“Question. How many persons in all, should you say?
Answer. About 500 we estimate them at five to a lodge.
Question. 500 men, women, and children?
Answer. Yes, sir.
Question. Do you know the reason for that attack on the Indians?
Answer. I do not know any exact reason. I have heard a great many reasons given. I have heard that the whole Indian war had been brought on for selfish purposes. Colonel Chivington was running for Congress in Colorado, and there were other things of that kind, and last spring a year ago he was looking for an order to go to the front, and I understand he had this Indian war in view to retain himself and his troops in that country, to carry out his electioneering purposes…
Question. Had there been, to your knowledge, any hostile act or demonstration on the part of these Indians or any of them?
Answer. Not in this band. But the northern band, the band known by the name of Dog Soldiers of Cheyennes, had committed many depredations on the Platte.
Question. Do you know whether or not Colonel Chivington knew the friendly character of these Indians before he made the attack upon them?
Answer. It is my opinion that he did.”
John S. Smith, “Congressional Testimony of Mr. John S. Smith Washington,” interview in Congress, March 14, 1865
According to Smith’s statement, how had the Indigenous people of Sand Creek acted towards the U.S. Army?
The Indigenous tribe had attacked Colonel Chivington’s forces first, which resulted in the conflict
Sand Creek housed a peaceful tribe of men, women, and children who were not combative toward the U.S. Army
Dog soldiers in the Sand Creek band had acted hostile and violent towards Colonel Chivington
Chivington was unaware that the tribe in Sand Creek was not the militant Indigenous people that he was assigned to subdue
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