Hypothesis Tests for Population Proportions (College Board AP® Statistics)

Revision Note

Mark Curtis



One-sample z-test for population proportion

What is a z-test for the population proportion?

  • A z-test for the population proportion is used to test whether the population proportion, p, has changed

    • A random sample of n individuals from the population with a sample proportion of p with hat on top is used to try to prove the case

What are the hypotheses for a z-test for the population proportion?

  • The null hypothesis, straight H subscript 0, is the assumption that the population proportion has not changed

    • e.g. straight H subscript 0 space colon space p equals p subscript 0 The population proportion has the fixed value p subscript 0

      • It is assumed to be correct, unless evidence proves otherwise

      • Note that if p equals 0.5 then both success and failure are equally likely (there is no preference)

  • The alternative hypothesis, straight H subscript straight a, is how you think the population proportion has changed

    • e.g. straight H subscript straight a colon space p less than p subscript 0 or p greater than p subscript 0 or p not equal to p subscript 0

Exam Tip

When writing out your hypotheses, always fully define the symbol used for the population parameter in context, e.g. '... where p is the proportion of all students in the school who are left-handed'

What are the conditions for a z-test for the population proportion?

  • When performing a z-test for a population proportion, you must show that it meets the following conditions:

    • Items in the sample (or experiment) must satisfy the independence condition

      • by verifying that data is collected by random sampling

      • or random assignment (in an experiment)

      • and, if sampling without replacement, showing that the sample size is less than 10% of the population size

    • The sample size is large enough such that the sampling distribution of p with hat on top is approximately a normal distribution

      • by verifying that the expected number of successes, n p subscript 0, and expected number of failures, n open parentheses 1 minus p subscript 0 close parentheses, are both at least 10:

      • n p subscript 0 greater or equal than 10

      • n open parentheses 1 minus p subscript 0 close parentheses greater or equal than 10

      • where p subscript 0 is the population proportion in the null hypothesis, p equals p subscript 0

How do I calculate the standardized test statistic?

  • You need a measure of how far the sample proportion is from the population proportion

    • This is the standardized test statistic

  • The standardized test statistic for sample proportion is a z-score given by:

    • z equals fraction numerator p with hat on top minus p subscript 0 over denominator square root of fraction numerator p subscript 0 open parentheses 1 minus p subscript 0 close parentheses over denominator n end fraction end root end fraction

    • where p with hat on top is the sample proportion, p subscript 0 is the population proportion under the null hypothesis, and square root of fraction numerator p subscript 0 open parentheses 1 minus p subscript 0 close parentheses over denominator n end fraction end root is the standard error of the sample proportion

      • and where n is the sample size

  • The standardized test statistic shows how many standard errors the sample proportion is from the population proportion

Exam Tip

The formula for the standardized test statistic is given in the exam, fraction numerator statistic minus parameter over denominator standard space error space of space the space statistic end fraction, along with tables of parameters and standard errors.

You will need to apply this correctly to get the standardized test statistic.

How do I calculate the p-value?

  • The p-value is the probability of obtaining a test statistic as extreme, or more extreme, than the one observed in the sample, assuming the null hypothesis is true

  • Use the standard normal distribution, Z, to calculate the probability of being in the extreme region (tail) that extends from the z-score given by z equals fraction numerator p with hat on top minus p subscript 0 over denominator square root of fraction numerator p subscript 0 open parentheses 1 minus p subscript 0 close parentheses over denominator n end fraction end root end fraction

    • You can use either the z-tables or a calculator to find this probability

  • For a two-tail test, remember to work out the total probability across both tails

    • You can double the p-value from a one-tail test

How do I conclude a hypothesis test?

  • Conclusions to a hypothesis test need to show two things:

    • a decision about the null hypothesis

    • an interpretation of this decision in the context of the question

  • To make the decision, compare the p-value to the significance level

    • If p less than alpha then the null hypothesis should be rejected

    • If p greater than alpha then the null hypothesis should not be rejected

  • In a two-tailed test, remember to double the p-value and compare this to alpha

Exam Tip

Remember that the conclusion should be interpreted within the context of the question.

Use the same language in your conclusion that is used in the problem, e.g. 'The data provides sufficient evidence that the proportion of all students in the school who are left-handed has increased from ...'.

What are the steps for performing a z-test for the population proportion on a calculator?

  • When using a calculator to conduct a z-test for a population proportion, you must still write down all steps of the hypothesis testing process:

    • State the null and alternative hypotheses and clearly define your parameter

    • Describe the test being used and show that the situation meets the conditions required

    • Calculate the standardized test statistic (z-score)

    • Calculate the p-value using your calculator

    • Compare the p-value to the significance level

    • Write down the conclusion to the test and interpret it in the context of the problem

Exam Tip

Even if you perform a z-test for a population proportion on your calculator, it is still important to show all of your working to demonstrate full understanding, including calculating the z-score.

Worked Example

In a college of 600 students, 240 students walked to school at the beginning of the academic year. The principal suspects that the proportion of students who walk to school has increased over the academic year, so takes a random sample of 50 students, of whom 26 walk to school.

At the alpha equals 0.05 significance level, is there sufficient statistical evidence to suggest that the proportion of students who walk to school has increased over the academic year? Justify your answer.


Define the population parameter, p

Let p be the proportion of students who walk to school at the college

Find the proportion of students who walked to school at the beginning of the academic year

240 over 600 equals 0.4

Write the null and alternative hypotheses

This will be a one-tailed test as the principal suspects the proportion has increased

straight H subscript 0 space colon space p equals 0.4
straight H subscript straight a space colon space p greater than 0.4

State the type of test being used and verify that the conditions for the test are met

The correct inference procedure is a one-sample z-test for the population proportion at alpha equals 0.05

  • The independence condition is satisfied, as

    • the sample of 50 students was selected randomly by the principal

    • and the sample size, 50, is less than 10% of the population of the school, 600 (50 < 60), which is required as sampling was conducted without replacement

  • The sample size is large enough for the sampling distribution of the sample proportion to be approximately a normal distribution, because

    • n p subscript 0 equals 50 times 0.4 equals 20 greater or equal than 10

    • n open parentheses 1 minus p subscript 0 close parentheses equals 50 times open parentheses 1 minus 0.4 close parentheses equals 30 greater or equal than 10

Calculate the standardized test statistic, using z equals fraction numerator p with hat on top minus p subscript 0 over denominator square root of fraction numerator p subscript 0 open parentheses 1 minus p subscript 0 close parentheses over denominator n end fraction end root end fraction where p with hat on top equals 26 over 50 equals 0.52, p subscript 0 equals 0.4 and n equals 50

z equals fraction numerator 0.52 minus 0.4 over denominator square root of fraction numerator 0.4 open parentheses 1 minus 0.4 close parentheses over denominator 50 end fraction end root end fraction equals 1.73205...

Find the p-value, P open parentheses Z greater than 1.73205... close parentheses, e.g. from the z-tables

p equals 1 minus 0.9582 equals 0.0418

Compare this probability to the significance level and state the conclusion of the test

table row cell 0.0418 end cell less than cell 0.05 end cell row p less than alpha end table

straight H subscript 0 is rejected

Interpret the result in the context of the question

There is sufficient evidence to support the principal's claim that the proportion of all students in the college who walk to school has increased from 0.4 over the academic year

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Mark Curtis

Author: Mark Curtis

Mark graduated twice from the University of Oxford: once in 2009 with a First in Mathematics, then again in 2013 with a PhD (DPhil) in Mathematics. He has had nine successful years as a secondary school teacher, specialising in A-Level Further Maths and running extension classes for Oxbridge Maths applicants. Alongside his teaching, he has written five internal textbooks, introduced new spiralling school curriculums and trained other Maths teachers through outreach programmes.