Manipulating the Equilibrium Constant (College Board AP® Chemistry)

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Manipulating the Equilibrium Constant

  • An equilibrium constant applies to a specific reaction with specific stoichiometric coefficients at a particular temperature

  • Equilibrium constants and expressions can be manipulated algebraically to give new constants and expressions that can be applied to new reactions

  • All of the algebraic manipulations discussed below can be applied to Kc and KP as well as Q

  • Consider the generic equation:

2A (g) + B (g) ⇌ C (g)

            The equilibrium expression for this reaction is:

 straight K subscript straight c equals fraction numerator open square brackets straight C close square brackets over denominator open square brackets straight A close square brackets squared open square brackets straight B close square brackets end fraction

  • If the reaction is reversed to:

C (g) ⇌ 2A (g) + B (g)

          Then the equilibrium expression becomes

 new space straight K subscript straight c equals fraction numerator stretchy left square bracket straight A stretchy right square bracket squared stretchy left square bracket straight B stretchy right square bracket over denominator stretchy left square bracket straight C stretchy right square bracket end fraction

  • So, when a reaction is reversed the new K is the inverse of the original

 begin mathsize 14px style new space straight K subscript straight c equals fraction numerator 1 over denominator Original space straight K subscript straight c end fraction end style

  • If the stoichiometric coefficients in the reaction are multiplied by a factor, c:

2cA (g) + cB (g) ⇌ cC (g)

            The new K is equal to the original raised to the power of c

new space straight K subscript straight c equals fraction numerator open square brackets straight C close square brackets to the power of straight c over denominator open square brackets straight A close square brackets to the power of 2 straight c end exponent open square brackets straight B close square brackets to the power of straight c end fraction        new space straight K subscript straight c equals space open parentheses original space straight K subscript straight c close parentheses to the power of straight c

  • When two or more chemical equations are combined, the new Kc is the product of the Kc’s of all of the summed equations

 begin mathsize 16px style new space straight K subscript straight c equals original space straight K subscript straight c 1 end subscript cross times original space straight K subscript straight c 2 end subscript end style

Worked Example

2BrCl (g) ⇌ Br2 (g) + Cl2 (g)           Kc(500 K) = 32

Based on the information above, determine the value of Kc for the following reactions at 500 K.

  1. Br2 (g) + Cl2 (g) ⇌ 2BrCl (g)

  2. 6BrCl (g) ⇌ 3Br2 (g) + 3Cl2 (g)

  3. ½Br2 (g) + ½Cl2 (g) ⇌ BrCl (g)


Answer 1:

  • The new equation is the original equation in reverse

  • The new Kc will be the inverse of the original

new space straight K subscript straight c equals space fraction numerator 1 over denominator original space straight K subscript straight c end fraction

new space straight K subscript straight c equals 1 over 32

new space straight K subscript straight c space end subscript equals 0.31

Answer 2:

  • The stoichiometric coefficients in the new equation are three times larger than those in the original

  • The new Kc will be equal to the original Kc raised to the power of 3

begin mathsize 16px style new space straight K subscript straight c space equals space open parentheses original space straight K subscript straight c close parentheses cubed end style

new space straight K subscript straight c equals space open parentheses 32 close parentheses cubed

new space straight K subscript straight c space equals space 3.3 cross times 10 to the power of 5

Answer 3:

  • The new equation is the original equation in reverse but the stoichiometric coefficients in the new equation are one-half those in the original

  • The new Kc will be the inverse of the original Kc raise to the power of ½

new space straight K subscript straight c equals 1 over open parentheses original space straight K subscript straight c close parentheses to the power of bevelled 1 half end exponent

new space straight K subscript straight c space equals space 1 over open parentheses 32 close parentheses to the power of bevelled 1 half end exponent

new space straight K subscript straight c space equals space 0.18

Worked Example

Chemical reaction

KP at 1300 K

C2H4 (g) ⇌ C2H2 (g) + H2 (g)


3C2H4 (g) ⇌ C6H12 (g)


 Based on the information above, calculate the equilibrium constant, KP, at 1300 K for the reaction below.

C6H12 (g) ⇌ 3C2H2 (g) + 3H2 (g)


Step 1: Manipulating the first equation

  • The desired equation contains three moles of C2H2 and three moles of H2 as products

  • To achieve this, the stoichiometric coefficients in the first equation must be multiplied by three

3C2H4 (g) ⇌ 3C2H2 (g) + 3H2 (g)

  • The new Kc for this equation will be equal to the original Kc raised to the power of 3

    • new space straight K subscript straight c equals open parentheses origianl space straight K subscript straight c close parentheses cubed

    • new space straight K subscript straight c equals stretchy left parenthesis 0.333 stretchy right parenthesis cubed

    • begin mathsize 16px style new space straight K subscript straight c equals 3.683 space cross times 10 squared end style

Step 2: Manipulating the second equation

  • The desired equation contains one mole of C6H12 as a reactant

  • To achieve this, the second equation must be reversed

C6H12 (g) ⇌ 3C2H4 (g)

  • The new Kc will be the inverse of the original

    • new space straight K subscript straight c equals space fraction numerator 1 over denominator original space straight K subscript straight c end fraction

    • new space straight K subscript straight c equals space fraction numerator 1 over denominator 13.3 end fraction

    • new space straight K subscript straight c equals 7.519 space cross times 10 to the power of negative 2 end exponent

Step 3: Combining the equations

  • Combining the new equations gives the desired equation

3C2H4 (g) + C6H12 (g) ⇌ 3C2H2 (g) + 3H2 (g) + 3C2H4 (g)

C6H12 (g) ⇌ 3C2H2 (g) + 3H2 (g)

  • The Kc of the desired equation is the product of the Kc’s of the summed equations

    • begin mathsize 16px style desired space straight K subscript straight c equals new space straight K subscript straight c 1 end subscript cross times new space straight K subscript straight c 2 end subscript end style

    • begin mathsize 16px style desired space straight K subscript straight c equals 3.693 cross times 10 squared cross times 7.519 cross times 10 to the power of negative 2 end exponent end style

    • desired space straight K subscript straight c equals 2.78 cross times 10 to the power of negative 3 end exponent

Examiner Tip

Be careful not to confuse the rules of manipulating equilibrium constants with those of changes in enthalpy. When the stoichiometric coefficients of a reaction are multiplied by a factor, c, the change in enthalpy of the reaction is multiplied by c but the equilibrium constant is raised to the power of c. This is shown in the table below. 

Chemical equation

ΔH° (kJ/mol)

Kc at 375°C

½N2 (g) + bevelled 3 over 2H2 (g) ⇌ NH3 (g)



N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ⇌ 2NH3 (g)

2 x -46 = -92

(1.20)2 = 1.44

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Author: Fallon

Expertise: Chemistry Content Creator

Fallon obtained a double major in chemistry and secondary education, and after graduating she taught Chemistry and Organic Chemistry for 7 years. Fallon’s passion for creating engaging classroom materials led her to pursue a career in content development. For over 3 years, Fallon has created videos, review materials, and practice questions for AP Chemistry, IGCSE, and other international exam boards.