Calculating Equilibrium Concentrations (College Board AP® Chemistry)

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Chemistry Content Creator

Calculating Equilibrium Concentrations

  • The concentration or partial pressure of each species at equilibrium can be determined if all of the following are known:

    • The balanced chemical equation

    • The initial concentration or partial pressure of each species

    • The equilibrium constant (K)

  • To determine the conditions at equilibrium, we use an ICE table














  • An ICE table can be used to solve for concentrations (M), amounts (mol), or partial pressures (atm)

  • The initial concentration or partial pressure of each species is typically provided in the question

  • The change may be indicated in the question, but can also be determined by the stoichiometric coefficients

    • Species that are consumed during the course of the reaction will have a change of -x multiplied by the appropriate stoichiometric coefficient

    • Species that are produced during the course of the reaction will have a change of +x multiplied by the appropriate stoichiometric coefficient

  • The equilibrium concentration or partial pressure of each species is the sum of the initial and change values

  • We then solve for x by substituting the equilibrium values into the appropriate equilibrium expression

  • Once x is known, we can return to the ICE table to calculate the equilibrium concentrations or partial pressures

Worked Example



A 2.0 M sample of cis-crotononitrile at 303°C is allowed to come to equilibrium according to the equation above. The equilibrium constant, Kc, for this reaction at 303°C is 1.40. What are the concentrations of cis-crotononitrile and trans-crotononitrile after equilibrium is established?


Step 1: Completing an ICE table

  • The initial concentrations of the cis- and trans- forms are 2.0 M and 0.0 M respectively

  • In order to reach equilibrium, there must be an overall net conversion of reactants to products as no trans-crotononitrile is initially present

  • Both stoichiometric coefficients are 1.

  • We complete the ICE table as shown below




Initial concentration (M)



Change in concentration (M)



Equilibrium concentration (M)

2.00 - x



Step 2: Using an equilibrium expression to solve for x

  • The equilibrium expression for Kc is

straight K subscript straight c equals fraction numerator open square brackets trans minus crotononitrile close square brackets over denominator open square brackets cis minus crotononitrile close square brackets end fraction

  • Substituting the equilibrium constant and equilibrium concentrations into the equation and rearranging to solve for x

1.40 space equals space fraction numerator straight x over denominator 2.00 minus straight x end fraction

1.40 cross times space left parenthesis 2.00 space minus space straight x right parenthesis space equals space straight x

2.80 space minus space 1.40 straight x space equals space straight x

begin mathsize 16px style 2.80 space equals space 2.40 straight x end style

begin mathsize 14px style fraction numerator 2.80 over denominator 2.40 end fraction equals space straight x end style

1.17 M = x

Step 3: Calculating the concentrations at equilibrium

  • [cis-crotononitrile]eq = 2.00 M – x

    = 2.00 M - 1.17 M

    = 0.83 M

  • [trans-crotononitrile] = x

    = 1.17 M

Worked Example

I2 (g) + H2 (g) ⇌ 2HI (g)                    KP = 160 at 500 K

Equimolar amounts of I2 (g) and H2 (g) were pumped into a previously evacuated, rigid sealed flask. The gases were allowed to react at 500 K according to the equation above. What is the partial pressure of HI (g) at equilibrium if the initial pressure inside the flask was 12.00 atm?


Step 1: Completing an ICE table

  • Initial partial pressure

    • straight P subscript HI open parentheses initial close parentheses end subscript space equals 0 space atm as no products are initially present

    • Equimolar amounts of I2 and H2 are initially present, so they must have equivalent mole fractions and therefore equal partial pressures

    • straight P subscript straight I subscript 2 left parenthesis initial right parenthesis end subscript equals straight P subscript straight H subscript 2 left parenthesis initial right parenthesis end subscript equals 6.00 space atm as the total initial pressure is 12.00 atm

  • In order to reach equilibrium, there must be an overall net conversion of reactants to products as no HI is initially present

  • The change in equilibrium must reflect the stoichiometric coefficients

  • We complete the ICE table as shown below





Initial partial pressure (atm)




Change in partial pressure (atm)




Equilibrium partial pressure (atm)

6.00 - x

6.00 - x



Step 2: Using an equilibrium expression to solve for x

  • The equilibrium expression for KP is

straight K subscript straight P equals fraction numerator open parentheses straight P subscript HI close parentheses squared over denominator open parentheses straight P subscript straight I subscript 2 end subscript close parentheses open parentheses straight P subscript straight H subscript 2 end subscript close parentheses end fraction

  • Substituting the equilibrium constant and partial pressures at equilibrium into the equation and rearranging to solve for x

160 space equals space fraction numerator open parentheses 2 straight x close parentheses squared over denominator open parentheses 6.00 minus straight x close parentheses open parentheses 6.00 minus straight x close parentheses end fraction

  • Note that the right side of the equation is a perfect square

square root of 160 space equals space square root of fraction numerator stretchy left parenthesis 2 straight x stretchy right parenthesis squared over denominator stretchy left parenthesis 6.00 minus straight x stretchy right parenthesis stretchy left parenthesis 6.00 minus straight x stretchy right parenthesis end fraction end root

12.649 space equals space fraction numerator 2 straight x over denominator 6.00 minus straight x end fraction

begin mathsize 16px style 12.649 space cross times space left parenthesis 6.00 space minus space straight x right parenthesis space equals space 2 straight x end style

75.9 minus 12.649 space straight x space equals space 2 straight x

75.9 space equals 14.649 straight x

fraction numerator 75.9 over denominator 14.649 end fraction equals space straight x

begin mathsize 16px style 5.18 space atm equals space straight x end style

Step 3: Calculating the partial pressure of HI at equilibrium

  • From the ICE table

straight P subscript HI left parenthesis eq right parenthesis end subscript equals 2 straight x

  • Substituting x into the equation

straight P subscript HI left parenthesis eq right parenthesis end subscript equals 2 cross times 5.18 space atm

straight P subscript HI left parenthesis eq right parenthesis end subscript equals 10.4 space atm

Examiner Tip

Check your calculations by substituting your equilibrium concentrations or partial pressures back into the equilibrium expression. The value you determine for K should be close to the original value given in the question.

Always check the equilibrium expression for perfect squares. Taking the square root of both sides of the equation in these instances allows you to quickly simplify the calculation.

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Author: Fallon

Expertise: Chemistry Content Creator

Fallon obtained a double major in chemistry and secondary education, and after graduating she taught Chemistry and Organic Chemistry for 7 years. Fallon’s passion for creating engaging classroom materials led her to pursue a career in content development. For over 3 years, Fallon has created videos, review materials, and practice questions for AP Chemistry, IGCSE, and other international exam boards.