Interactions Between American Indians & Europeans (College Board AP® US History): Exam Questions

11 mins11 questions
11 mark

“By an unlucky coincidence, the return of the Jesuits to the Huron country coincided with the beginning of a series of virulent epidemics that were to reduce the Huron population by approximately fifty percent within six years. These same diseases infected all the tribes who had dealings with the French and penetrated along the trade routes into areas no Europeans had yet visited.”  

Bruce. G. Trigger, The Children of Aataentsic: A History of the Huron People to 1669, 1976 

 Indigenous groups, such as the Huron, maintained contact with colonial settlers to 

  • Create military alliances to protect their lands from rival tribes and European encroachment

  • Develop the fur trade which provided Indigenous groups with valuable European goods, such as firearms and metal tools

  • Adopt European religious and political institutions, such as Christianity, for peace and prosperity

  • Manage the unavoidable interaction with settlers due to their encroaching expansionism on Indigenous settlements 

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21 mark

“By an unlucky coincidence, the return of the Jesuits to the Huron country coincided with the beginning of a series of virulent epidemics that were to reduce the Huron population by approximately fifty percent within six years. These same diseases infected all the tribes who had dealings with the French and penetrated along the trade routes into areas no Europeans had yet visited.”  

Bruce. G. Trigger, The Children of Aataentsic: A History of the Huron People to 1669, 1976

The historian's perspective in the excerpt is most directly influenced by which of the following historical approaches? 

  • A focus on the role of European interactions in shaping Indigenous demographic changes

  • A cultural relativist approach emphasizing Indigenous resistance to European influence

  • A nationalist perspective highlighting the superiority of European civilization

  • A socio-environmental perspective examining how disease, trade, and migration affected Indigenous populations

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31 mark

“By an unlucky coincidence, the return of the Jesuits to the Huron country coincided with the beginning of a series of virulent epidemics that were to reduce the Huron population by approximately fifty percent within six years. These same diseases infected all the tribes who had dealings with the French and penetrated along the trade routes into areas no Europeans had yet visited.”  

Bruce. G. Trigger, The Children of Aataentsic: A History of the Huron People to 1669, 1976 

The population decline described in the excerpt most directly contributed to which of the following conflicts?

  • The Pueblo Revolt 

  • King Philip’s War

  • The Beaver Wars

  • The Anglo-Powhatan Wars 

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41 mark

“By an unlucky coincidence, the return of the Jesuits to the Huron country coincided with the beginning of a series of virulent epidemics that were to reduce the Huron population by approximately fifty percent within six years. These same diseases infected all the tribes who had dealings with the French and penetrated along the trade routes into areas no Europeans had yet visited.”  

Bruce. G. Trigger, The Children of Aataentsic: A History of the Huron People to 1669, 1976 

The events described in the excerpt most directly foreshadowed which of the following developments?

  • The abandonment of Christianity by Indigenous groups in response to European disease outbreaks

  • The increased reliance of Indigenous groups on foreign weapons for military defense

  • The decline of transatlantic trade networks due to Indigenous resistance

  • The escalation of intertribal warfare due to competition for resources and European alliances

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51 mark
Early Settlements in New England
European Settlements and Native American Tribes in New England (USA), map during the sixteenth-eighteenth Centuries. Illustration published 1895.

 The map most directly depicts the

  • Expansion of the colonial population 

  • Effects of industrialization

  • Tribal areas of the Indigenous peoples

  • Religious motivations for settlement 

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61 mark
Early Settlements in New England
European Settlements and Native American Tribes in New England (USA), map during the sixteenth-eighteenth Centuries. Illustration published 1895.

What continuous issues does this map illustrate?  

  • The integration of European settlers and Indigenous peoples 

  • The changing landscape of Indigenous peoples’ communities

  • Increased cooperation between settlers and tribes 

  • The role of the fur trade in early colonial settlements 

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71 mark
Early Settlements in New England
European Settlements and Native American Tribes in New England (USA), map during the sixteenth-eighteenth Centuries. Illustration published 1895.

What limitations does this map present as a historical source?

  • The effects of the colonists and Indigenous peoples upon the Indigenous land 

  • The specific causes for the establishment of the colony of Connecticut in 1636 

  • The impact of the Pequot and King Phillip’s War on the Indigenous peoples’ land 

  • An explanation for a pattern of settlement among the colonial settlers 

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81 mark
Early Settlements in New England
European Settlements and Native American Tribes in New England (USA), map during the sixteenth-eighteenth Centuries. Illustration published 1895.

The pattern of European settlement identified in the map most directly resulted from which of the following factors?

  • The desire of the British colonies to produce commodities for exportation to Europe 

  • The British colonists need to be close to Indigenous tribes for protection and supplies

  • To increase the coastal areas population to establish the infrastructure for the slave trade

  • For families to cultivate the land to help build successful communities

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91 mark

"Here we are assembled, our father, as you wished it. Last year you planted a tree of peace, and you gave it roots and leaves so that we would be sheltered by it. At present we hope that everyone will hear what you say, so that no one will disturb this tree. For our part, we assure you by these four necklaces [wampum belts] that we will follow everything that you have settled."

The Great Peace of Montreal, 1701

The phrase "tree of peace" in the excerpt most directly symbolizes which of the following?

  • The establishment of a formal political alliance between the French and the Iroquois

  • The promise of neutrality by Indigenous groups in future European conflicts

  • The Christianization of Indigenous peoples through Jesuit missions

  • The expansion of French territorial claims in North America

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101 mark

"Here we are assembled, our father, as you wished it. Last year you planted a tree of peace, and you gave it roots and leaves so that we would be sheltered by it. At present we hope that everyone will hear what you say, so that no one will disturb this tree. For our part, we assure you by these four necklaces [wampum belts] that we will follow everything that you have settled."

The Great Peace of Montreal, 1701

Which of the following groups would most likely have opposed the agreement described in the excerpt?

  • British officials in New York

  • French fur traders in Quebec

  • Indigenous nations allied with the French

  • Spanish colonial administrators in Florida

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111 mark

"Here we are assembled, our father, as you wished it. Last year you planted a tree of peace, and you gave it roots and leaves so that we would be sheltered by it. At present we hope that everyone will hear what you say, so that no one will disturb this tree. For our part, we assure you by these four necklaces [wampum belts] that we will follow everything that you have settled."

The Great Peace of Montreal, 1701

The agreement described in the excerpt most directly contradicts which later historical development?

  • The British violation of Indigenous land agreements following the French and Indian War

  • The expansion of Catholic missions in French Canada and the Northern colonies

  • The increasing military involvement of Indigenous groups in European conflicts during the 18th century

  • The forced displacement of Indigenous groups through U.S. policies such as the Indian Removal Act  

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