Conservation of Linear Momentum (College Board AP® Physics 1: Algebra-Based)

Exam Questions

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Diagram showing a bag being placed on a rectangular cart with wheels, with arrows indicating downward motion onto the cart and rightward movement of the cart.

A cart moves along a horizontal frictionless surface. A sandbag is then carefully dropped from a short height above the cart, as shown in the figure. The cart and sandbag continue to move horizontally together.

Which of the following correctly describes the change in speed of the cart immediately after the sandbag is dropped into it?

  • The speed of the cart increases because of the conservation of mechanical energy

  • The speed of the cart decreases because of the conservation of momentum

  • The speed of the cart decreases because of the conservation of mechanical energy

  • The speed of the cart remains the same because the initial velocity of the sandbag is perpendicular to the direction of the cart's motion

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A diagram of a wheeled cart with a dotted line covering and an arrow indicating movement to the right on a flat surface.

A cart filled with water moves along a horizontal frictionless surface at a constant speed. The cart develops a leak and continues to roll along the surface while water flows out at a constant rate, as shown in the figure.

Which of the following correctly describes the change in speed of the cart after developing the leak?

  • The speed of the cart decreases because of the conservation of mechanical energy

  • The speed of the cart increases because of the conservation of momentum

  • The speed of the cart increases because of the conservation of mechanical energy

  • The speed of the cart remains the same because of the conservation of momentum

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Two circles labeled 'M' and '4M' are shown. The circle labeled '4M' has an arrow above it pointing left, indicating velocity 'v'.

A small ball of mass M, initially at rest, collides elastically with a large ball of mass 4 M and velocity v. Throughout the interaction, the relative velocity of the balls remains constant.

Which of the following expressions correctly represents the magnitude of the velocity of the small ball after the collision?

  • 3 over 5 v

  • 8 over 5 v

  • 2 v

  • 4 v

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Diagram showing two carts on a track. The left cart, labeled "m," is moving right with velocity "v." The right cart, labeled "2m," is stationary.

A cart of mass m moving with a speed v along a track collides with a stationary cart of mass 2 m. After the collision, the carts are free to move along the track.

Which of the following describes the maximum kinetic energy that can be lost in the collision?

  • 0

  • 1 over 6 m v squared

  • 1 third m v squared

  • 1 half m v squared

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A body of mass 3 M at rest explodes into two fragments of mass 2 M and M.

The fragment of mass M moves away with kinetic energy K subscript M and momentumspace p subscript M.

Which of the following expressions correctly represents the kinetic energy and momentum of the 2 M fragment?

Kinetic Energy of the 2M Fragment

Momentum of the 2M Fragment


1 half K subscript M

negative p subscript M


K subscript M

negative p subscript M


1 fourth K subscript M

negative 2 p subscript M


2 K subscript M

2 p subscript M

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    Diagram showing a ball of clay with mass 2m moving right at initial velocity v0, heading towards a block of mass m, which is attached to a spring with constant k.

    A clay ball of mass 2 m is moving horizontally with speed v subscript 0 just before colliding with a block of mass m, as shown in the figure. The block is attached to a massless spring with spring constant k which is initially at its equilibrium position. The clay sticks to the block, and the block compresses the spring.

    Which of the following expressions correctly represents the maximum compression of the spring?

    • v subscript 0 square root of fraction numerator 2 m over denominator k end fraction end root

    • v subscript 0 square root of fraction numerator 3 m over denominator k end fraction end root

    • 3 v subscript 0 square root of fraction numerator m over denominator 2 k end fraction end root

    • 2 v subscript 0 square root of fraction numerator m over denominator 3 k end fraction end root

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