Biodiversity in Ecosystems (College Board AP® Environmental Science): Study Guide
Components of biodiversity
What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity can be thought of as a study of all the variation that exists within and between all forms of life
Biodiversity looks at the range and variety of habitats, species and genes within a particular region
It can be assessed at three different levels:
The genetic variation within each species or population (genetic diversity)
The number of species and their relative abundance (species diversity)
The number and range of different habitats (habitat diversity)
Biodiversity is very important for the resilience of ecosystems
This is because biodiversity allows them to resist changes in the environment and avoid ecological tipping points
Genetic diversity in populations
What is genetic diversity?
Genetic diversity is the diversity of genes found within different individuals of a species
Individuals of the same species will have the same set of genes
However, these genes can take a variety of different forms
This makes it possible for genetic diversity to occur between populations of the same species
Genetic diversity within a single population also occurs
Importance of genetic diversity
Genetic diversity is important as it can help the species adapt to changes in the environment (sometimes referred to as environmental stressors)
This can help them to survive these changes
This could include changes in biotic factors such as:
New predators
New pathogens
Competition with other species
Or the changes could be abiotic factors such as:
Changes in temperature, humidity and rainfall
Populations with higher genetic diversity are more resilient to environmental stressors
Population bottlenecks
A population bottleneck occurs when the size of a population is significantly reduced
This is usually due to an event, such as a natural disaster, disease outbreak, or human activity
This sudden reduction leads to a loss of genetic diversity, as fewer individuals mean fewer genetic traits are passed on
Example: Overhunting of northern elephant seals reduced their population to about 20 individuals in the late 19th century, resulting in very low genetic diversity today
Effects of population bottlenecks
Reduced ability to adapt to environmental changes
This increases vulnerability to extinction
Higher risk of inbreeding, which can lead to harmful genetic mutations
Limited recovery potential for populations under ongoing stress
Example: The cheetah population has suffered multiple bottlenecks, leaving it with genetic uniformity that hampers its ability to resist diseases or adapt to habitat changes
Species diversity in ecosystems
What is species diversity?
The greater the number of species in an ecosystem and the more evenly distributed the number of organisms are among each species, then the greater the species diversity
Ecosystems with high species diversity are usually:
More stable than those with lower species diversity
More resilient to environmental changes
More likely to recover from disruptions, such as natural disasters or human activities
For example, in the pine forests of Florida, the ecosystem is dominated by one or two tree species
If a new pathogen targets one of the two dominant species of trees, then the whole population could be wiped out and the ecosystem it is a part of could collapse
Habitat diversity in ecosystems
This is the range of different habitats within a particular area, ecosystem or biome
If there are a large number of different habitats within an area, then that area is likely to have high biodiversity
A good example of this is a coral reef
They are very complex with lots of microhabitats and niches to be exploited
If there is only one or two different habitats, then an area has low biodiversity
Large sandy deserts typically have very low biodiversity
The conditions are basically the same throughout the whole area
Effects of habitat loss
Loss of habitat leads to:
Decline in specialist species that rely on specific conditions
Decline in generalist species that thrive in a variety of conditions
Reduction in species with large territorial needs, such as apex predators
Species richness & evenness
What is species richness?
Species richness is the number of species in a community or defined area
In some cases, it can be a useful measure to compare the biodiversity of different areas
However, in other cases, species richness can be a misleading indicator of diversity
This is because it does not take into account the number of individuals of each species
Once the abundance of each species in an area has been recorded, the results can be used to calculate the species diversity for that area
What is species evenness?
Species diversity looks at the number of different species in an area but also the species evenness
Species evenness is the evenness of abundance across the different species (i.e. their relative abundances)
Species richness vs species diversity
Species diversity is a much more informative measurement than species richness
Conservationists often favor the use of species diversity as it takes into account both species richness and evenness
For example:
Area 1 and Area 2 both contain four tree species
However, Area 2 is actually dominated by one species and in fact, one of the species is very rare (only one individual)
Although the two areas have exactly the same species richness, Area 1 has a higher species evenness (and therefore a higher overall species diversity) than Area 2
This example illustrates the limitations of using just species richness on its own
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