Translational Equilibrium (College Board AP® Physics 1: Algebra-Based)

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Ann Howell


Physics Content Creator

Translational equilibrium

  • Translational equilibrium is defined as

A configuration of forces such that the net force exerted on a system is zero

Stationary object

  • We know that if there is no net force acting on an object then there is no change in the object's motion

    • Therefore a stationary object remains stationary

  • Vectors can be added together using a vector sum

  • The force vectors acting on a picture modeled as a hanging object are:

    • Tension is the macroscopic net result of forces that segments of the string exert on each other in response to an external force

    • The weight exerted on the object by the gravitational field strength, g

Translational equilibrium of a stationary hanging object

A framed picture of a cow hanging from two cords with equal tension (Ft). The weight (Fg) is balanced by the tensions. Includes a free-body diagram.
A stationary hanging object is kept in translational equilibrium by tension in the strings and the weight of the picture
  • When an object is stationary, the force vectors acting on the object are arranged using the tip-to-tail method so that the vector sum is equal to zero

Force diagram of a stationary hanging object

A triangle with three arrows representing vectors. Two blue vectors labeled "T" form the sides of the triangle and a purple vector labeled "W" points downward.
When a system is in translational equilibrium the force triangle creates a net force of zero.

Moving objects

  • If there is no net force acting on an object, then there is no change in the object's motion

    • Therefore, a moving object remains moving at a constant velocity in the same direction

  • This means the force vectors acting on the object are also arranged using the tip-to-tail method so they combine to equal zero

  • The force vectors acting on the object are:

    • The weight exerted on the object by the acceleration due to gravity, g

    • The friction exerted on the object due to the interaction between the object and the surface of the slope

    • The normal force is the perpendicular component of the force exerted on an object by the surface with which it is in contact; it is directed away from the surface.

Translational equilibrium of a moving object at a constant velocity

Diagram of a motorcycle on a slope showing force vectors: normal force (Fn) upward, gravity's component (Fg cos θ) downward, and gravity (Fg) vertically.
An object moving at a constant speed on an inclined plane will also be in translational equilibrium.
  • When an object is moving at a constant speed, the force vectors acting on the object are arranged using the tip-to-tail method so that the vector sum is equal to zero

Force diagram of a moving object at a constant velocity

A diagram of three forces with arrows labeled Ff, Fg, and FN forming a right-angle triangle. Ff points upwards, FN points left, and Fg points downwards.
When a system is in translational equilibrium the force triangle creates a net force of zero.

Derived equation

  • A configuration of forces such that the net force exerted on a system is zero

sum for i of space stack F subscript i with rightwards arrow on top space equals space 0


Step 1: Identify the fundamental principle

  • Newton's second law is given by:

F with rightwards arrow on top subscript n e t end subscript space equals space m a with rightwards arrow on top

  • Where:

    • F with rightwards arrow on top subscript n e t end subscript = net force exerted on the system, in straight N

    • m = mass of the system, in kg

    • a with rightwards arrow on top = acceleration of the system, in straight m divided by straight s squared

Step 2: Apply the specific conditions

  • When an object is in transitional equilibrium, it is either at rest or moving with a constant velocity

  • As there is no change in velocity, acceleration is zero, a with rightwards arrow on top = 0

  • The equation for net force becomes:

F with rightwards arrow on top subscript n e t end subscript space equals space 0 space

  • To maintain transitional equilibrium, the sum of the forces exerted on the system must equal zero:

F with rightwards arrow on top subscript n e t end subscript space equals space F with rightwards arrow on top subscript 1 space plus space F with rightwards arrow on top subscript 2 space plus space F with rightwards arrow on top subscript 3 space plus... plus space F with rightwards arrow on top subscript n space equals space 0 space

sum for i of space stack F subscript i with rightwards arrow on top space equals space 0

Worked Example

An object is acted on by three forces one of magnitude 5 N acting downwards, one of magnitude 4 N acting to the right and a third P N acting at an angle to the vertical as shown in the diagram.

Vectors with labeled components: X and 4N pointing right and northeast respectively, intersecting at a point labeled N and S pointing downward from the intersection.
Four diagrams labeled A to D show different arrangements of forces (5N and 4N) on a right-angled triangle, with unknown force X acting in various directions.

Identify the diagram that shows the object is in translational equilibrium.


Step 1: Identify properties of a force diagram that show an object in translational equilibrium

  • An object in translational equilibrium will have a force triangle that shows the force vectors arranged tip to tail

Step 2: Identify the correct answer option

  • When following the force vectors in a counterclockwise direction from the top point in the force triangle:

    • Each arrow is pointing in the counterclockwise direction

  • Hence this is answer option B

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Ann Howell

Author: Ann Howell

Expertise: Physics Content Creator

Ann obtained her Maths and Physics degree from the University of Bath before completing her PGCE in Science and Maths teaching. She spent ten years teaching Maths and Physics to wonderful students from all around the world whilst living in China, Ethiopia and Nepal. Now based in beautiful Devon she is thrilled to be creating awesome Physics resources to make Physics more accessible and understandable for all students, no matter their schooling or background.