"Everybody is talkin' these days about Tammany men growin' rich on graft, but nobody thinks of drawin' the distinction between honest graft and dishonest graft...Yes, many of our men have grown rich in politics. I have myself. I've made a big fortune out of the game, and I'm gettin' richer every day, but I've not gone in for dishonest graft—blackmailin' gamblers, saloon-keepers, disorderly people, etc.—and neither has any of the men who have made big fortunes in politics."
George W. Plunkitt, Plunkitt of Tammany Hall (1905)
The passage could be best understood as
An exposé of the corruption within Tammany Hal
A defense of political machines as necessary institutions
An argument supporting a Progressive reform effort to end machine politics
An expression of Plunkitt’s intent to run for public office
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