When land becomes dry and arid, this is known as
Climate change
Soil salinization
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When land becomes dry and arid, this is known as
Climate change
Soil salinization
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Which of the following is a positive environmental impact of agricultural land use?
Decreased water quality
Loss of habitat
Increased wetlands
Air pollution
Soil erosion
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Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/sakaori-terraced-rice-fields-6569818/
Refer to the image above. What type of agricultural production can be seen here?
Crop dusting
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Crop dusting is
The increase of pollen on crops in the growing season
The use of a plane to spray pesticides and other chemicals
The application of water supply to increase crop growth
The application of seeds to the soil
The removal of trees to make way for agriculture
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Which of the following is not a useful conservation effort to reduce the negative effects of large-scale agriculture?
Cover crops
Legislative water protection
Terrace farming
Organic farming
Sustainable fisheries
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Decreased biodiversity may lead to
Slash and burn
High-calorie diets
Food insecurity
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What does it mean when farmers leave fields to lay fallow?
Depleting the land until the soil is useless
Saturating the land with water for agricultural purposes
Leaving the land after the vegetation has been burned
When the arable land is left unfarmed for 1 or more farming cycles
When the land becomes arid and dry
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Pastoral nomadism can often be the culprit of
Soil salinization
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Soil salinization is
The increased salt content in the soil, creating a harsh environment for crops to grow.
The pollution of soils from pesticide use.
The drying of the land, until it resembles a desert.
The degradation of land by grazing animals.
The increased water supply to support crop growth.
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Where in the world won’t you find practices of pastoral nomadism?
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Which of the following best describes the technique of shifting cultivation?
The movement of people and their herds over time to find new grazing pastures.
The clearing of land through cutting and burning, leaving behind ash and nutrient-rich soils for cultivation.
Watering crops using infrastructure, instead of natural methods.
Familiar to subsistence agriculture, where agriculture is cultivated in one field, then moved to another, whilst the older field is left to fallow.
Removing water from the land to allow crop growth or animal rearing.
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There are often gender differences within agriculture practice. Which of the following statements is not true?
Men typically do the physical labor.
Women may struggle financially to improve their productivity
Men are more likely to own or inherit land
Without education, women may struggle with economic knowledge
Women may struggle medically with far distances to female healthcare.
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