Measures of Center (College Board AP® Statistics)

Revision Note

Naomi C


Naomi C




What is the mode?

  • The mode is the value that occurs most often in a data set

    • It is possible for there to be more than one mode

    • It is possible for there to be no mode

  • The mode can appear at any point in the distribution of the data set

    • It is not necessarily in the center of the distribution

  • The mode is the only measure of center that can be used for categorical data (e.g. favourite colour)

Exam Tip

If there is no mode in a particular data set, state that there is no mode, do not say that the mode is zero!


What is the median?

  • The median is the middle value when the data is in order of size

    • If there are an odd number of values in the data set

      • then the median is the data value in the center of the set

    • If there are an even number of values in the data set

      • then there are two values in the middle and the median is the midpoint of these two values

How do I find the median for ungrouped data?

  • For a data set that contains n values

    • the middle value will be located at the fraction numerator n plus 1 over denominator 2 end fraction position

  • The median is a resistant statistic

    • It is not affected by extreme values

    • It is a suitable measure of center for distributions that are

      • either approximately symmetrical

      • or strongly skewed with outliers

Worked Example

Find the median of the data set given below.

43                        29                        70                        51                        64                       43


First put the values in ascending size order

29                        43                        43                        51                        64                       70

Find the position of the middle value, using fraction numerator n plus 1 over denominator 2 end fraction

fraction numerator 6 plus 1 over denominator 2 end fraction equals 7 over 2 equals 3.5

The middle value lies halfway between the 3rd and the 4th values

Calculate the median

fraction numerator 43 plus 51 over denominator 2 end fraction equals 47

The median value is 47


What is the mean?

  • The mean is the sum of all the values divided by the number of values in the data set

    • It uses all values in a data set

  • If the distribution of the data is approximately symmetrical

    • the median and the mean will be close in value

      • and both values will be representative of the population

  • If the distribution of the data is strongly skewed or has outliers

    • The mean will be affected by the extreme values

      • It is therefore not a resistant statistic

How do I find the mean for ungrouped data?

  • The formula for calculating the mean is given to you in the exam

    • x with bar on top equals 1 over n sum from i equals 1 to n of x subscript i equals fraction numerator sum from i equals 1 to n of x subscript i over denominator n end fraction to the power of blank

    • Where sum from i equals 1 to n of x subscript i equals x subscript 1 plus x subscript 2 plus... plus x subscript n is the sum of the n pieces of data

Worked Example

Find the mean of the data set given below.

 27                        31                        9                        65                        52                       43


Use the formula to calculate the mean

fraction numerator 27 plus 31 plus 9 plus 65 plus 52 plus 43 over denominator 6 end fraction equals 37.83333...

The mean is 37.8

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Naomi C

Author: Naomi C

Naomi graduated from Durham University in 2007 with a Masters degree in Civil Engineering. She has taught Mathematics in the UK, Malaysia and Switzerland covering GCSE, IGCSE, A-Level and IB. She particularly enjoys applying Mathematics to real life and endeavours to bring creativity to the content she creates.