Impulse Graphs (College Board AP® Physics 1: Algebra-Based)

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Katie M


Katie M



Force-time graph

  • In real-life scenarios, forces are often not constant and will vary over time

  • A changing force can be plotted as a function of time

  • The impulse delivered to a system is equal to the product of force and time

  • Therefore, the area under the force-time graph is equal to

    • impulse

    • change in momentum

area space equals space F with rightwards arrow on top subscript a v g end subscript increment t space equals space J with rightwards arrow on top space equals space increment p with rightwards arrow on top

Determining impulse from a force-time graph

Graph of force in newtons (N) against time in seconds (s) with a label indicating that the area under the curve represents the impulse in newton seconds (N s).
When a net external force varies with time, the impulse delivered to the system can be found from the area under the force-time graph

Comparing impulse using force-time graphs

  • In a collision, the force of an impact can be reduced by increasing the contact time over which the collision occurs

    • For example, cars include seatbelts which are able to stretch and increase the collision time

  • In a vehicle collision, if the passenger is not wearing a seat belt, they will experience

    • a larger maximum force

    • a shorter collision time

  • If the passenger is wearing a seat belt, they will experience

    • a lower maximum force

    • a longer collision time

  • On a force-time graph:

    • the case of a passenger not wearing a seat belt is represented by a higher peak and narrower base

    • the case of a passenger wearing a seat belt is represented by a lower peak and wider base

  • Since the change in momentum (impulse) is the same for both cases, the area under the curves is the same

Force-time graphs for a vehicle collision

Graph comparing force over time with and without a seat belt. The curve for the collision "without seat belt" shows a higher peak force and a shorter collision time. The curve for the collision "with seat belt" shows a lower peak force and a longer collision time. The area under both graphs is the same indicating the impulse is the same in both cases.
The increase in contact time decreases the impact force for the same impulse, which can be seen on a force-time graph where the area under both curves is the same

Worked Example

The graph shows the force applied to an object of mass 2 space kg as a function of time. The object has an initial velocity of plus 2.5 space straight m divided by straight s at t = 0.

Graph showing force F in newtons (N) against time in seconds (s). Between t = 0 and t = 1 s, the force is zero. Between t = 1 s and t = 2 s, the force increases from 0.0 to 3.0 N. Between t = 2 s and t = 3 s, the force decreases from 3.0 N to -1.0 N. Between t = 1 s and t = 2 s, the force has a constant value of -1.0 N.

(A) What is the impulse delivered to the object from t = 1 to t = 3 s?

(B) What is the velocity of the object at t = 4 s?


Part (A)

Step 1: Analyze the scenario

  • From t = 1 to t = 2 s, the force increases to a maximum of 3.0 N and then, from t = 2 s to t = 3 s decreases to a minimum of -1.0 N

  • At approximately t = 2.7 s, the direction of the applied force changes

  • The impulse delivered to the object from t = 1 to t = 3 s is equal to the area under the graph between these times

Step 2: Determine the impulse delivered between t = 1 to t = 3 s

  • The impulse is the area under the graph. The graph can be split up into three right-angled triangles

Graph showing force F in newtons (N) against time in seconds (s). Between t = 1 s and t = 2 s, the force increases from 0 to 3.0 N, and the area under gives an impulse of 1/2 × 3.0 × 1 = 1.5 N⋅s. Between t = 2 s and t = 2.7 s, the force decreases from 3.0 N to 0, and the area under gives an impulse of 1/2 × 3.0 × 0.7 = 1.05 N⋅s. Between t = 2.7 s and t = 3 s, the force decreases from 0 to -1.0 N, the area under gives an impulse of 1/2 × -1.0 × 0.3 = -0.15 N⋅s
  • Remember that when the graph is negative, the area is also negative

J with rightwards arrow on top space equals space open parentheses 1 half cross times 3.0 cross times 1 close parentheses plus open parentheses 1 half cross times 3.0 cross times 0.7 close parentheses minus open parentheses 1 half cross times 1.0 cross times 0.3 close parentheses

J with rightwards arrow on top space equals space 1.5 space plus space 1.05 space minus space 0.15 space equals space 2.4 space straight N times straight s

Part (B)

Step 1: Analyze the scenario

  • The impulse delivered to the object over the 4 s interval changes its momentum

  • From t = 0 to t = 1 s, no forces act, hence no impulse is delivered, so the velocity at t = 1 s is still +2.5 m/s

  • From t = 1 to t = 3 s, the impulse delivered to the object is 2.4 N⋅s

  • From t = 3 to t = 4 s, the impulse delivered to the object is equal to the area under the graph in this interval

Step 2: Determine the total impulse delivered over the 4 s interval

  • The impulse delivered between t = 3 to t = 4 s is the area under the graph

Graph showing force F in newtons (N) against time in seconds (s). Between t = 0 and t = 1 s, the force is 0 N. Between t = 3 s and t = 4 s, the force has a constant value of -1.0 N, and the area under gives an impulse of -1.0 × 1 = -1.0 N⋅s
  • The total impulse delivered between t = 0 and t = 4 s is:

J with rightwards arrow on top space equals space 2.4 space minus space open parentheses 1.0 cross times 1 close parentheses space equals space 2.4 space minus space 1.0 space equals space 1.4 space straight N times straight s

Step 3: Determine the final velocity of the object

  • The impulse changes the momentum and velocity of the object

J with rightwards arrow on top space equals space increment p with rightwards arrow on top space equals space m open parentheses v with rightwards arrow on top space minus space v with rightwards arrow on top subscript 0 close parentheses

  • Where m = 2 kg and v with rightwards arrow on top subscript 0 = +2.5 m/s, therefore, at t = 4 s:

1.4 space equals space 2 cross times open parentheses v with rightwards arrow on top space minus space 2.5 close parentheses

v with rightwards arrow on top space equals space 3.2 space straight m divided by straight s

Worked Example

A horizontal force is applied to a 5 kg box which is initially at rest. The box begins to move along a frictionless horizontal surface. The graph shows the magnitude of the force as a function of time.

Graph showing force in newtons (N) against time in seconds (s). From t = 0 s to t = 1 s, force has a constant value of 3 N. From t = 1 s to t = 6 s, force decreases linearly from 3 N to 0 N

(A) In which 1-second interval is the impulse applied to the box the greatest? Explain your reasoning.

(B) Using the graph, plot the momentum as a function of time.

(C) Calculate the velocity of the box after 6 seconds.


Part (A)

Step 1: Identify the interval the impulse has the greatest magnitude

  • The impulse has the greatest magnitude during the interval t = 0 to t = 1 s

Step 2: Give a justification for your answer

  • Impulse is equal to the area under the force-time graph

  • Therefore, the larger the area, the greater the magnitude of the impulse

Part (B)

Step 1: Analyze the scenario

  • The force applied to the box has a constant value of 3 N in the interval t = 0 s to t = 1 s

  • During this time, momentum increases at a constant rate

  • The force then decreases linearly from 3 N to 0 N in the interval t = 1 s to t = 6 s

  • During this time, momentum continues to increase at a decreasing rate

Step 2: Determine the change in momentum in each interval

  • Impulse, or change in momentum, is equal to the area under the force-time graph

increment p space equals space F increment t

  • The box is initially at rest, so the momentum is initially zero

Time (s)

Change in momentum (kg∙m/s)

Momentum (kg∙m/s)






















Step 3: Plot the momentum-time graph

Two graphs: the top graph shows force (F) decreasing linearly from 3 N to 0 N over 6 seconds; the bottom graph shows momentum (p) increasing non-linearly, leveling at 11 kg∙m/s by 6 seconds.

Part (C)

Step 1: List the known quantities

  • Mass of the box, m space equals space 5 space kg

  • Initial velocity, v with rightwards arrow on top subscript 0 space equals space 0

  • From the graph, the change in momentum (between t = 0 and t = 6 s) is equal to increment p with rightwards arrow on top space equals space 10.5 space kg times straight m divided by straight s

Step 2: Write an expression for the change in momentum

  • The change in momentum is equal to the product of the mass and the change in velocity

increment p with rightwards arrow on top space equals space m increment v with rightwards arrow on top space equals space m open parentheses v with rightwards arrow on top space minus space v with rightwards arrow on top subscript 0 close parentheses

Step 3: Determine the final velocity of the object

10.5 space equals space 5 cross times open parentheses v with rightwards arrow on top space minus space 0 close parentheses space equals space 5 v with rightwards arrow on top

v with rightwards arrow on top space equals space 2.1 space straight m divided by straight s

Examiner Tip

The shape of a force-time graph may be curved or straight

  • If the graph is a curve, the area can be found by counting the squares or approximating the areas using basic shapes

  • If the graph is made up of straight lines, split the graph into sections. The total area is the sum of the areas of each section

Momentum-time graph

  • A changing momentum can be plotted as a function of time

  • The net external force exerted on a system is equal to the rate of change of momentum

  • Therefore, force is equal to the slope of a momentum-time graph

slope space equals space fraction numerator p with rightwards arrow on top subscript 2 space minus space p with rightwards arrow on top subscript 1 over denominator t subscript 2 space minus space t subscript 1 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator increment p with rightwards arrow on top over denominator increment t end fraction space equals space F with rightwards arrow on top subscript n e t end subscript

Determining force from a momentum-time graph

Graph of momentum in kg·m/s against time in s, with a label indicating that the slope represents the force
When momentum varies with time, the net external force exerted on the system can be found from the slope of the momentum-time graph

Translating between force and momentum graphs

  • A momentum-time graph can be plotted from a force-time graph by

    • splitting the force-time graph up into sections

    • calculating the area (impulse, or change in momentum) of each section

    • plotting the values of momentum in each time interval

  • A force-time graph can be plotted from a momentum-time graph by

    • splitting the momentum-time graph up into sections

    • calculating the slope (force) of each section

    • plotting the values of force in each time interval

Relationship between a force-time graph and a momentum-time graph

The top graph shows force against time and the bottom graph shows momentum against time. Dotted lines show corresponding sections of the graphs and the text explains the relationships between the force-time graph and the momentum-time graph.
A force-time graph can be translated into a momentum-time graph, and vice versa, by applying the relationship between force and momentum

Examiner Tip

Being able to find the area under a curve, or the slope of a line, and then relating them to physical quantities is an extremely important skill in physics. A more advanced skill is then being able to translate between graphs of related quantities.

Since F with rightwards arrow on top space proportional to space a with rightwards arrow on top and p with rightwards arrow on top space proportional to space v with rightwards arrow on top, force and momentum graphs can be translated in the same way as acceleration and velocity graphs. For example, acceleration is equal to the slope of a velocity-time graph

momentum-time graph

slope = force open parentheses F with rightwards arrow on top close parentheses

force-time graph

area = impulse open parentheses J with rightwards arrow on top close parentheses

velocity-time graph

slope = acceleration open parentheses a with rightwards arrow on top close parentheses

acceleration-time graph

area = velocity open parentheses v with rightwards arrow on top close parentheses

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Katie M

Author: Katie M

Expertise: Physics

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.