Entropy (College Board AP® Chemistry)

Exam Questions

20 mins2 questions
1a1 mark

The compound urea, H2NCONH2 , is widely used in chemical fertilizers. The complete Lewis electron-dot diagram for the urea molecule is shown above.

Identify the hybridization of the valence orbitals of the carbon atom in the urea molecule.

1b1 mark

Urea has a high solubility in water, due in part to its ability to form hydrogen bonds. A urea molecule and four water molecules are represented in the box below. Draw ONE dashed line ( ---- ) to indicate a possible location of a hydrogen bond between a water molecule and the urea molecule.

1c2 marks


The dissolution of urea is represented by the equation above. A student determines that 5.39 grams of H2NCONH2 (molar mass 60.06 g/mol) can dissolve in water to make 5.00 mL of a saturated solution at 20°C.

Calculate the concentration of urea, in mol/L, in the saturated solution at 20.°C.

1d1 mark

The student also determines that the concentration of urea in a saturated solution at 25°C is 19.8 M. Based on this information, is the dissolution of urea endothermic or exothermic? Justify your answer in terms of Le Chatelier’s principle.

1e2 marks

The equipment shown above is provided so that the student can determine the value of the molar heat of solution for urea. Knowing that the specific heat of the solution is 4.18 J/(g⋅°C), list the specific measurements that are required to be made during the experiment.

1f1 mark


S° (J/(mol⋅K))





The entropy change for the dissolution of urea,ΔS°soln, is 70.1 J/(mol⋅K) at 25°C. Using the information in the table above, calculate the absolute molar entropy, S°, of aqueous urea.

1g1 mark

Using particle-level reasoning, explain why ΔS°soln is positive for the dissolution of urea in water.

1h1 mark

The student claims that Δ for the process contributes to the thermodynamic favorability of the dissolution of urea at 25°C. Use the thermodynamic information above to support the student’s claim.

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2a2 marks

Answer the following questions about the element Si and some of its compounds.

The mass spectrum of a pure sample of Si is shown below.


i) How many protons and how many neutrons are in the nucleus of an atom of the most abundant isotope of Si ?

ii) Write the ground-state electron configuration of Si.

2b1 mark

Two compounds that contain Si are SiO2 and SiH4.

At 161 K, SiH4  boils but SiO2 remains as a solid. Using principles of interparticle forces, explain the difference in boiling points.

2c1 mark

At high temperatures, SiH4  decomposes to form solid silicon and hydrogen gas.

Write a balanced equation for the reaction.

2d1 mark

A table of absolute entropies of some substances is given below.


S° (J/(mol·K))

H2( g)




SiH4( g)


Explain why the absolute molar entropy of Si(s) is less than that of H2(g).

2e1 mark

Calculate the value, in J/(mol·K), of ∆S° for the reaction.

2f1 mark

The reaction is thermodynamically favorable at all temperatures. Explain why the reaction occurs only at high temperatures.

2g1 mark

A partial photoelectron spectrum of pure Si is shown below. On the spectrum, draw the missing peak that corresponds to the electrons in the 3p sublevel.

2h1 mark

Using principles of atomic structure, explain why the first ionization energy of Ge is lower than that of Si.

2i1 mark

A single photon with a wavelength of 4.00 × 10−7 m is absorbed by the Si sample. Calculate the energy of the photon in joules.

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