Adaptation & Mutation (College Board AP® Biology)

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Ecosystem Disruption by Adaptation & Mutation

  • Adaptive features are the inherited functional features of an organism that increase its fitness

    • Fitness is the probability of an organism surviving and reproducing in the environment in which it is found

    • An adaptation, therefore, is favored by selection as it provides a selective advantage to an organism in a particular environment

  • Mutations are random

    • They do not occur as a result of specific environmental pressures

    • However, whilst this is not always the case, mutations can provide a selective advantage which leads to an increase in the fitness of an organism

    • In this scenario, the mutation is also favoured by selection

  • Both mutations and adaptations can affect whole ecosystems, not just the single species in which they first occur

  • The effects occur because of the interdependency of all the species within an ecosystem; a slight change of balance in one species can have a dramatic set of consequences on many other species

Invasive Species

  • A species that has moved into an ecosystem where it was previously unknown is an invasive species

  • An invasive species can occur naturally as a result of a species migrating or expanding their habitat but most recorded incidents of invasive species have been caused by humans

  • In the past humans have:

    • Knowingly collected and traded species between countries via ships

    • Unknowingly provided transport for invasive species to a new ecosystem

    • Introduced alien species deliberately as a biological control for pests

Problems with Invasive Species

  • The biological process of evolution often brings balance to an ecosystem

  • Through evolution the environment a species lives in influences strongly the adaptations that the species evolves to live in that environment

  • A non-native invasive species will have evolved adaptations for survival in different environmental conditions so when they are introduced into the new ecosystem this can upset the balance

  • In a new ecosystem invasive species will have few or none of the natural population controls that existed in their previous ecosystem:

    • They will have no natural predators or competitors

  • As a result they can increase in number at a rapid rate

  • This can affect the processes within an ecosystem

    • Competition may occur between invasive species and native species that occupy a similar niche with the native species getting displaced or pushed to extinction. It could be competition for things such as prey, soil nutrients, light and space

    • Many invasive species can be overly successful predators causing a massive decline in their prey species

    • Invasive species can introduce new diseases, to which the native species have no natural immunity

    • The biodiversity of an ecosystem is negatively impacted which reduces its productivity

  • Humans can also feel the consequent effects of an invasive species taking over an ecosystem

    • The spread of novel diseases and irritants of the skin / breathing system directly affect human health

    • The economy of a country can be impacted severely by the costs of trying to control invasive species and their negative effects

    • In the past, travel has been brought to a standstill by invasive species, with some plant species prone to blocking up waterways

Invasive Species - Cane Toads


Cane toad (Bufo marinus)

CC BY-SA 4.0, Charles J Sharp, via Wikimedia Commons

  • In the early 1900s, there was a major problem with the sugarcane crop in Australia

  • An insect pest was destroying the crop and causing major economic losses for many farmers

  • It was decided that the non native cane toad (Bufo marinus, from Hawaii) should be introduced so that it could act as a biological control

  • After a short period of time the numbers of cane toads increased rapidly due to a lack of natural predators and they spread into other habitats outside of the sugarcane plantations

  • This had a consequent effect on other species:

    • The cane toad is toxic when eaten

    • The northern quoll, which is an endangered marsupial carnivore, declined steeply in numbers as they preyed on the cane toad

    • Other amphibian species face increased competition for food and resources

    • The eggs of ground nesting birds are often eaten by cane toads

Invasive Species - Kudzu

  • Kudzu (Pueraria montana) was brought into the US from Japan and southern China as an ornamental plant

  • It was also prized for its ability to bind soil and to halt soil erosion

  • It is a semi woody vine plant that produces red or purple flowers every 3 years

  • Kudzu grows at a phenomenally fast rate, sometimes up to 30cm (1 foot)  per day

  • It deploys runners to spread quickly and will literally grow over everything in its path

  • It has been known to create 'kudzu graveyards' where it grows over everything else in the area because of its lack of competition, predators and its adaptations to the new environment


A 'kudzu graveyard'

CC BY-SA 4.0, Rhododendrites, via Wikimedia Commons

Invasive species - Zebra mussels

  • The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is a native species of the Black Sea and Caspian Sea in western Asia

  • It has become an invasive species in many European and North American countries

  • They are thought to have been transferred inadvertently by ships traversing oceans

  • Their reproductive success has caused varied problems, notably clogging of man made waterways and water treatment infrastructure


Zebra mussels

CC BY-SA 1.0, User Lamiot on fr.wikipedia, via Wikimedia Commons

Invasive Species - Japanese Knotweed

  • Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica) is the most invasive non native plant species in the United Kingdom

    • There are several natural population controls that exist for Japanese knotweed in its natural habitat in Japan

    • The irregular climate and the deposits of volcanic ash over the ground limit its growth

    • A German botanist brought the plant to the UK in the 19th century because he admired its beauty

    • As the UK does not possess the same environmental factors the plant was able to grow unchecked

    • Since the 1800s it has spread across the UK and become a major problem

    • It grows at a rapid rate, breaking up tarmac and blocking out all sunlight for native plant species in its  immediate surroundings

japanese knotweed photo

Japanese knotweed

CC BY-SA 3.0, Julia Kruse, via Wikimedia Commons

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Author: Phil

Expertise: Biology Content Creator

Phil has a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Birmingham, followed by an MBA from Manchester Business School. He has 15 years of teaching and tutoring experience, teaching Biology in schools before becoming director of a growing tuition agency. He has also examined Biology for one of the leading UK exam boards. Phil has a particular passion for empowering students to overcome their fear of numbers in a scientific context.