"Let but any one reflect, that each Individual of this Number had some tender attachment which was broken by this cruel Separation; some Parent or Wife, who had not even the Opportunity of mingling Tears in a parting Embrace; or perhaps some Infant, whom his Labour was to feed and Vigilance protect; or let any consider what it is to lose a Child, a Husband or any dear Relation, and then let them say what they must think of those who are engaged in, or encourage such a Trade."
Observations on the inslaving, importing, and purchasing of Negroes; with some advice thereon, extracted from the epistle of the yearly-meeting of the people called Quakers held at London in the year 1748.
The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following causes of early abolitionist sentiment in the American colonies?
The Declaration of Independence proclaiming that “all men are created equal”
The increasing influence of Enlightenment ideas about human rights and morality
The Massachusetts Constitution stating that “all men are born free and equal”
The rise of the American Colonization Society, which sought to relocate freed African Americans to Africa
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