Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/a-couple-of-airplanes-that-are-on-a-runway-vauyx7-lH5c
The image above is a good example of what cultural idea?
Sense of place
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Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/a-couple-of-airplanes-that-are-on-a-runway-vauyx7-lH5c
The image above is a good example of what cultural idea?
Sense of place
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Which of the following is an example of a centripetal force?
Religious differences in one country.
Support for a country’s national soccer team.
One country having many different national languages.
A mountain range or body of water dividing a country
Poor governance and mistrust from the population
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Globalisation can impact Sense of Place by
Improving community and collaboration
Improving sustainability through cultural heritage
Improving feelings of attachment and national identity
Homogenising culture and erasing tradition
Enhancing traditional culture in everyday spaces through particular ways of design
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Centrifugal forces are
Adoption of one societal culture by another, and losing the original identity.
Places where religions originated from
Factors which cause instability and divide groups of people
The way culture spreads out
Factors that unite people
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What is the main reason that English is the world’s lingua franca?
Centripetal forces
Centrifugal forces
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Where is Islam not as predominant?
Middle East
Central Asia
North Africa
North America
South Asia
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Holy sites that people make journeys to visit, are known as what?
Places of worship
Religious hearths
Ethnic enclaves
Pilgrimage sites
Ethnic neighborhoods
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Multiculturalism is defined as what?
The increasing connectedness around the world
The way that different cultural groups leave imprints on places.
The adoption of one societal culture by another, and losing the original identity.
The spreading of religious ideas
The existence of multiple different ethnic groups in one space.
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Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/a-crowd-of-people-walking-around-a-stone-wall-HEvUHgEiBWM
Study the image above. This is a significant pilgrimage site for which religion?
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