Photosynthesis (College Board AP® Biology)

Exam Questions

22 mins7 questions
1a3 marks


Wavelength (nm)  















An absorption spectrum indicates the relative amount of light absorbed across a range of wavelengths. The graphs above represent the absorption spectra of individual pigments isolated from two different organisms. One of the pigments is chlorophyll a, commonly found in green plants. The other pigment is bacteriorhodopsin, commonly found in purple photosynthetic bacteria. The table above shows the approximate ranges of wavelengths of different colors in the visible light spectrum.

Identify the pigment (chlorophyll a or bacteriorhodopsin) used to generate the absorption spectrum in each of the graphs above. Explain and justify your answer.

1b5 marks

In an experiment, identical organisms containing the pigment from Graph II as the predominant light-capturing pigment are separated into three groups. The organisms in each group are illuminated with light of a single wavelength (650 nm for the first group, 550 nm for the second group, and 430 nm for the third group). The three light sources are of equal intensity, and all organisms are illuminated for equal lengths of time. Predict the relative rate of photosynthesis in each of the three groups. Justify your predictions. 

1c2 marks

Bacteriorhodopsin has been found in aquatic organisms whose ancestors existed before the ancestors of plants evolved in the same environment. Propose a possible evolutionary history of plants that could have resulted in a predominant photosynthetic system that uses only some of the colors of the visible light spectrum.

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2a3 marks

Matter continuously cycles through an ecosystem. A simplified carbon cycle is depicted below.


Identify the key metabolic process for step I and the key metabolic process for step II, and briefly explain how each process promotes movement of carbon through the cycle. For each process, your explanation should focus on the role of energy in the movement of carbon. 

2b1 mark

Identify an organism that carries out both processes.

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3a1 mark

Noncyclic electron flow and cyclic electron flow are two major pathways of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. In noncyclic electron flow, electrons pass through photosystem II, then components of a chloroplast electron transport chain, and then photosystem I before finally reducing NADP+ to NADPH. In cyclic electron flow, electrons cycle through photosystem I and some components of the electron transport chain (Figure 1).


Figure 1. The pathways of noncyclic and cyclic (heavy arrows) electron flow. The cytochrome complex is a component of the electron transport chain between the two photosystems.

Describe the role of chlorophyll in the photosystems of plant cells.

3b1 mark

Based on Figure 1, explain why an increase in the ratio of NADPH to NADP+ will cause an increase in the flow of electrons through the cyclic pathway.

3c1 mark

Using rice plants, scientists examined the effect of a mutation that results in the loss of the protein CRR6.
CRR6 is a part of the photosystem I complex, and its absence reduces the activity of photosystem I.

Predict the effect of the mutation on the rate of biomass (dry weight) accumulation.

3d1 mark

Justify your prediction in part (c).

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