The Principle of Conservation of Momentum (College Board AP® Physics 1: Algebra-Based)

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Katie M


Katie M



The principle of conservation of linear momentum

  • Momentum, like energy, is conserved in all interactions

  • This is known as the principle of conservation of momentum, which states that:

The total linear momentum of an isolated system remains constant unless acted on by a net external force

  • Therefore, for an interaction between objects in an isolated system:

The total momentum before the interaction is equal to the total momentum after the interaction

  • Mathematically, this can be written as:

sum p with rightwards arrow on top subscript i space equals space sum p with rightwards arrow on top subscript f

  • Where:

    • p with rightwards arrow on top subscript i = initial momentum (before the interaction), in kg times straight m divided by straight s

    • p with rightwards arrow on top subscript f = final momentum (after the interaction), in kg times straight m divided by straight s

  • Since momentum is a vector quantity, the vector sum open parentheses sum close parentheses of the momenta of the components of the system remains constant

m subscript 1 v with rightwards arrow on top subscript i 1 end subscript space plus space m subscript 2 v with rightwards arrow on top subscript i 2 end subscript space equals space m subscript 1 v with rightwards arrow on top subscript f 1 end subscript space plus space m subscript 2 v with rightwards arrow on top subscript f 2 end subscript

  • Where:

    • m subscript 1 = mass of object 1, in kg

    • m subscript 2 = mass of object 2, in kg

    • v with rightwards arrow on top subscript i 1 end subscript = initial velocity of object 1, in straight m divided by straight s

    • v with rightwards arrow on top subscript i 2 end subscript = initial velocity of object 2, in straight m divided by straight s

    • v with rightwards arrow on top subscript f 1 end subscript = final velocity of object 1, in straight m divided by straight s

    • v with rightwards arrow on top subscript f 2 end subscript = final velocity of object 2, in straight m divided by straight s

Example 1: two identical objects colliding

  • When two identical objects of mass m travel towards each other at the same speed v

    • the object moving in the positive direction has velocity plus v

    • the object moving in the negative (opposite) direction has velocity negative v

  • Applying the principle of conservation of momentum gives:

m v space minus space m v space equals space minus m v space plus space m v

  • The momentum vectors are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction

  • Therefore, they cancel each other out, resulting in a net momentum of zero

p with rightwards arrow on top subscript n e t end subscript space equals space 0

Conservation of momentum between identical spheres

Two spheres of mass m collide head-on with equal velocities before and after collision. The direction of positive velocity is to the right. Equations show momentum conservation for both scenarios.
The conservation of momentum for two spheres of equal mass m and velocity v. Assuming no energy is lost to the surroundings, they both rebound in opposite directions with the same speed

Example 2: two objects rebounding

  • When moving object A collides with stationary object B and rebounds

    • object A has an initial velocity of v subscript 0 A end subscript and a final velocity of negative v subscript A

    • object B has an initial velocity of 0 and a final velocity of plus v subscript B

  • Applying the principle of conservation of momentum gives:

m subscript A v subscript 0 A end subscript space plus space 0 space equals space minus m subscript A v subscript A space plus space m subscript B v subscript B

  • Taking the direction of the initial motion of object A as the positive direction:

    • Object A has a positive momentum before the collision and a negative momentum after

    • Object B has zero momentum before the collision and positive momentum after

  • Therefore, the net momentum of the system is:

p with rightwards arrow on top subscript n e t end subscript space equals space m subscript A open parentheses v subscript 0 A end subscript space plus space v subscript A close parentheses space minus space m subscript B v subscript B

Conservation of momentum between non-identical spheres

A collision between two spheres, A and B. Before the collision, mass A moves to the right with initial velocity v0A towards a stationary mass B; after the collision, mass A moves to the left with final velocity vA, and mass B moves to the right with final velocity vB.
The conservation of momentum for two spheres of unequal mass A and B. Sphere A collides with sphere B and they both rebound in opposite directions

Worked Example

A trolley of mass 2 m and a trolley of mass m approach each other, both trolleys have a speed of 3 m/s, as shown in the diagram.

Two trolleys move towards each other at equal speeds of 3 m/s. The blue trolley on the left has mass 2m and moves to the right and the purple trolley on the right has mass m and moves to the left.

When the trolleys collide head-on, they stick together and move away as one trolley.

Assuming positive momentum is to the right, which of the following is the best representation of the momentum of the trolleys as a function of time?

Four momentum vs. time graphs labeled A to D, with varying levels for 2m and m. The x-axis represents time, and the y-axis represents momentum.

The correct answer is B


Step 1: Analyze the scenario

  • Before the collision, the trolleys move toward each other at the same speed, so one of the velocities will be negative

  • The positive direction is defined to the right, or in the direction the trolley with mass 2 m moves initially, so

    • the trolley with mass 2 m has a positive velocity of plus 3 space straight m divided by straight s

    • the trolley with mass m has a negative velocity of negative 3 space straight m divided by straight s

  • When the trolleys collide, they stick together and become a single trolley of mass 3 m with final velocity v

  • The trolleys move off together in the direction of the largest initial momentum, logically this must be the trolley with mass 2 m

Two trolleys before and after a collision. The blue cart (2m) moves right at 3 m/s and the purple cart (m) moves left at 3 m/s before collision. They stick together after collision and move together with velocity v.

Step 2: Apply the principle of conservation of momentum

  • Conservation of momentum: the total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after

sum p with rightwards arrow on top subscript i space equals space sum p with rightwards arrow on top subscript f

open parentheses 2 m close parentheses open parentheses 3 close parentheses space plus space open parentheses m close parentheses open parentheses negative 3 close parentheses space equals space open parentheses 2 m plus m close parentheses v

3 m space equals space 3 m v

  • Therefore, the final velocity of the trolleys is

v space equals space fraction numerator 3 m over denominator 3 m end fraction space equals space 1 space straight m divided by straight s

Step 3: Sketch the momentum-time graph for each trolley

  • Before the collision:

    • the trolley of mass 2 m has a momentum of plus 6 m

    • the trolley of mass m has a momentum of negative 3 m

Graph showing momentum-time graph for the motion before the collision. A 2m cart moves right at 3 m/s (6 kg·m/s), while an m cart moves left at 3 m/s (-3 kg·m/s).
  • After the collision:

    • the trolley of mass 2 m has a momentum of plus 2 m

    • the trolley of mass m has a momentum of plus m

Graph showing momentum vs. time before and after a collision. Two carts labeled "2m" and "m" move at 1 m/s. Momentum values are shown from -6m to 6m kg·m/s.

Step 4: Connect the lines to show the change in momentum

  • The finished graph shows that the change in momentum (vertical line) is the same for both trolleys

  • This is not seen in graphs A, C, or D

Graph showing momentum (kg·m/s) on the y-axis and time (s) on the x-axis. The blue line represents the trolley of mass 2m, and the purple line represents the trolley of mass m. The 2m trolley has a momentum of +6m before and a momentum of +2m after. The m trolley has a momentum of -3m before and a momentum of +m after. The vertical lines represent change in momentum and is equal for both trolleys.
  • Therefore, option B is correct

Worked Example

A person of mass 68 space kg holds a 5 space kg box while riding a skateboard of mass 2 space kg toward the west at a speed of 2.0 space straight m divided by straight s. The person throws the box to the east, giving it a speed of 5.0 space straight m divided by straight s.

What is the person's final velocity after throwing the box?


Step 1: Analyze the scenario

  • Initially, the system (the person, skateboard, and box) moves to the west with the same speed

  • Before the person throws the box, the system has:

    • a combined mass of open parentheses 68 plus 2 plus 5 close parentheses space equals space 75 space kg

    • an initial velocity of v subscript 0 space equals space plus 2.0 space straight m divided by straight s (we can define this as the positive direction)

  • After the person throws the box to the east:

    • the person and the skateboard (total mass = 70 space kg) continue to move west (positive direction) with final velocity v

    • the box open parentheses m subscript b o x end subscript space equals space 5 space kg close parentheses has a velocity of v subscript b o x end subscript space equals space minus 5.0 space straight m divided by straight s (negative direction)

A person on a skateboard holds a 5 kg box and travels to the left at 2.0 m/s. In the second image, they throw the 5 kg box to the right at 5.0 m/s, reducing their mass from 75 kg to 70 kg and increasing their velocity to v.

Step 2: Apply the principle of conservation of momentum

  • Conservation of momentum: the total momentum before the throw = the total momentum after the throw

sum p with rightwards arrow on top subscript i space equals space sum p with rightwards arrow on top subscript f

open parentheses m subscript p e r s o n end subscript plus m subscript s k a t e b o a r d end subscript plus m subscript b o x end subscript close parentheses v subscript 0 space equals space open parentheses m subscript p e r s o n end subscript plus m subscript s k a t e b o a r d end subscript close parentheses v space plus space m subscript b o x end subscript v subscript b o x end subscript

open parentheses 75 close parentheses open parentheses 2.0 close parentheses space equals space 70 v space plus space open parentheses 5 close parentheses open parentheses negative 5.0 close parentheses

150 space equals space 70 v space minus space 25

  • Therefore, the final velocity of the person is

v space equals space fraction numerator 150 space plus thin space 25 over denominator 70 end fraction space equals space 2.5 space straight m divided by straight s

Examiner Tip

Using representations to analyze physical situations is a crucial skill in AP Physics 1. Furthermore, drawing momentum graphs or charts can be particularly useful for solving momentum conservation problems which involve determining the final states of objects involved in collisions.

Impulse & total momentum

The impulse exerted by object A on object B is equal and opposite to the impulse exerted by object B on object A

  • If the total momentum of a system changes, that change is equivalent to the impulse exerted on the system

J with rightwards arrow on top space equals space increment p with rightwards arrow on top

  • Where:

    • J with rightwards arrow on top = impulse exerted on the system, in straight N times straight s

    • increment p with rightwards arrow on top = change in momentum of the system, in kg times straight m divided by straight s

  • When two objects, sphere A and sphere B, collide:

    • sphere A exerts a force on sphere B of magnitude F subscript A

    • sphere B exerts a force on sphere A of magnitude F subscript B

    • the forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction F subscript A space equals space minus F subscript B

    • the forces, and therefore impulses, act for the amount of time the spheres are in contact

Third law force pair during a collision

A collision between two balls, A and B. "Before collision" shows A and B moving toward each other with velocities v0A and v0B respectively. "Collision" shows forces FA and FB acting which are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. "After collision" shows A and B moving apart with velocities vA and vB respectively.
According to Newton's third law, the force exerted by A on B is equal to the force exerted by B on A and opposite in direction. The same is true for the impulse exerted by each sphere.

Worked Example

Two ice skaters of mass 60 space kg and 100 space kg are initially stationary on a frictionless, horizontal ice surface. They push against each other simultaneously with a force of magnitude 150 space straight N for 2.0 space straight s. One of the skaters moves to the left at a velocity of 5.0 space straight m divided by straight s and the other skater moves to the right at a velocity of v.

(A) Determine which skater has a final velocity of 5.0 space straight m divided by straight s.

(B) Calculate the final velocity of the other skater.

(C) Describe the initial position of each skater.


Part (A)

Step 1: Analyze the scenario

  • Initially, the two skaters are at rest, so the initial momentum is zero

  • When they push against each other, the impulse they exert on one another is equal and opposite and causes a change in momentum

Step 2: Determine the change in momentum

  • The impulse exerted by the skaters is equal to the change in momentum

J with rightwards arrow on top space equals space increment p with rightwards arrow on top space equals space F with rightwards arrow on top subscript a v g end subscript increment t

  • The average force exerted by each skater is F with rightwards arrow on top subscript a v g end subscript space equals space 150 space straight N for a period of increment t space equals space 2.0 space straight s, so the change in momentum is

increment p with rightwards arrow on top space equals space 150 cross times 2.0 space equals space 300 space kg times straight m divided by straight s

Step 3: Determine the mass of the skater with a final velocity of 5.0 m/s

  • Since the initial velocity of each skater is zero, the change in momentum is equal to the product of their mass and final velocity

increment p with rightwards arrow on top space equals space m increment v with rightwards arrow on top space equals space m v with rightwards arrow on top

  • The mass of the skater with a final velocity of 5.0 space straight m divided by straight s is:

m space equals space fraction numerator increment p with rightwards arrow on top over denominator v with rightwards arrow on top end fraction space equals space fraction numerator 300 over denominator 5.0 end fraction space equals space 60 space kg

Part (B)

Step 1: Analyze the scenario

  • After the push, the skaters move away from each other, so one of the velocities will be negative

  • The 60 space kg skater moves to the left at a speed of 5.0 space straight m divided by straight s

  • Therefore, the 100 space kg skater moves to the right at a speed of v

  • We can define the direction of the 100 space kg skater as the positive direction

Step 2: Apply the principle of conservation of momentum

  • Conservation of momentum: the total momentum before the push is equal to the total momentum after

sum p with rightwards arrow on top subscript i space equals space sum p with rightwards arrow on top subscript f

0 space equals space 100 v space minus space 300

100 v space equals space 300

  • Therefore, the final velocity of the 100 space kg skater is:

v space equals space 300 over 100 space equals space 3.0 space straight m divided by straight s

Part (C)

Step 1: Analyze the scenario

  • After the push:

    • the 100 space kg skater moves to the right (positive direction) at a velocity of plus 3.0 space straight m divided by straight s

    • the 60 space kg skater moves to the left (negative direction) at a velocity of negative 5.0 space straight m divided by straight s

Step 2: Deduce the initial positions of the skaters

  • Before the push:

    • the 100 space kg skater is to the right of the 60 space kg skater

    • the 60 space kg skater is to the left of the 100 space kg skater

Two people of mass 60 kg (left) and 100 kg (right) pushing each other on ice skates. Before push: both stationary, so v = 0. After push: moving apart, 60 kg at -5.0 m/s, 100 kg at +3.0 m/s.

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Katie M

Author: Katie M

Expertise: Physics

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.