Fluid Flow Rates (College Board AP® Physics 1: Algebra-Based)

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Dan Mitchell-Garnett


Physics Content Creator

Fluid flow rates

Pressure difference

  • A pressure difference is required for a fluid to flow

  • Consider a large tank of water with an outlet pipe at the bottom, the water flows out of it because:

    • the end of the pipe attached to the tank experiences a higher gauge pressure due to the large height of water

    • the end of the pipe open to the air experiences atmospheric pressure only

  • If pressure was equal on each end, no net force would be exerted on the water, and it would not flow

  • One example of this pressure difference is a pipe releasing water from a large tank

    • The end of the pipe at the bottom of the tank experiences a large gauge pressure

    • The end of the pipe open to the air only experiences atmospheric pressure

    • The pressure difference causes fluid to flow

Pressure difference causing fluid flow

A tank of water has a pipe leading outwards horizontally at its base. The bottom of the tank of water is labelled as high pressure. The end of the pipe in the open air is labelled low pressure. An arrow indicates the direction of fluid flow along the pipe and out the tank.
The pressure difference causes fluid to flow along the pipe towards lower pressure.

Conservation of mass

  • The fluid in an open-ended tube is incompressible and flows steadily

    • This means the total mass of fluid in the pipe at any one time is constant

  • Mass is conserved, so the rate at which mass passes any point is constant

    • If 15 kg of fluid enters the pipe in 2 s, 15 kg must exit the pipe in the same 2 s

  • Density is constant, so this means the rate at which volume passes a given point is also constant

Conservation of mass flow rate

A pipe of varying width has fluid flowing through it. At the wide left hand side, an arrow points right labelled Δm / Δt. At the narrow right hand side, another arrow points right labelled Δm / Δt.
At all points in a pipe, the rate of flow of mass is equal, even if the width of the pipe changes.

Derived equation

  • The rate at which matter flows past a point is proportional to the cross-sectional area of the flow and the speed at which the fluid flows

  • This is known as the volume flow rate equation:

V over t space equals space A v

  • Where:

    • V = volume of fluid passing a point, measured in straight m cubed

    • t = time taken for the volume to pass the point, measured in straight s

    • A = cross-sectional area of the flow at that point, measured in straight m squared

    • v = speed of the flow at that point, measured in straight m divided by straight s

Fluid passing a point in a pipe

A pipe is shown with a cross-section labelled A for its area. This cross section is labelled as point X (upper case). A column of fluid in the pipe behind point X has length x (lower case). Fluid passes this point with speed v. Under the diagram, the equation x = v t is shown for the length of the column.
A column of fluid passes point X over time t. The length of this column is the product of fluid speed and the time taken.


Step 1: Identify the fundamental principles

  • The volume of fluid passing a given point X per unit time is constant

    • This is due to the conservation of mass

  • Fluid in a steady flow is always traveling at the same speed when passing a given point

Step 2: Apply the specific conditions

  • Using the above diagram, the fluid has a cross-sectional area Aat point X

  • A column of fluid of volume V passes point X

    • This column has a length x

    • It takes time t for the column to pass point X

  • The length of the column can be written in terms of its speed and time:

x space equals space v t

  • The volume of the column of fluid can be written in terms of its cross-sectional area and length:

V space equals space A x

Step 3: Combine the specific conditions

  • Substituting the expression for the column's length gives:

V space equals space A v t

  • Rearranging this gives the expression for the rate of flow of volume past a point:

V over t space equals space A v

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Dan Mitchell-Garnett

Author: Dan Mitchell-Garnett

Expertise: Physics Content Creator

Dan graduated with a First-class Masters degree in Physics at Durham University, specialising in cell membrane biophysics. After being awarded an Institute of Physics Teacher Training Scholarship, Dan taught physics in secondary schools in the North of England before moving to Save My Exams. Here, he carries on his passion for writing challenging physics questions and helping young people learn to love physics.