“Since his accession to the Kongo throne in 1506, Afonso had maintained close ties with the Christian Church on which his legitimacy as ruler largely depended. He had also allowed the trade in slaves to grow as a double royal monopoly, the profits shared between himself and the king of Portugal. However, by the third decade of his reign, he was becoming deeply concerned that the growth of this trade was leading to his own subjects being sold as slaves against the custom of the country. This he feared was severely damaging social and political relations in his kingdom. The king of Portugal’s response showed little understanding of this concern.”
Extracts from a letter of Dom João III to the king of Kongo, 1529. António Brásio, Monumenta Missionaria Africana, 1952. Translated by Malyn Newitt.
Which of the following impacts of the slave trade on African Kingdoms is mentioned in the extract?
Captured Africans, and their children, were slaves for life, which went against African tradition
The removal of rights, as enslaved Africans lost all rights once they became slaves unable to regain them
The introduction of manufactured items from Europe undermined the traditional African economy
The depletion of future strong and capable tribal or village leaders as Africans were being kidnapped
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