Conservation of Energy (College Board AP® Physics 1: Algebra-Based)

Exam Questions

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A ripe apple falls from a tree. The apple falls from a height of 1.92 space straight m to the ground. Using conservation of mechanical energy, which of the following is correct for the speed of the apple just before it hits the ground?

  • 6.2 space straight m divided by straight s

  • 6.4 space straight m divided by straight s

  • 6.6 space straight m divided by straight s

  • 6.8 space straight m divided by straight s

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Diagram showing a block on a frictionless slope, starting at position xᵢ with a spring, moving to position xᶠ, reaching height hₘₐₓ.

The image above shows a spring compressed by a block, which, when released, causes the block to slide up a frictionless slope. The spring constant of the spring is 0.51 space straight N divided by straight m and it is compressed by 2.4 space cm using the block of mass 25 space straight g. Using the conservation of energy principle, which of the following is the maximum height the block reach?

  • 12 space mm

  • 1.2 space cm

  • 12 space cm

  • 1.2 space straight m

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Diagram of a car on an inclined track with a loop in the middle. Position 2 is marked as half way up the loop in the track

Assuming frictional forces to be negigible, which of the following energy bar charts is correct for the roller coaster at position 2?

  • Bar chart depicting energy values with three bars labelled E_mech, K, and U_g. E_mech is 5, K is 3, and U_g is 3.
  • Bar chart displaying mechanical energy, kinetic energy, and gravitational potential energy, with mechanical at 5, kinetic at 1, and gravitational at 4
  • Bar graph showing energy values: E_mech at 5, followed by K at 4 and U_g at 1
  • Bar chart showing three bars labelled E_mech, K, and U_g. E_mech is at 5, while K and U_g are at 2.5

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Energy bar chart with Us, K, Ug. Us is at 2, K is at zero, Ug is at 2

The above energy bar chart shows a student bouncing on a trampoline. Which of the following is the system the energy bar chart shows?

  • Student, trampoline, Earth

  • Student, Earth

  • Student, trampoline

  • Trampoline, Earth

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A block is held at rest at the top of an inclined slope. When the block is released, it slides down the slope. The distance traveled by the block down the slope is 16 space cm, the angle of the incline is 47 degree and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.29. Which of the following is correct for the speed of the block when it reaches the bottom of the slope?

  • 0.8 space straight m divided by straight s

  • 1.1 space straight m divided by straight s

  • 1.5 space straight m divided by straight s

  • 2.1 space straight m divided by straight s

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