Hooke's Law (College Board AP® Physics 1: Algebra-Based)

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Caroline Carroll


Physics Subject Lead

Ideal spring

  • When a spring is neither stretched nor compressed, it is said to be in equilibrium

    • The net force on the spring is zero

    • Its length at its equilibrium position is known as the relaxed length

  • When a spring is stretched or compressed, its change in length (extension or compression), straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top , is the displacement from its equilibrium position

    • The spring will exert a force, F with rightwards arrow on top subscript s , towards its equilibrium position

Force exerted by a spring

Diagram showing forces on a spring in three states: equilibrium, stretching,  and compression. Arrows indicate applied force (F), spring force (Fs) and change in length (Δx)
A spring is in equilibrium when it is not stretched or compressed. When it is stretched or compressed, the force it exerts is towards the equilibrium position.
  • An ideal spring can be defined as:

A spring that has negligible mass and exerts a force that is proportional to the change in its length as measured from its relaxed length

  • This can be expressed as:

F with rightwards arrow on top subscript s space proportional to space minus straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top

  • Where:

    • F with rightwards arrow on top subscript s = force exerted by a spring, in straight N

    • straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top = change in length of the spring, in straight m

  • The minus sign shows that the force exerted by a spring is a restoring force as it acts toward the equilibrium position

Hooke's law

  • When an object is placed on an ideal spring, the spring will exert a force on the object

  • For an ideal spring:

F with rightwards arrow on top subscript s space proportional to space minus straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top

  • Where:

    • F with rightwards arrow on top subscript s = force exerted by a spring, in straight N

    • straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top = change in length of the spring, in straight m

  • This can be re-written using a proportionality constant, called the spring constant, to show the magnitude of this force

  • This equation is known as Hooke's law:

F with rightwards arrow on top subscript s space equals space minus k straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top

  • Where:

    • F with rightwards arrow on top subscript s = force exerted by a spring, in straight N

    • k = spring constant, in straight N divided by straight m

    • straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top = change in length, in straight m

  • The force that is exerted by an ideal spring on an object is a restoring force

  • Hooke's law applies to both extensions and compressions:

    • The extension of an object is determined by how much it has increased in length

    • The compression of an object is determined by how much it has decreased in length

  • The extension, straight capital delta x, is the difference between the relaxed and stretched length 

extension space equals space stretched space length space minus space relaxed space length space

Force exerted on an object by an ideal spring

Diagram showing a spring system with a load hanging from it, labeled with equilibrium position, displacement (Δx), spring force (Fs) upwards, and weight (Fg) downwards.
The force exerted by an ideal spring acting on the object is towards the equilibrium position of the object-spring system

Force-versus-extension graphs

  • The relationship between force and the change in length from its relaxed length is shown on a force-versus-extension graph

    • For an ideal spring, this is a linear relationship shown as a straight-line graph which passes through the origin

Calculating the spring constant from a force-versus-extension graph

Two graphs compare force vs. extension and extension vs. force. Left: Force vs. extension with large k having a steeper slope. Right: Extension vs. force with large k having a less steep slope.
The spring constant is the slope, or 1 ÷ slope of a force-versus-extension graph depending on which variable is on which axis
  • The stiffer the spring, the greater the spring constant and vice versa

    • This means that more force is required per meter of extension compared to a less stiff spring

  • When force is plotted against extension, the steeper the slope of the line, the larger the spring constant and the stiffer the spring

Diagram comparing two springs with weights, showing spring A with a small spring constant and spring B with a large spring constant. Spring B is stiffer.
Spring B has a larger spring constant than spring A, therefore spring B needs more force per unit extension (it is stiffer)

Combination of springs

  • Springs can be combined in different ways:

    • In series (end-to-end)

    • In parallel (side-by-side)

  • The effective spring constant, k subscript e f f end subscript , is a measure of how much force the combination of springs exerts per unit of extension or compression

Diagram showing springs in series and parallel configurations. Series equation: 1/kff = 1/k1 + 1/k2. Parallel equation: keff = k1 + k2.
Springs can be connected in series or parallel. The effective spring constant depends on how the springs are connected

Springs in parallel

  • For springs in parallel, the extension from the equilibrium position, straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top, is the same for both springs

  • The net force exerted by the two springs, F with rightwards arrow on top subscript e f f end subscript , is:

F with rightwards arrow on top subscript e f f end subscript space equals space F with rightwards arrow on top subscript 1 space plus space F with rightwards arrow on top subscript 2

  • Using Hooke's law, the force exerted by spring 1 is:

F with rightwards arrow on top subscript 1 space equals space minus k subscript 1 straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top

  • The force exerted by spring 2 is:

F with rightwards arrow on top subscript 2 space equals space minus k subscript 2 straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top

  • Substituting:

F with rightwards arrow on top subscript e f f end subscript space equals space open parentheses negative k subscript 1 straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top close parentheses space plus space open parentheses negative k subscript 2 straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top close parentheses space equals space minus open parentheses k subscript 1 plus k subscript 2 close parentheses straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top

  • Therefore, the effective spring constant for springs in parallel, k subscript e f f end subscript, is:

    k subscript e f f end subscript space equals space k subscript 1 space plus space k subscript 2

Springs in series

  • For springs in series, the total extension, straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top is:

straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top space equals space straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top subscript 1 space plus space straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top subscript 2

  • Where:

    • straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top subscript 1 is the extension of spring 1, measured in straight m

    • straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top subscript 2 is the extension of spring 2, measured in straight m

  • The force is evenly distributed, so the force, F, exerted by each spring is equal

  • The extensions can be written in terms of force and spring constants using Hooke's law:

straight capital delta stack x subscript 1 with rightwards arrow on top space equals space minus fraction numerator F with rightwards arrow on top over denominator k subscript 1 end fraction

straight capital delta stack x subscript 2 with rightwards arrow on top space equals space minus fraction numerator F with rightwards arrow on top over denominator k subscript 2 end fraction

  • Therefore

straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top space equals space open parentheses negative fraction numerator F with rightwards arrow on top over denominator k subscript 1 end fraction close parentheses space plus space open parentheses negative fraction numerator F with rightwards arrow on top over denominator k subscript 2 end fraction close parentheses space equals space minus open parentheses 1 over k subscript 1 plus 1 over k subscript 2 close parentheses F with rightwards arrow on top

  • Rearranging this in the format of Hooke's law for a single spring:

F with rightwards arrow on top space equals space minus k straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top

F with rightwards arrow on top space equals space minus open parentheses fraction numerator 1 over denominator 1 over k subscript 1 space plus space 1 over k subscript 2 end fraction close parentheses straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top space equals space minus open parentheses fraction numerator k subscript 1 k subscript 2 over denominator k subscript 1 space plus space k subscript 2 end fraction close parentheses straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top

  • Therefore, the effective spring constant, k subscript e f f end subscript, is:

k subscript e f f end subscript space equals space fraction numerator k subscript 1 k subscript 2 over denominator k subscript 1 space plus space k subscript 2 end fraction

Worked Example

Four springs are arranged vertically as shown in the figure.

Three springs, O, P, and Q hang downwards. They are connected to a fourth spring, R, which hangs beneath spring P. Spring R is connected to a weight labeled W, hanging downwards.

Springs P, Q and O are identical and each has a spring constant k. Spring R has a spring constant of 4 k. What is the magnitude of the increase in the overall length of the arrangement when a force, W with rightwards arrow on topis applied as shown in the figure?

A      fraction numerator 12 k over denominator 7 W end fraction

B      fraction numerator 6 W over denominator 5 k end fraction

C     fraction numerator 7 W over denominator 12 k end fraction

D      fraction numerator 2 W over denominator 5 end fraction

The correct answer is C


Step 1: Analyze the scenario

  • Springs O, P and Q are in parallel and act like a single spring with an effective spring constant, k subscript O P Q end subscript

  • The three springs O, P and Q act like a single spring with a spring constant k subscript O P Q end subscript which is in series with spring R

  • The effective spring constant of the arrangement, k subscript e f f end subscript

Step 2: Identify the equation to calculate the overall increase in length of the arrangement

  • Rearranging Hooke's law gives the equation for the overall increase of the arrangement:

straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top equals negative fraction numerator F with rightwards arrow on top over denominator k subscript e f f end subscript end fraction equals negative fraction numerator W with rightwards arrow on top over denominator k subscript e f f end subscript end fraction

Step 3: Calculate the effective spring constant

  • The effective spring constant from parallel springs O, P and Q

k subscript O P Q end subscript equals k subscript O plus k subscript P plus k subscript Q equals k plus k plus k equals 3 k

  • The springs O, P and Q are in series with spring R, so the effective spring constant of the arrangement can be calculated by:

1 over k subscript e f f end subscript equals fraction numerator 1 over denominator 3 k end fraction plus fraction numerator 1 over denominator 4 k end fraction equals fraction numerator 7 over denominator 12 k end fraction

k subscript e f f end subscript equals 1 divided by fraction numerator 7 over denominator 12 k end fraction equals fraction numerator 12 k over denominator 7 end fraction

Step 3: Substitute back into the equation for the equation for the overall increase in length of the arrangement

straight capital delta x with rightwards arrow on top equals negative fraction numerator W with rightwards arrow on top over denominator k subscript e f f end subscript end fraction equals negative fraction numerator 7 W with rightwards arrow on top over denominator 12 k end fraction

  • The negative sign indicates that the direction of the increase is in the opposite direction to the force exerted by the spring

Examiner Tip

The effective spring constant equations for combined springs work for any number of springs e.g. if there are 3 springs in parallel k subscript 1 , k subscript 2 and k subscript 3the effective spring constant would be k subscript e f f end subscript equals k subscript 1 plus k subscript 2 plus k subscript 3 .

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Caroline Carroll

Author: Caroline Carroll

Expertise: Physics Subject Lead

Caroline graduated from the University of Nottingham with a degree in Chemistry and Molecular Physics. She spent several years working as an Industrial Chemist in the automotive industry before retraining to teach. Caroline has over 12 years of experience teaching GCSE and A-level chemistry and physics. She is passionate about creating high-quality resources to help students achieve their full potential.