Acid-Base Titrations (College Board AP® Chemistry)

Exam Questions

33 mins8 questions
11 mark

In a titration, the equivalence point is reached when 23.70 mL of 0.02 M potassium hydroxide reacts with 0.03 M of sulfuric acid. What volume of acid is needed?

  • 7.9 mL

  • 31.65 mL

  • 15.80 mL

  • 17.78 mL

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21 mark



Methyl orange




Phenol red


Bromothymol blue


The pH range of four different indicators are given in the table. Which indicator would be suitable for a titration involving hydrochloric acid and ammonia?

  • Methyl orange

  • Phenolphthalein

  • Phenol red

  • Bromothymol blue

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31 mark
PH curve

Which type of titration is indicated by the pH curve above?

  • Strong acid - strong base

  • Weak acid - weak base

  • Strong acid - weak base

  • Weak acid - strong base

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41 mark

The acid–base indicator bromophenol blue changes colour from yellow to blue over a pH range of 3.0–4.6. Which statement(s) is/are correct?

I. The pKa is between 3.0 and 4.6

II. In a neutral solution [HIn] > [In-]

III. It is a suitable indicator for a strong acid, weak base titration

  • I and II only

  • I and III only

  • II and III only

  • I, II and III

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51 mark

The pH curve above represents a weak acid, strong base titration. The pH of the acid at half equivalence point is 4.90.

What is the Ka of the acid?

  • 4.90

  • 8.72

  • 1.26 x 10-5

  • 1.91 x 10-9

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