Fluid Pressure Equations (College Board AP® Physics 1: Algebra-Based)

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Dan Mitchell-Garnett


Physics Content Creator

Gauge pressure equation

Incompressible fluids

  • When a pressure is exerted on an incompressible fluid:

    • its total volume remains constant

    • its density remains constant

Gauge pressure

  • When an object is submerged under a given height of fluid, it experiences pressure form the weight of the column of fluid above it

  • This is called the gauge pressure and is described by the equation:

P subscript g a u g e end subscript space equals space rho g h

  • Where:

    • P subscript g a u g e end subscript = gauge pressure, measured in Pa

    • rho = density, measured in kg space divided by space straight m cubed

    • h = height of the fluid column above the point experiencing pressure, measured in straight m

  • For a given fluid, this formula depends only on height, so all points the same depth from a fluid's surface experience the same pressure

    • Note that this is independent of the shape of the container

  • As shown in the diagram below, if three containers of different shapes hold the same height of fluid:

    • All points at a certain depth experience the same pressure, even in differently shaped containers

  • The pressure experienced by a object's surface is independent of the mass of the object

    • A cardboard box and a solid steel cube will both experience the same pressure under water, provided they are at the same depth

Pressure in containers of different shapes

Three containers of different shapes have the same pressures at given depths. Roughly 2 cm from the surface, all fluids are marked as having a pressure of P_1. 2 cm below this, all fluids are marked with a horizontal line labeled P_2. 2 cm below this is P_3.
Provided the fluid is the same in each container, the pressure at a given depth will be equal in each container, despite their different shapes.

Absolute pressure equation

  • For an object submerged in a fluid, the pressure it experiences also depends on the fluid's surroundings

  • If the fluid experiences a pressure from its surroundings, then the pressure on the submerged object also experiences this pressure

    • This is a consequence of the fluid being incompressible - any pressure it experiences at its surface is transferred to the object

    • e.g. an object submerged in water experiences a pressure due to the weight of the water plus pressure due to the weight of the atmosphere

  • This total pressure from fluid and surroundings is called absolute pressure

absolute pressure = reference pressure + gauge pressure

  • With this external 'reference' pressure, the equation for absolute pressure experienced by an object becomes:

P subscript t o t a l end subscript space equals space P subscript 0 space plus space rho g h

  • Where:

    • P subscript t o t a l end subscript = total (or absolute) pressure experienced by the object, measured in Pa

    • P subscript 0 = reference pressure, measured in Pa

    • rho = density, measured in kg space divided by space straight m cubed

    • h = height of the fluid column above the object experiencing pressure, measured in straight m

  • The most common scenario is a liquid in Earth's atmosphere, making the reference pressure equal to atmospheric pressure:

P subscript t o t a l end subscript space equals space P subscript a t m end subscript space plus space rho g h

  • Where:

    • P subscript a t m end subscript = pressure of the atmosphere at sea level, measured in Pa

Examiner Tip

The pressure of Earth's atmosphere at sea level is given on your equation sheet and has the value 1.0 × 105 Pa. This is sometimes called 1 atmosphere, or 1 atm.

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Dan Mitchell-Garnett

Author: Dan Mitchell-Garnett

Expertise: Physics Content Creator

Dan graduated with a First-class Masters degree in Physics at Durham University, specialising in cell membrane biophysics. After being awarded an Institute of Physics Teacher Training Scholarship, Dan taught physics in secondary schools in the North of England before moving to Save My Exams. Here, he carries on his passion for writing challenging physics questions and helping young people learn to love physics.