Free Energy (College Board AP® Chemistry)

Exam Questions

20 mins2 questions
1a2 marks

NaHCO3(s) + HC2H3O2(aq) → NaC2H3O2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

A student designs an experiment to study the reaction between NaHC03   and  HC2H3O2 . The reaction is represented by the equation The student places 2.24 g of  NaHCO3  in a flask and adds 60.0 mL of 0.875 M HC2H3O2 . The student observes the formation of bubbles and that the flask gets cooler as the reaction proceeds.

Identify the reaction represented  above as an acid-base reaction, precipitation reaction, or redox reaction. Justify your answer.

1b2 marks

Based on the information above, identify the limiting reactant. Justify your answer with calculations.

1c1 mark

The student observes that the bubbling is rapid at the beginning of the reaction and gradually slows as the reaction Explain this change in the reaction rate in terms of the collisions between reactant particles.

1d2 marks

In thermodynamic terms, a reaction can be driven by enthalpy, entropy, or both.

i) Considering that the flask gets cooler as the reaction proceeds, what drives the chemical reaction between NaHCO3(s) and HC2H3O2(aq) ? Answer by drawing a circle around one of the choices


                        Enthalpy only                           Entropy only                               Both enthalpy and entropy


ii) Justify your selection in part (d)(i) in terms of ΔG°

1e2 marks

The HCO3 ion has three carbon-to-oxygen Two of the carbon-to-oxygen bonds have the same length and the third carbon-to-oxygen bond is longer than the other two. The hydrogen atom is bonded to one of the oxygen atoms. In the box below, draw a Lewis electron-dot diagram (or diagrams) for the HCO3 ion that is (are) consistent with the given information .

1f1 mark

A student prepares a solution containing equimolar amounts of  HC2H3O2  and  NaC2H3O2 . The pH of the solution is measured to be 4.7. The student adds two drops of 3.0 M HNO3(aq) and stirs the sample, observing that the pH remains at 4.7. Write a balanced, net-ionic equation for the reaction between HNO3(aq) and the chemical species in the sample that is responsible for the pH remaining at 4.7.

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2a2 marks

2 NO(g) + O2(g) →  2 NO2(g)

A student investigates the reactions of nitrogen oxides. One of the reactions in the investigation requires an equimolar mixture of NO(g) and NO2(g) , which the student produces by using the reaction represented above.

The particle-level representation of the equimolar mixture of NO(g) and NO2(g) in the flask at the completion of the reaction between NO(g) and O2(g) is shown below in the box on the right. In the box below on the left, draw the particle-level representation of the reactant mixture of NO(g) and O2(g) that would yield the product mixture shown in the box on the right. In your drawing, represent oxygen atoms and nitrogen atoms as indicated below.

2b2 marks

The student reads in a reference text that NO(g) and NO2(g) will react as represented by the equation below. Thermodynamic data for the reaction are given in the table below the equation.

NO(g) + NO2(g)  rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow with blank on top N2O3(g)




− 40.4 kJ/molrxn

−138.5 J/(K ⋅ molrxn)

0.87 kJ/molrxn


The student begins with an equimolar mixture of NO(g) and NO2(g) in a rigid reaction vessel and the mixture reaches equilibrium at 298 K.

i) Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant, K , for the reaction at 298 K.

 ii) If both PNO  and PNO2  in the vessel are initially 1.0 atm, will PN2O3  at equilibrium be equal to 1.0 atm? Justify your answer.

2c1 mark

The student hypothesizes that increasing the temperature will increase the amount of N2O3(g) in the equilibrium mixture. Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the hypothesis. Justify your answer.

2d2 marks

N2O3(g) reacts with water to form nitrous acid, HNO2(aq), a compound involved in the production of acid rain. The reaction is represented below.

N2O3(g) + H2O(l) →  2 HNO2(aq)

The skeletal structure of the HNO2 molecule is shown in the box below.

i) Complete the Lewis electron-dot diagram of the HNO2 molecule in the box below, including any lone pairs of electrons.

H   O   N   O


ii) Based on your completed diagram above, identify the hybridization of the nitrogen atom in the HNO2 molecule.

2e2 marks
  • To produce an aqueous solution of HNO2 , the student bubbles N2O3(g) into distilled water. Assume that the reaction goes to completion and that HNO2 is the only species produced. To determine the concentration of HNO2(aq) in the resulting solution, the student titrates a 100. mL sample of the solution with 0.100 M KOH(aq). The neutralization reaction is represented below.

HNO2(aq) + OH (aq) →  NO2(aq) + H2O(l)

The following titration curve shows the change in pH of the solution during the titration.


Use the titration curve and the information above to

i) determine the initial concentration of the HNO2(aq) solution

ii) estimate the value of pKa for HNO2(aq)

2f1 mark

During the titration, after a volume of 15 mL of 0.100 M KOH(aq) has been added , which species, HNO2(aq) or NO2(aq) , is present at a higher concentration in the solution? Justify your answer.

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