The Reaction Quotient (College Board AP® Chemistry)

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The Reaction Quotient

  • The reaction quotient, Q, is the ratio of products and reactants in a system at any point in the reaction

  • The equilibrium constant (K) the ratio of products and reactants in a system at equilibrium

  • Q and K are defined by an expression that relates the products’ and reactants’ concentrations (c) or partial pressures (P)

  • Consider the generic equation:

aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD

Where a, b, c, and d represent stoichiometric coefficients and A, B, C, and D represent chemical species

  • The expressions for Qc and Kc are:

 straight Q subscript straight c equals fraction numerator open square brackets straight C close square brackets to the power of straight c open square brackets straight D close square brackets to the power of straight d over denominator open square brackets straight A close square brackets to the power of straight a open square brackets straight B close square brackets to the power of straight b end fraction       straight K subscript straight c equals fraction numerator stretchy left square bracket straight C stretchy right square bracket to the power of straight c stretchy left square bracket straight D stretchy right square bracket to the power of straight d over denominator stretchy left square bracket straight A stretchy right square bracket to the power of straight a stretchy left square bracket straight B stretchy right square bracket to the power of straight b end fraction 

            [A] indicates the concentration of species A in mol/L

  • The expressions for QP and KP are:

Q subscript p equals fraction numerator open parentheses P subscript C close parentheses to the power of c open parentheses P subscript D close parentheses to the power of d over denominator open parentheses P subscript A close parentheses to the power of a open parentheses P subscript B close parentheses to the power of b end fraction       K subscript p equals fraction numerator stretchy left parenthesis P subscript C stretchy right parenthesis to the power of c stretchy left parenthesis P subscript D stretchy right parenthesis to the power of d over denominator stretchy left parenthesis P subscript A stretchy right parenthesis to the power of a stretchy left parenthesis P subscript B stretchy right parenthesis to the power of b end fraction  

            PA indicates the partial pressure of species A in atm

  • Solids and pure liquids are omitted from all of these expressions as their concentrations and partial pressures do not depend on the amount of substance present

  • As a reversible reaction proceeds towards equilibrium, the value of Q approaches K such that at equilibrium Q = K


Worked Example

2ZnS (s) + 3O2 (g) ⇌ 2ZnO (s) + 2SO2 (g)

Write the equilibrium expression for the equilibrium constant, Kc, for the reaction above.


  • For the generic equation

aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD

The equilibrium expression for Kc is

 straight K subscript straight c equals fraction numerator stretchy left square bracket straight C stretchy right square bracket to the power of straight c stretchy left square bracket straight D stretchy right square bracket to the power of straight d over denominator stretchy left square bracket straight A stretchy right square bracket to the power of straight a stretchy left square bracket straight B stretchy right square bracket to the power of straight b end fraction

  • Solids are not included in an equilibrium expression as their concentrations are constant

  • So, ZnS(s), ZnO(s), and their corresponding stoichiometric coefficients will not be written in the equilibrium expression

  • Therefore the equilibrium expression for Kc becomes

 begin mathsize 14px style straight K subscript straight c equals open square brackets SO subscript 2 close square brackets squared over open square brackets straight O subscript 2 close square brackets cubed end style

  • When solving for Q we substitute in values for concentration or partial pressure any point during the reaction, but when solving for K we substitute values for concentration or partial pressure for the system at equilibrium

  • Both Q and K are unitless values

  • The value of K is the same for a given reversible reaction regardless of the initial amounts of each species but it is temperature dependant and will vary with changes in temperature

Examiner Tip

Remember, an equilibrium constant only expresses the state of a system at equilibrium.

When writing a Kc or Qc expression, always be sure to include the brackets, as brackets around a species represent the concentration of that species. However, when writing a KP or QP expression never use brackets as this expression involves partial pressures not concentrations.

Note that the AP Chemistry exam equation and constant sheet only includes the equations for Kc and KP. We need to remember that the equations for Qc and QP follow the same format.

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Author: Fallon

Expertise: Chemistry Content Creator

Fallon obtained a double major in chemistry and secondary education, and after graduating she taught Chemistry and Organic Chemistry for 7 years. Fallon’s passion for creating engaging classroom materials led her to pursue a career in content development. For over 3 years, Fallon has created videos, review materials, and practice questions for AP Chemistry, IGCSE, and other international exam boards.