Free Response Questions (College Board AP® Human Geography): Exam Questions

35 mins5 questions
1a1 mark

The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) helps Geographers assess annual population growth or decline.

Define the concept of the TFR.

1b1 mark

Identify ONE weakness of using TFR as a measure of development.

1c1 mark

 Explain how education, particularly for women, impacts fertility rates.

1d1 mark

 Explain ONE economic factor that contributes to a declining fertility rate in developed countries.

1e1 mark

Explain ONE social factor that contributes to a high fertility rate in less developed countries.

1f1 mark

Identify a consequence of a rapidly declining fertility rate on a country’s population or economy.

1g1 mark

Discuss ONE way that government policies can increase or decrease fertility rates. Use an example.

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2a1 mark
Graph showing birth, death, and population trends from 1820 to 2010 for Germany, Sweden, Chile, Mauritius, and China, illustrating demographic transition.
Demographic transition in 5 countries

The demographic transition model (DTM) illustrates changes in the population of a country over time. It is used to predict future scenarios for a population dependent on which stage they are in.

Using the graph, identify ONE country where the birth rate drops rapidly and give a social reason for this decline.

2b1 mark

Explain ONE weakness of using the DTM to predict demographic changes in countries.

2c1 mark

Compare the trends of TWO countries in the graph. Identify ONE similarity and ONE difference.

2d1 mark

Explain ONE economic factor that contributes to the declining birth rates in stage three of the DTM.

2e1 mark

Identify a country on the graph that has entered stage 5 of the DTM and explain ONE economic challenge of this.

2f1 mark

Describe the population growth trend for Chile and give one reason for this pattern.

2g1 mark

 Explain ONE reason why death rates fall before birth rates in the DTM.

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3a1 mark
Japan 2018 population pyramid shows age distribution by gender. Males in blue on left, females in red on right, with age groups from 0-4 to 100+.
Population pyramid - Japan

An aging population is a social and economic challenge that some developed countries are experiencing. 

 Using the population pyramid, identify ONE characteristic of an aging population

3b1 mark

 Define the concept of the dependency ratio.

3c1 mark

Explain ONE cause of an aging population.

3d1 mark

Explain ONE social consequence of an aging population.

3e1 mark

Describe ONE government policy countries use to manage the impacts of an aging population

3f1 mark

Explain how immigration can impact the population structure of an aging population with a shrinking workforce.

3g1 mark

Explain ONE economic challenge countries face due to an aging population.

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4a1 mark
World map showing population density growth, with darker reds indicating higher growth in regions like Asia and parts of Africa and South America.
Global population density 2023

Global population density varies across the world as a result of human and physical factors.

Describe the spatial pattern shown in the map above.

4b1 mark

Explain how global population distributions are expected to change by 2100.

4c1 mark

Identify a country that has a high population density on the map and explain a human factor that has contributed to it.

4d1 mark

Describe ONE environmental impact of a high population density.

4e1 mark

Identify a country that has a low population density on the map and explain a physical factor that has contributed to it.

4f1 mark

Describe ONE economic challenge associated with a low population density.

4g1 mark

Explain how population distribution can vary within a country.

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5a1 mark
Graph illustrating the "point of crisis" where the green population line exceeds the blue resources line over time; includes labelled axes and key.
Graph showing Malthus Theory

The graph above illustrates the theory developed by Thomas Malthus. In 1798, his “Essay on the Principle of Population” outlined the relationship between population and resources, birthing the well-known Malthusian Theory.

Define the concept of exponential growth.

5b1 mark

Describe what occurs at the Point of Crisis in Malthusian Theory

5c1 mark

Describe ONE negative check outlined by Thomas Malthus

5d1 mark

 Explain ONE criticism of Malthusian Theory

5e1 mark

 Explain ONE way in which high population rates impact carrying capacity

5f1 mark

Explain how anti-natalist policies affect population growth

5g1 mark

 Explain the degree to which agricultural innovation contradicts Malthusian Theory

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