end cell row blank equals cell 0.9874... end cell end table

The standard deviation of the number of defective toys in the sample is 0.987

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Dan Finlay

Author: Dan Finlay

Dan graduated from the University of Oxford with a First class degree in mathematics. As well as teaching maths for over 8 years, Dan has marked a range of exams for Edexcel, tutored students and taught A Level Accounting. Dan has a keen interest in statistics and probability and their real-life applications.