Interactions Between Populations (College Board AP® Biology)

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Biology Content Creator

Simpson's Index of Diversity

  • The Simpson's Index of Diversity is used to study the composition of communities

  • Once the abundance of different species in an area has been recorded the results can be used to calculate the species diversity or biodiversity for that area

  • Simpson's diversity takes into account the community effects of species cohabiting an area and interacting with each other

  • Species diversity looks at the number of different species in an area (species richness) but also the evenness of abundance across the different species in that area (species evenness)

  • Simpson’s index of diversity (D) can be used to quantify the biodiversity of an area

Simpson's index

  • The formula is:

D space equals space 1 minus sum from blank to blank of open parentheses n over N close parentheses squared


  • n = total number of organisms for a single species

  • N = total number of organisms for all species

  • To calculate Simpson’s Index:

    • Step 1: First calculate n / N for each species

    • Step 2: Square each of these values

    • Step 3: Add them together and subtract the total from 1

  • To understand what the value of D means you need to know the following:

    • The value of D can fall between 0 and 1

    • Values near 1 indicate high levels of biodiversity

    • Values near 0 indicate low levels of biodiversity

Worked Example

Samples of different insect species in a backyard were collected using sweep nets and identification keys. Use the data to calculate Simpson’s Index.

Using the formula: 

D space equals space 1 minus sum from blank to blank of open parentheses n over N close parentheses squared

The results and working out are seen in the table below. The figures have been rounded to three decimal places for columns 3 and 4


Number of individuals (n)



Northern brown Argus butterfly








Forester moth








Grass spider
















Highland midge




Total number of organisms (N)


∑(n/N)2 = 0.172

D = 1 - 0.172 = 0.828

because the value of D is much closer to 1 than 0, it can be said that this is a relatively high value for biodiversity

Examiner Tip

Remember, you will be provided with the formula for Simpson’s Index in the exam so you do not need to recall this.

The Biotic Factors

  • Communities change over time as the interactions between different members of the community change

  • Relationships among interacting populations can be both positive and negative and can be a major driving force in population dynamics

  • These are examples of biotic factors in an ecosystem

  • Examples include:

    • Predator/prey interactions; eg. as predators thrive, this puts pressure on prey populations

    • Trophic cascades; the effects of adding or removing a top predator from a food web

    • Niche partitioning; how natural selection drives species to occupy slightly different niches or use resources slightly differently to each other, to reduce competition

    • Competition; competition for resources drives natural selection where those best adapted will survive

    • Symbiosis including:

      • Parasitism; An example of a symbiotic relationship which results in harm to one organism whilst the other derives benefit e.g. ticks that live on rhinos in Africa

      • Commensalism; In this symbiotic relationship, one organism benefits whilst the other neither benefits or is harmed e.g. cattle egrets which benefit from the disturbance of insects from the grass being eaten by cattle - the cattle don't benefit from this relationship, but the egrets do

      • Mutualism; Both organisms benefit from the relationship with one another e.g. oxpeckers feasting on ticks from the back of rhinos in Africa

  • The structure of a community is dependent on the energy availability

  • Survival of organisms and species relies on there being sufficient energy available in the previous trophic level

  • Access to that energy then determines the availability of matter and energy to the next trophic level

  • Changes to the structure of the community will have a knock-on effect to all species that are interdependent

Biotic Factors Table

Biotic Factor

How Biotic Factor Affects the Community


Availability of food

More food means that organisms have a chance of surviving and reproducing. This means that their populations can increase. 

Rainforest ecosystems have a rich food supply, which allows many species to live there. deserts have a poor food supply so fewer species live there. 

New predators

In balanced ecosystems, predators catch enough prey to survive but not so many that the prey population is wiped out. If a new predator is introduced into the ecosystem, it may become unbalanced. 

Red foxes were introduced for recreational hunting in Australia in the 1800s but have since caused the decline of many native species that they feed on, including small animals and birds. This has also reduced the food supply for native predators. 

New pathogens

If a new pathogen enters an ecosystem, the populations living there will have no immunity or resistance to it and the population may decline or be wiped out. 

Coronavirus caused a pandemic and a decline in human populations around the world because it was a new pathogen.


If two species compete for the same resource(s) and one is better adapted to take advantage of these resources, then that species will outcompete the other. This may continue until there are too few members of the lesser adapted species to breed successfully. 

North American gray squirrels were introduced to the UK in the 1800s and have since caused the decline of the native red squirrel population. Gray squirrels have outcompeted red squirrels for resources such as food and nesting sites. They also carry a virus (a new pathogen) that the red squirrels have no resistance to. 

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Author: Phil

Expertise: Biology Content Creator

Phil has a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Birmingham, followed by an MBA from Manchester Business School. He has 15 years of teaching and tutoring experience, teaching Biology in schools before becoming director of a growing tuition agency. He has also examined Biology for one of the leading UK exam boards. Phil has a particular passion for empowering students to overcome their fear of numbers in a scientific context.