"And the said IG Bailey party of the first part, agrees and binds himself to furnish necessary Mules and farming implements to cultivate said crop and to feed said Mules to furnish said Cooper Hughs Freedman and his family five hundred and fifty pounds of meat, to furnish said Charles Roberts Freedman and his family four hundred and eighty seven pounds of meat and to give said parties of the second part, one half of the crop of cotton and third of the crop of corn and fodder cultivated and raised by them in said year 1867."
Isham G. Bailey, Contract with Cooper Hughs and Charles Roberts, January 1, 1867
The labor system described in the excerpt is best identified as
Contract labor system used for Chinese railroad workers
Sharecropping agreements between landowners and freedmen
The indentured servitude system of the early American colonies
Convict leasing systems used in the post-Reconstruction South
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