“That whatsoever person or persons within this Province and the Islands thereunto helonging shall from henceforth blaspheme God, that is Curse him, or deny our Saviour Jesus Christ to bee the sonne of God, or shall deny the holy Trinity the father sonne and holy Ghost, or the Godhead of any of the said Three persons of the Trinity or the Unity of the Godhead, or shall use or utter any reproachfull Speeches, words or language concerning the said Holy Trinity, or any of the said three persons thereof, shalbe punished with death “
Maryland Toleration Act, 1649
The primary motivation behind enacting the Maryland Toleration Act of 1649 was to
Establish Maryland as a Catholic colony
Protect Catholic settlers from Protestant persecution
Promote economic trade with non-Christian nations
Implement Voltaire’s “A Treatise on Toleration”
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