Work-Energy Theorem (College Board AP® Physics 1: Algebra-Based)

Exam Questions

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Which of the following is true for the work-energy theorem?

  • W subscript n e t end subscript space equals space W subscript f space minus space W subscript i

  • W subscript n e t end subscript space equals space K subscript i space minus space K subscript f

  • W subscript n e t end subscript space equals space 1 half m v subscript f squared space minus space 1 half m v subscript i squared

  • W subscript n e t end subscript space equals space stack sum K subscript i with i below

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A soccer player kicks a soccer ball at rest on the penalty spot. The player's kick exerts a force of 43 N on the ball in the direction of travel. The ball has 862 J of kinetic energy just before the goalkeeper catches it. Which of the following is the net work done on the ball?

  • 0 space straight N times straight m

  • 20 space straight N times straight m

  • 343 space straight N times straight m

  • 862 space straight N times straight m

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A soccer player kicks a soccer ball at rest on the penalty spot. The player's kick exerts a force of 43 N on the ball in the direction of travel. The ball has 862 J of kinetic energy just before the goalkeeper catches it. Which of the following is a best estimate of the distance traveled by the ball from the penalty spot to the goalkeeper's arms.

  • 0.05 space straight m

  • 5 space straight m

  • 12.5 space straight m

  • 20 space straight m

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A block of mass 64 space straight g slides down an inclined plane with a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.31. If the angle of incline is 37 degree from the horizontal, and the block slides a distance of 0.24 space straight m, which of the following is correct for the energy dissipated by friction?

  • 0.038 space straight J

  • 0.38 space straight J

  • 3.8 space straight J

  • 38 space straight J

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