Cities which are disproportionately bigger than the next biggest city, is known as
Urban areas
Primate city
World city
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Cities which are disproportionately bigger than the next biggest city, is known as
Urban areas
Primate city
World city
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London specializes in finance. Why might this be?
London is at the top of the urban hierarchy
Because of the rank-size rule
Comparative advantage
London is a primate city
This is explained by the Central Place Theory
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According to the rank-size rule, the fourth largest city in a country or region is what size compared to the size of the largest city?
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Which of the following businesses would require a high threshold?
The corner shop
An airport
Gas station
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Which of the following is not a high-range service?
Specialist neonatal unit
The Hollywood Bowl
A store viral on TikTok
Dunkin Donuts
Zero waste store
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Who coined the Central Place Theory?
Isaac Newton
Mark Jefferson
Walter Christaller
George Zipf
Ernest Burgess
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What can be found in the commuter zone of the Burgess Model?
Working-class families in older buildings
Suburban residences, with people that travel to work in the city centre
The commercial area, with no residential sections
Newer and spacious homes, typically owned by the middle-class
Dense, poorer housing and industry
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According to Hoyt’s model, what kind of housing exists alongside the industrial corridor?
Upper-class residential housing
Dispersed housing
Lower-class residential housing
Middle-class residential housing
Clustered housing
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What does the Latin American city model and Sub-saharan city model include that other models do not?
Squatter settlements
Industry at the edges of cities
Transportation lines
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What kind of cities is the Galactic city model used for?
Post-industrial cities
Post-colonial cities
Industrializing cities
Pre-industrial cities
Gentrified cities
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The city structure model above is known as the
The Burgess concentric-zone model
The Hoyt Sector Model
The Galactic City Model
The Harris and Ullman multiple-nuclei model
Harm de Blij’s African City Model
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Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Latin American city model?
Zones of squatter settlements
An area of gentrification
Colonial CBD
An area for elite residence
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According to what theory or model does the idea that the price of land increases, the closer to the CBD
Urban hierarchy
Rank-size rule
Central Place theory
Harris and Ullman’s multiple nuclei model
Bid-rent theory
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