Momentum of a System (College Board AP® Physics 1: Algebra-Based)

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Katie M


Katie M



Calculating velocity of a system

  • For a system of multiple objects, it can be useful to consider them as point particles with a common center of mass

  • Consider a system of three objects, each with individual masses and velocities

  • The position of the system's center of mass can be determined using:

x with rightwards arrow on top subscript c m end subscript space equals space fraction numerator sum for i of open parentheses m subscript i x with rightwards arrow on top subscript i close parentheses over denominator sum m subscript i end fraction space equals space fraction numerator m subscript 1 x subscript 1 plus m subscript 2 x subscript 2 plus m subscript 3 x subscript 3 over denominator m subscript 1 plus m subscript 2 plus m subscript 3 end fraction

  • Where:

    • x with rightwards arrow on top subscript c m end subscript = position of the system's center of mass, in straight m

    • m subscript i = mass of each object, in kg

    • x with rightwards arrow on top subscript i = position of each object, in straight m

  • Similarly, the velocity of the system's center of mass can be determined using:

v with rightwards arrow on top subscript c m end subscript space equals space fraction numerator sum for i of open parentheses m subscript i v with rightwards arrow on top subscript i close parentheses over denominator sum m subscript i end fraction space equals space fraction numerator m subscript 1 v with rightwards arrow on top subscript 1 plus m subscript 2 v with rightwards arrow on top subscript 2 plus m subscript 3 v with rightwards arrow on top subscript 3 over denominator m subscript 1 plus m subscript 2 plus m subscript 3 end fraction

  • Where:

    • v with rightwards arrow on top subscript c m end subscript = velocity of the system's center of mass, in straight m divided by straight s

    • v with rightwards arrow on top subscript i = velocity of each object, in straight m divided by straight s

Velocity of the center of mass of a system of particles

A system of three particles with their masses and velocity vectors on the left, and their position vectors on an XY-coordinate plane on the right showing the center of mass and its velocity.
The motion of a system of particles can be described in terms of the velocity of the center of mass of the system

Total momentum of a system

  • The total momentum of a system is equal to the sum of the momenta of the system’s constituent parts

p with rightwards arrow on top space equals space sum for i of p with rightwards arrow on top subscript i space equals space sum for i of open parentheses m subscript i v with rightwards arrow on top subscript i close parentheses

  • Consider a system of n objects:

p with rightwards arrow on top space equals space sum for i of p with rightwards arrow on top subscript i space equals space p with rightwards arrow on top subscript 1 space plus space p with rightwards arrow on top subscript 2 space plus space p with rightwards arrow on top subscript 3 space plus space... space plus space p with rightwards arrow on top subscript n

p with rightwards arrow on top space equals space sum for i of open parentheses m subscript i v with rightwards arrow on top subscript i close parentheses space equals space m subscript 1 v with rightwards arrow on top subscript 1 space plus space m subscript 2 v with rightwards arrow on top subscript 2 space plus space m subscript 3 v with rightwards arrow on top subscript 3 space plus space... space plus m subscript n v with rightwards arrow on top subscript n

  • Therefore, a collection of objects with individual momenta can be described as one system with one center-of-mass velocity:

v with rightwards arrow on top subscript c m end subscript space equals space fraction numerator sum for i of p with rightwards arrow on top subscript i over denominator sum m subscript i end fraction space equals space fraction numerator sum for i of open parentheses m subscript i v with rightwards arrow on top subscript i close parentheses over denominator sum m subscript i end fraction

  • We can also re-write the expression for the total momentum of the system as:

p with rightwards arrow on top space equals space M v with rightwards arrow on top subscript c m end subscript

  • Where:

    • p with rightwards arrow on top = total momentum of the system, in kg times straight m divided by straight s

    • M = total mass of the system, in kg

    • v with rightwards arrow on top subscript c m end subscript = velocity of the center of mass of the system, in straight m divided by straight s

Worked Example

A rocket of mass M and shuttle of mass 5 M are initially traveling together to the right with velocity v, as shown in the diagram.

A shuttle connected to a rocket with a velocity v pointing to the right. The shuttle is rectangular, and the rocket is triangular.

The shuttle separates from the rocket and continues to travel to the right with velocity v subscript s while the rocket continues to travel to the right with velocity v subscript r, where v subscript r space greater than space v, as shown in the following diagram.

A shuttle with a velocity vs separates from a rocket with velocity vr. Both arrows point to the right, the arrow labeled 'vr' is longer than the arrow labeled 'vs'.

Which of the following is true for the velocity v subscript c m end subscript of the center of mass of the system after the shuttle and rocket separate?

A      v subscript c m end subscript space equals space v subscript s

B      v subscript c m end subscript space equals space v

C      v subscript c m end subscript space less than space v

D      v space less than space v subscript c m end subscript space less than space v subscript r

The correct answer is B


Step 1: Analyze the scenario

  • When traveling together, the velocity of the center of mass of the rocket and shuttle is

v subscript c m end subscript space equals space fraction numerator sum for i of open parentheses m subscript i v with rightwards arrow on top subscript i close parentheses over denominator sum m subscript i end fraction space equals space fraction numerator open parentheses M space plus space 5 M close parentheses v over denominator open parentheses M space plus space 5 M close parentheses end fraction

v subscript c m end subscript space equals space v

  • During the separation, no external forces act on the system, so there is no impulse on the system

Step 2: Eliminate incorrect options

  • Since no external forces act on the system, the total momentum of the system must be constant

p with rightwards arrow on top space equals space open parentheses M space plus thin space 5 M close parentheses v with rightwards arrow on top subscript c m end subscript

  • The velocity of the center of mass was v before the separation

  • Therefore, it cannot be greater than v after the separation

    • This eliminates option D

  • It also cannot be less than v after the separation

    • This eliminates option C

  • After the separation, the velocity of the rocket v subscript r was greater than v

  • Therefore, the velocity of the shuttle v subscript s must be less than v

    • This eliminates option A

Step 3: Deduce the correct option

  • As the center of mass was moving with velocity v before the separation, it will continue to move with velocity v

    • Therefore, option B is correct

Worked Example

The masses and velocities of three objects in a system are given in the table below.


Mass (kg)

Velocity (m/s)










The positions of the three objects in an xy plane are shown in the diagram.

XY-coordinate graph showing three points labeled m1 at (4,4), m2 at (2, 2), and m3 at (4,1), with vectors v1, v2, and v3 indicating directions from each point. X and Y axes are labeled in meters (m).

For the system of three objects, determine:

(A) the position of the center of mass, x with rightwards arrow on top subscript c m end subscript.

(B) the velocity of the center of mass, v with rightwards arrow on top subscript c m end subscript.


Part (A)

Step 1: Determine the xy coordinates of the positions of each object

Graph showing points (2,2), (4,4), and (4,1). Points are labeled as m2, m1, and m3 respectively. Arrows indicate velocities v1, v2, and v3
  • Object 1 open parentheses m subscript 1 space equals space 1 space kg close parentheses has coordinates open parentheses 4 comma 4 close parentheses, so x subscript 1 space equals space 4 space straight m and y subscript 1 space equals space 4 space straight m

  • Object 2 open parentheses m subscript 2 space equals space 3 space kg close parentheses has coordinates open parentheses 2 comma 2 close parentheses, so x subscript 2 space equals space 2 space straight m and y subscript 2 space equals space 2 space straight m

  • Object 3 open parentheses m subscript 3 space equals space 2 space kg close parentheses has coordinates open parentheses 4 comma 1 close parentheses, so x subscript 3 space equals space 4 space straight m and y subscript 3 space equals space 1 space straight m

Step 2: Determine the x-component of the position of the center of mass

x subscript c m end subscript space equals space fraction numerator m subscript 1 x subscript 1 plus m subscript 2 x subscript 2 plus m subscript 3 x subscript 3 over denominator m subscript 1 plus m subscript 2 plus m subscript 3 end fraction

x subscript c m end subscript space equals space fraction numerator open parentheses 1 cross times 4 close parentheses plus open parentheses 3 cross times 2 close parentheses plus open parentheses 2 cross times 4 close parentheses over denominator 1 plus 3 plus 2 end fraction space equals space 3 space straight m

Step 3: Determine the y-component of the position of the center of mass

y subscript c m end subscript space equals space fraction numerator m subscript 1 y subscript 1 plus m subscript 2 y subscript 2 plus m subscript 3 y subscript 3 over denominator m subscript 1 plus m subscript 2 plus m subscript 3 end fraction

y subscript c m end subscript space equals space fraction numerator open parentheses 1 cross times 4 close parentheses plus open parentheses 3 cross times 2 close parentheses plus open parentheses 2 cross times 1 close parentheses over denominator 1 plus 3 plus 2 end fraction space equals space 2 space straight m

Step 4: Determine the position of the center of mass

  • The xy coordinate of the position of the center of mass is x with rightwards arrow on top subscript c m end subscript space equals space open parentheses 3 comma 2 close parentheses

Graph showing three masses (m1, m2, m3) at points (4,4), (2,2), (4,1), respectively, with vectors v1, v2, v3 and their center of mass (COM) at (3,2).

Part (B)

Step 1: Determine the xy velocity components of each object

  • The velocity vectors of m subscript 1 and m subscript 2 are in opposite directions

  • Using their position coordinates, we can determine the angle between their velocity vectors and the x-axis

  • This angle can be found using tan space theta space equals space y over x

  • The positions of m subscript 1 and m subscript 2 are open parentheses 4 comma 4 close parentheses and open parentheses 2 comma 2 close parentheses respectively, therefore:

    • tan space theta space equals space 2 over 2 space equals space 4 over 4 space equals space 1

    • theta space equals space tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent open parentheses 1 close parentheses space equals space 45 degree

A labeled graph showing three masses (m1, m2, m3) with their velocities (v1, v2, v3) at coordinates, arrow vectors indicating direction and magnitude, and a center of mass labeled "COM".
  • The x- and y- velocity components of object 1 open parentheses m subscript 1 space equals space 1 space kg close parentheses are:

    • v subscript 1 x end subscript space equals space 1 space cos space 45 degree

    • v subscript 1 y end subscript space equals space 1 space sin space 45 degree

  • The x- and y- velocity components of object 2 open parentheses m subscript 2 space equals space 3 space kg close parentheses are:

    • v subscript 2 x end subscript space equals space minus 2 space cos space 45 degree

    • v subscript 2 y end subscript space equals space minus 2 space sin space 45 degree

  • The x- and y- velocity components of object 3 open parentheses m subscript 3 space equals space 2 space kg close parentheses are:

    • v subscript 3 x end subscript space equals space 0

    • v subscript 3 y end subscript space equals space 3

Step 2: Determine the x-component of the velocity of the center of mass

v subscript x comma c m end subscript space equals space fraction numerator m subscript 1 v subscript x 1 end subscript plus m subscript 2 v subscript x 2 end subscript plus m subscript 3 v subscript x 3 end subscript over denominator m subscript 1 plus m subscript 2 plus m subscript 3 end fraction

v subscript x comma c m end subscript space equals space fraction numerator open parentheses 1 cross times 1 space cos space 45 degree close parentheses minus open parentheses 3 cross times 2 space cos space 45 degree close parentheses plus 0 over denominator 1 plus 3 plus 2 end fraction space equals space minus 0.589

Step 3: Determine the y-component of the velocity of the center of mass

v subscript y comma c m end subscript space equals space fraction numerator m subscript 1 v subscript y 1 end subscript plus m subscript 2 v subscript y 2 end subscript plus m subscript 3 v subscript y 3 end subscript over denominator m subscript 1 plus m subscript 2 plus m subscript 3 end fraction

v subscript y comma c m end subscript space equals space fraction numerator open parentheses 1 cross times 1 space sin space 45 degree close parentheses minus open parentheses 3 cross times 2 space sin space 45 degree close parentheses plus open parentheses 2 cross times 3 close parentheses over denominator 1 plus 3 plus 2 end fraction space equals space 0.411

Step 4: Determine the velocity of the center of mass

  • Using Pythagoras theorem, the magnitude of the velocity is:

v with rightwards arrow on top subscript c m end subscript space equals space square root of open parentheses v subscript x comma c m end subscript close parentheses squared space plus space open parentheses v subscript y comma c m end subscript close parentheses squared end root

v with rightwards arrow on top subscript c m end subscript space equals space square root of 0.589 squared space plus space 0.411 squared end root space equals space 0.72 space straight m divided by straight s

  • Using trigonometry, the direction of the velocity is:

theta subscript c m end subscript space equals space tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent space open parentheses v subscript y comma c m end subscript over v subscript x comma c m end subscript close parentheses

theta subscript c m end subscript space equals space tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent space open parentheses negative fraction numerator 0.411 over denominator 0.589 end fraction close parentheses space equals space minus 35 degree

  • The magnitude and direction of the velocity of the system's center of mass can be represented on the xy plane as:

Graph showing points m1, m2, and m3 with respective velocities v1, v2, and v3. An X at the center labeled COM indicates the center of mass with a velocity vector vcm in red.

Examiner Tip

Make sure you understand the position and velocity of a center of mass:

  • is not necessarily at the center of a system

  • does not change regardless of what the objects in a system do

Conditions for the transfer of momentum

  • A system may be selected so that the total momentum of that system is constant

    • The system can be defined as the objects involved in the interaction

    • The surroundings can then be defined as anything outside of the chosen system

  • The total momentum of a system can be changed only by a net external force

  • When the net external force is nonzero:

    • any change to the momentum of a system is due to a transfer of momentum between the system and its surroundings

    • the conservation of momentum principle is not valid

  • When the net external force is zero (i.e. in an isolated system):

    • the total momentum of the system is constant

    • the velocity of the system’s center of mass is constant

    • any change to the momentum of an object within the system must be balanced by an equal and opposite change of momentum elsewhere within the system

    • the conservation of momentum principle is valid

Transfer of momentum by a net external force

A system with three masses (m1, m2, m3) moving in different directions within a surrounding. One label explains that the internal forces cancel out, so these cannot change the total momentum. The other label explains that only a net external force can change the total momentum.
If the net external force on the selected system is nonzero, momentum is transferred between the system and the surroundings

Worked Example

A dart of mass m moving horizontally with constant speed becomes embedded in a block of mass M, as shown in the diagram. The dart and block move together with speed v immediately after the collision. The block is suspended from two light strings and swings up to a maximum height h above the block’s initial position.

A dart with mass m moves towards a wooden block of mass M suspended by two light strings, causing the block to swing and rise to height h after impact.

In which of the following systems is linear momentum conserved?

A      The dart-block system in the horizontal direction

B      The dart-block-string system

C      The dart-block-Earth system

D      The dart-block-string-Earth system

The correct answer is A


Step 1: Analyze the scenario

  • This scenario, known as the Ballistic Pendulum, can be analyzed in three stages

    • Stage 1: before the collision

    • Stage 2: after the collision

    • Stage 3: at the maximum height

  • According to the Impulse-Momentum Theorem, external forces cause an impulse to act which results in a change in momentum

  • Therefore, linear momentum will only be conserved in a system where there are no external forces acting

Step 2: Eliminate incorrect options

  • The Earth exerts an external (gravitational) force when there is a change in height, so conservation of momentum cannot be used

    • This eliminates options C and D

  • The strings are described as light, so they can be ignored in calculations of momentum

    • This eliminates option B

Step 3: Deduce the correct option

  • Before the collision, the dart is moving horizontally, and just after the collision, the dart and the block continue to move horizontally momentarily

  • Therefore, the conservation of momentum principle can be applied to the dart-block system in the horizontal direction only

    • Therefore, option A is correct

Examiner Tip

You must not perform conservation of momentum calculations when the net external force on a system is nonzero, as the conservation of momentum principle is not valid in this situation. However, you will be expected to select systems appropriately so that the net external force on the system is zero. Often in AP Physics 1, the system will be chosen for you, so you must read the question carefully and analyze the system you are given.

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Katie M

Author: Katie M

Expertise: Physics

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.