Describing Systems (College Board AP® Physics 1: Algebra-Based)

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Katie M


Katie M



Describing systems

  • In physics, a system is defined as:

A specific object or a collection of objects

  • Connecting objects in this way enables us to understand, model, or predict the behaviors of those objects

  • Any objects that are not part of the system are considered as the surroundings

Diagram showing a blue cloud labeled "system" containing three gray masses labeled m1, m2, m3, with the area outside the cloud labeled "surroundings."
In this scenario, the system is made up of three particles which interact with each other, and the surroundings are everything outside of this

Single object systems

  • Many problems in physics can be simplified by modeling systems as single objects

  • This applies to systems where the properties or interactions of the individual objects in the system are not important in modeling the behavior of the macroscopic system

  • When a system is treated as a single object:

    • its internal structure can be ignored

    • its properties can be determined by the properties of the individual objects in that system, e.g. the mass of the system

    • the forces on the system can be considered to act at the system's center of mass

    • every point on the system can be assumed to move in the same direction

  • For example, when determining the acceleration of a car using Newton's second law open parentheses F subscript n e t end subscript space equals space m a close parentheses:

    • The net force F subscript n e t end subscript exerted on the system (the car) causes the entire system to accelerate as if it were a single object of total mass m

    • The internal structure of the car (its engine, wheels, etc) is not relevant to the situation, so it can be ignored

    • The net force, mass, and acceleration can be assumed to act at the car's center of mass

Example of a single object system

Diagram of a car with forces F and Ff, showing acceleration a. Below is a simplified model representing the car's mass m and net force Fnet.
A car can be considered as a single object system with a net external force acting on it, as every point on the system moves in the same way

Open and closed systems

  • A system can be classified as either:

    • an open system

    • or, a closed or isolated system

  • Defining a system as open or closed depends on whether:

    • a net external force acts on the system

    • there is an exchange of energy or mass between the system and the surroundings

Diagram comparing open and closed systems. Open system exchanges energy with surroundings, closed system does not. Both show internal energy exchanges.
Open and closed systems can be distinguished by energy or matter exchanges with the surroundings, and the presence of a net external force

Open systems

  • In an open system, interactions between the system and the surroundings may result in the transfer of energy or mass

  • Open systems are characterized by

    • a net external force acting on the system, meaning total mechanical energy and total momentum are not conserved

    • an exchange of energy, such as work or heating, between the system and the surroundings

  • An example of an open system is a mass moving on a rough surface

    • If the surface is rough, then friction acts as an external force on the single object system (i.e. the surface is not included in the system)

    • When work is done by friction, energy is dissipated to the surroundings as heat

    • Both the total mechanical energy and momentum of the mass decrease, therefore, these quantities are not conserved

Example of an open system

Diagram shows a block moving along surfaces with "No Friction," "Friction," and back to "No Friction." It illustrates kinetic energy lost as heat due to friction.
When an object moves along a rough surface, the work done by friction causes a reduction in kinetic energy which reduces the total mechanical energy of the single object system

Closed system

  • In a closed system, no energy or mass is transferred between the system and the surroundings

  • Closed systems are characterized by

    • no net external force acting on the system, meaning total mechanical energy and total momentum are conserved

    • no exchange of energy, such as work or heating, between the system and the surroundings

  • An example of a closed system is a mass being projected up a smooth incline by a compressed spring

    • If the surface is smooth, then no external forces act on the mass-spring-Earth system

    • When work is done to compress the spring, energy is transferred to kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy within the system, and no energy is dissipated to the surroundings

    • Both the total mechanical energy and momentum of the mass remain constant, therefore, these quantities are conserved

Example of a closed system

Two diagrams showing a compressed spring releasing a blue ball. Top: "The work done to compress the spring equals the system's mechanical energy." Bottom: "Mechanical energy transforms but remains constant."
When an object moves on a frictionless surface, the total mechanical energy in the object-spring-Earth system stays constant

Internal structure of a system

  • When the internal structure of a system is significant, the system cannot be modeled as a single object

  • This applies to systems containing individual objects which may behave differently from each other as well as from the system as a whole

  • Some examples of this are:

    • object-Earth systems

    • multiple object systems

    • object-string systems

    • object-spring systems

  • The selection of individual objects in a system can significantly affect the analysis of that system

Object-Earth systems

  • If the system consists of an object and the Earth, then any force other than the gravitational force acting on it is considered an external force

  • For example, consider a ball falling toward the Earth's surface

    • In the ball-only system: the gravitational force from the Earth exerts a net external force on the ball, causing it to accelerate

    • In the ball-Earth system: the forces exerted by the Earth on the ball, and by the ball on the Earth, are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, so their effects cancel. These forces are internal to the system, so no net external force acts on the system, hence it does not accelerate

Example of an object-Earth system

Two diagrams illustrating force on ball by Earth. Left: “ball-only system” shows net external force causing acceleration. Right: “ball-Earth system” with no acceleration.
Individual objects within a chosen system, such as a ball falling toward the Earth, may behave differently from each other as well as from the system as a whole

Multiple object systems

  • If the system consists of multiple objects, then any force other than the internal forces between the objects is considered an external force

  • For example, consider a collision between two objects

    • In the two-object system: when the two objects collide, the force they exert on one another is internal to the system, so the total momentum of the system remains constant

    • In the single object system: the force exerted by one ball on the other acts as a net external force, causing its momentum to change

Example of a multiple object system

Diagram showing a two-object system with no net external force, illustrating momentum conservation before, during, and after collision, with labeled explanations.
The momentum of a single object can change, but the total momentum of the closed system does not change

Systems involving strings and springs

  • If the system consists of an object attached to a string (or rope), then any force other than tension in the string is considered an external force

  • For example, consider a tug-of-war between two people on a cart

    • In the person-rope-person-cart system: the tension in the rope due to the people pulling on it is internal to the system. There is no net external force exerted on the cart, so it does not accelerate

    • In the person-cart system: if one person moves off the cart and becomes part of the surroundings, the tension becomes a net external force on the system, which causes it to accelerate

Example of a multi-object-string system

Two stick figures pulling a rope on a cart. Left: no acceleration, tension internal. Right: cart accelerates, tension external.
A change to the internal structure of a system can affect the motion of that system. For example, when two people play tug-of-war on a cart, the tension is an internal force, but when one person 'steps out' of the system, the tension becomes a net external force
  • If the system consists of an object attached to a spring, then any force other than the spring force is considered an external force

  • For example, consider a mass-spring system (see the following worked example)

Worked Example

A vertical spring attached to a block of mass M is stretched and then released, as shown in the diagram.

Diagram of a mass M attached to a spring, illustrating equilibrium position. Another hand-held mass M stretches the spring below the equilibrium position on the right.

While the block moves upward toward its equilibrium position, indicate whether the following systems are open or closed, and justify your answer.

(A) The block system

(B) The block-spring system

(C) The block-Earth system

(D) The block-spring-Earth system


Step 1: Analyze the scenario

  • When the block is released, a spring force acts upward and a gravitational force acts downward

  • As the block moves upward toward its equilibrium position, it is accelerating due to an upward net force acting on it

Part (A)

Step 1: Identify the internal and external forces acting on the block system

  • For the block system:

    • both the spring force and gravitational force are external forces

Diagram of a spring-block system illustrating forces. A spring exerts an upward spring force, while gravity exerts a downward gravitational force on the block.

Step 2: Indicate whether the block system is open or closed

  • There is a net external force acting upward on the block system

  • Therefore, it is an open system

Part (B)

Step 1: Identify the internal and external forces acting on the block-spring system

  • For the block-spring system:

    • the spring force is an internal force

    • the gravitational force is an external force

Diagram of a block-spring system with labeled arrows showing spring force upwards and gravitational force downwards, with Earth depicted below.

Step 2: Indicate whether the block-spring system is open or closed

  • There is a net external force acting downward on the block-spring system

  • Therefore, it is an open system

Part (C)

Step 1: Identify the internal and external forces acting on the block-Earth system

  • For the block-Earth system

    • the spring force is an external force

    • the gravitational force is an internal force

Diagram of a block hanging from a spring with labeled forces. The blue arrow indicates the spring force upwards, and the green arrow shows gravitational force downwards.

Step 2: Indicate whether the block-Earth system is open or closed

  • There is a net external force acting upward on the block-Earth system

  • Therefore, it is an open system

Part (D)

Step 1: Identify the internal and external forces acting on the block-spring-Earth system

  • For the block-spring-Earth system

    • both the spring force and gravitational force are internal forces

Diagram of a block-spring system showing a block hanging from a spring above the Earth. Arrows indicate forces: spring force upwards and gravitational force downwards.

Step 2: Indicate whether the block-spring-Earth system is open or closed

  • There is no net external force acting on the block-spring-Earth system

  • Therefore, it is a closed system

Examiner Tip

When analyzing a problem, you will often need to define the system by selecting the objects that make up the internal structure, and excluding the objects that do not. As you will likely have seen, the choice of system has the ability to make a problem much simpler or much more complex.

When identifying a system, always sketch a diagram (unless a diagram is already provided) and draw a circle around the system to signify the boundary between the system and the surroundings. By doing this, you can then identify whether any net external forces are acting and if any changes in total mechanical energy occur.

Often on the AP Physics 1 Exam, the system will be defined in the question, so it is essential that you practice a broad range of questions to help you become more comfortable analyzing different systems.

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Katie M

Author: Katie M

Expertise: Physics

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.