The Regions of British Colonies (College Board AP® US History): Exam Questions

8 mins8 questions
11 mark

“That whatsoever person or persons within this Province and the Islands thereunto helonging shall from henceforth blaspheme God, that is Curse him, or deny our Saviour Jesus Christ to bee the sonne of God, or shall deny the holy Trinity the father sonne and holy Ghost, or the Godhead of any of the said Three persons of the Trinity or the Unity of the Godhead, or shall use or utter any reproachfull Speeches, words or language concerning the said Holy Trinity, or any of the said three persons thereof, shalbe punished with death “

Maryland Toleration Act, 1649

The primary motivation behind enacting the Maryland Toleration Act of 1649 was to

  • Establish Maryland as a Catholic colony

  • Protect Catholic settlers from Protestant persecution

  • Promote economic trade with non-Christian nations

  • Implement Voltaire’s “A Treatise on Toleration”

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21 mark

“That whatsoever person or persons within this Province and the Islands thereunto helonging shall from henceforth blaspheme God, that is Curse him, or deny our Saviour Jesus Christ to bee the sonne of God, or shall deny the holy Trinity the father sonne and holy Ghost, or the Godhead of any of the said Three persons of the Trinity or the Unity of the Godhead, or shall use or utter any reproachfull Speeches, words or language concerning the said Holy Trinity, or any of the said three persons thereof, shalbe punished with death “

Maryland Toleration Act, 1649

The Maryland Toleration Act reflects broader trends in colonial America as it

  • Represented early attempts to manage religious diversity

  • Mirrored a widespread move toward complete religious freedom

  • Was an isolated case with no relation to other colonies

  • Contradicted prevailing policies of religious uniformity

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31 mark

“That whatsoever person or persons within this Province and the Islands thereunto helonging shall from henceforth blaspheme God, that is Curse him, or deny our Saviour Jesus Christ to bee the sonne of God, or shall deny the holy Trinity the father sonne and holy Ghost, or the Godhead of any of the said Three persons of the Trinity or the Unity of the Godhead, or shall use or utter any reproachfull Speeches, words or language concerning the said Holy Trinity, or any of the said three persons thereof, shalbe punished with death “

Maryland Toleration Act, 1649

Which of the following was the most immediate consequence of the Maryland Toleration Act?

  • The Flushing Remonstrance

  • The worship of deism

  • The First Amendment to the Constitution

  • Increased Christian immigration

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41 mark

“We Christians in Germanton and Philadelphia have no longer the opportunity to associate with them [Indigenous peoples], in view of the fact that their savage kings have accepted a sum of money from William Penn, and, together with their people, have withdrawn very far away from us, into the wild forest, where, after their hereditary custom, they support themselves by the chase, shooting birds and game, and also by catching fish, and dwell only in huts made of bushes and trees drawn together. They carry on no cattle-breeding whatever, and cultivate no field or garden; accordingly they bring very little else to the Christians to market than the pelts, the skins of animals, and the birds which they have shot, and fishes, nor do they associate much with the Christians; and certainly no mutual marriage-contract between us and them has yet taken place.“

Letter of Francis Daniel Pastorius, founder of German Town, Pennsylvania, to his father in Germany, 1698

Which of the following statements best represents Francis Daniel Pastorius’ experience of German Town as found in this extract?

  • Pastorius identifies a strong cultural exchange between Christian settlers and Indigenous tribes

  • Pastorius expresses the vital role that Indigenous people play in the economic and political success of German Town

  • Pastorius attributes a low value to the Indigenous peoples of German Town as the two cultures have little interaction

  • Pastorius describes the sub-human treatment of Indigenous people by the Christian settlers

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51 mark

“We Christians in Germanton and Philadelphia have no longer the opportunity to associate with them [Indigenous peoples], in view of the fact that their savage kings have accepted a sum of money from William Penn, and, together with their people, have withdrawn very far away from us, into the wild forest, where, after their hereditary custom, they support themselves by the chase, shooting birds and game, and also by catching fish, and dwell only in huts made of bushes and trees drawn together. They carry on no cattle-breeding whatever, and cultivate no field or garden; accordingly they bring very little else to the Christians to market than the pelts, the skins of animals, and the birds which they have shot, and fishes, nor do they associate much with the Christians; and certainly no mutual marriage-contract between us and them has yet taken place.“

Letter of Francis Daniel Pastorius, founder of German Town, Pennsylvania, to his father in Germany, 1698

William Penn’s “holy experiment” in Pennsylvania was significant in that it

  • Was the first instance of an English colony established by a religious group who were not Protestant

  • Influenced what would become American democracy, focusing on ideas about liberty in legal systems

  • Relied upon the expansion of slave labor, which accounted for around 14 percent of the population

  • Founding on strict, religious principles made Pennsylvania distinct from many English colonies established in the 17th century

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61 mark

“We Christians in Germanton and Philadelphia have no longer the opportunity to associate with them [Indigenous peoples], in view of the fact that their savage kings have accepted a sum of money from William Penn, and, together with their people, have withdrawn very far away from us, into the wild forest, where, after their hereditary custom, they support themselves by the chase, shooting birds and game, and also by catching fish, and dwell only in huts made of bushes and trees drawn together. They carry on no cattle-breeding whatever, and cultivate no field or garden; accordingly they bring very little else to the Christians to market than the pelts, the skins of animals, and the birds which they have shot, and fishes, nor do they associate much with the Christians; and certainly no mutual marriage-contract between us and them has yet taken place.“

Letter of Francis Daniel Pastorius, founder of German Town, Pennsylvania, to his father in Germany, 1698

 The ideas expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in U.S. history?

  • Debates about the impact of migration on American society

  • Debates about the rights of the Indigenous people of America

  • Debates over federal power over regional leaders

  • Debates about the co-existence of people with different faiths and cultures

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71 mark

“Sixtie or seaventie of them, some blacke, some red, some white, some party-coloured, came in a square order, singing and dauncing out of the woods, with their Okee (which was an Idoll made of skinnes, stuffed with mosse, all painted and hung with chaines and copper) borne before them: and in this manner being well armed, with Clubs, Targets, Bowes and Arrowes, they charged the English, that so kindly received them with their muskets loaden with Pistoll shot, that downe fell their God, and divers lay sprauling on the ground; the rest fled againe to the woods, and ere long sent one of their Quiyoughkasoucks to offer peace, and redeeme their Okee. Smith told them, if onely six of them would come unarmed and loade his boat, he would not only be their friend, but restore them their Okee, and give them Beads, Copper, and Hatchets besides: which on both sides was to their contents performed: and then they brought him Venison, Turkies, wild foule, bread, and what they had, singing and dauncing in signe of friendship till they departed. In his returne he discovered the Towne and Country of Warraskoyack.”

Captain John Smith, The general historie of Virginia, New England & the Summer Isles, together with The True Travels Adventures and observations, and A sea grammar - Volume 1, 1629

The excerpt would be most useful to historians as a source of information about which of the following? 

  • The colonists of Jamestown relationship with the Indigenous peoples 

  • Trading agreements with the Chinook tribe

  • Why Captain John Smith was captured by Powhatan

  • The Puritan's cooperative spirit and work ethic  

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81 mark

“Sixtie or seaventie of them, some blacke, some red, some white, some party-coloured, came in a square order, singing and dauncing out of the woods, with their Okee (which was an Idoll made of skinnes, stuffed with mosse, all painted and hung with chaines and copper) borne before them: and in this manner being well armed, with Clubs, Targets, Bowes and Arrowes, they charged the English, that so kindly received them with their muskets loaden with Pistoll shot, that downe fell their God, and divers lay sprauling on the ground; the rest fled againe to the woods, and ere long sent one of their Quiyoughkasoucks to offer peace, and redeeme their Okee. Smith told them, if onely six of them would come unarmed and loade his boat, he would not only be their friend, but restore them their Okee, and give them Beads, Copper, and Hatchets besides: which on both sides was to their contents performed: and then they brought him Venison, Turkies, wild foule, bread, and what they had, singing and dauncing in signe of friendship till they departed. In his returne he discovered the Towne and Country of Warraskoyack.”

Captain John Smith, The general historie of Virginia, New England & the Summer Isles, together with The True Travels Adventures and observations, and A sea grammar - Volume 1, 1629 

The events described in the excerpt most directly foreshadowed which of the following developments? 

  • The development of a successful cultivation of tobacco

  • The establishment of North and South Carolina 

  • The deterioration of the relations between the Indigenous peoples and the colonists

  • The Seven Years’ War 

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