First-Order Differential Equations (College Board AP® Calculus AB)

Exam Questions

22 mins11 questions
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1 mark

A slope field for the differential equation fraction numerator d A over denominator d t end fraction equals fraction numerator 50 minus A over denominator 3 end fraction is shown below.

A slope field for the differential equation dA/dt = (50-A)/3, between 0 and 20 on the horizontal (t) axis, and between 0 and 70 on the vertical (A) axis

Sketch the solution curve through the point open parentheses 0 comma space 10 close parentheses.

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1 mark

A portion of the slope field for the differential equation fraction numerator d y over denominator d x end fraction equals sin open parentheses pi over 3 x close parentheses square root of y plus 5 end root is given below.

A slope field for the differential equation dy/dx =sin((pi/3)x)sqrt(y-5), between -10/3 and 10/3 on the x-axis, and between -2 and 4 on the y-axis

Sketch the solution curve through the point open parentheses 1 comma space minus 1 close parentheses.

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4 marks

A cylindrical tank contains water and is being used to fill up a garden pond. The tank is standing upright on its circular base. The rate of change of the height h of the water in the tank with respect to time t is modeled by fraction numerator d h over denominator d t end fraction equals negative 1 third square root of h cubed end root, where h is measured in feet and t is measured in seconds.

At time t equals 0 seconds, the height of water in the tank is 4 feet. Use separation of variables to find an expression for h in terms of t.

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5 marks

Scientists are studying a population of leopards in a nature reserve. The rate of change of the population is proportional to the difference between the current population and the maximum population that the reserve can support. If P open parentheses t close parentheses is the population at time t months after the start of the study, then

fraction numerator d P over denominator d t end fraction equals 1 over 20 open parentheses 90 minus P close parentheses

Use separation of variables to find the particular solution to the differential equation with initial condition P open parentheses 0 close parentheses equals 30. Give your answer as an expression for P in terms of t.

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5 marks

Use separation of variables to find y equals f open parentheses x close parentheses, the particular solution to the differential equation fraction numerator d y over denominator d x end fraction equals cos open parentheses pi over 5 x close parentheses square root of y minus 2 end root with the initial condition f open parentheses 5 close parentheses equals 11.

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