Representing Motion (College Board AP® Physics 1: Algebra-Based)

Exam Questions

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Between t space equals space 0 space straight s and t space equals space 1 space straight s an object has a constant velocity of 18 space straight m divided by straight s in the x direction, after which the object is provided with a constant acceleration of 9 space straight m divided by straight s squared in the negative x direction.

What is the position of the object at t space equals space 8 space straight s?

  • 76 space straight m in the x direction

  • 76 space straight m in the negative x direction

  • 77 space straight m in the x direction

  • 77 space straight m in the negative x direction

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Two cars are driving in the same direction on a freeway. A farmer in a nearby field watches the cars pass by. The red car is traveling at a constant velocity of 30 space straight m divided by straight s and the blue car is traveling at a constant velocity of 40 space straight m divided by straight s, relative to the farmer. The blue car overtakes the red car in the next lane.

Which of the following shows the correct velocities of both the blue car and the farmer from the reference frame of the red car?

  • Blue car


    negative 10 space straight m divided by straight s space

    30 space straight m divided by straight s

  • Blue car


    10 space straight m divided by straight s space

    negative 30 space straight m divided by straight s

  • Blue car


    30 space straight m divided by straight s space

    0 space straight m divided by straight s

  • Blue car


    negative 30 space straight m divided by straight s space

    negative 40 space straight m divided by straight s

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Which of the following pairs of graphs shows an object slowing down?

  • Two graphs: left graph shows position (x) vs time (t) with a curve leveling off; right graph shows acceleration (a) vs time (t) with lines at zero and negative value.
  • Two graphs: on the left, a linearly decreasing graph of position (x) over time (t); on the right, a curve graph of velocity (v) decreasing to zero over time (t).
  • Two graphs: left shows velocity (v) vs. time (t) with a flat line; right shows acceleration (a) vs. time (t) with a line decreasing to zero.
  • Two graphs show velocity vs. time (left) with a linearly decreasing slope and acceleration vs. time (right) with constant values, both with time on the x-axis.

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A bullet is fired vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 370 space straight m divided by straight s.

Which of the following is the correct velocity of the bullet after 10 space straight s and after 60 space straight s?

  • t space equals space 10 space straight s

    t space equals space 20 space straight s

    negative 230 space straight m divided by straight s

    270 space straight m divided by straight s

  • t space equals space 10 space straight s

    t space equals space 20 space straight s

    negative 270 space straight m divided by straight s

    230 space straight m divided by straight s

  • t space equals space 10 space straight s

    t space equals space 20 space straight s

    230 space straight m divided by straight s

    negative 270 space straight m divided by straight s

  • t space equals space 10 space straight s

    t space equals space 20 space straight s

    270 space straight m divided by straight s

    negative 230 space straight m divided by straight s

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Graph comparing the velocities of Truck A (horizontal line) and Truck B (diagonal line) over time. Time is marked at 30, 60, and 90 seconds. The lines cross at 30 s

The graph above shows the motion of two trucks driving on parallel lanes of the same straight road.

Which of the following statements is correct?

  • At t space equals space 30 space straight s Truck A is behind Truck B

  • At t space equals space 60 space straight s Truck B is passing Truck A

  • At t space equals space 90 space straight s Truck A is in front of Truck B

  • At t space equals space 90 space straight s both trucks have an equal displacement

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