Natural Selection & Populations (College Board AP® Biology)

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Biology Content Creator

Types of Selection

  • Environmental factors that affect the chance of survival of an organism are selection pressures

    • For example, there could be high competition for food between lions if there is not plentiful prey available

    • This environmental factor ‘selects’ for faster, more powerful lions that are better hunters

  • These selection pressures can have different effects on the allele frequencies of a population through natural selection

  • There are three types of selection:

    • Stabilising

    • Disruptive

    • Directional

Stabilising selection

  • Stabilising selection is natural selection that keeps allele frequencies relatively constant over generations

    • This means that allele frequencies stay constant unless there is a change in the environment

  • A classic example of stabilising selection can be seen in human birth weights

    • Very low and very high birth weights are selected against leading to the maintenance of intermediate birth weights

      • It is disadvantageous to have a very low birth weight because it increases the risk of health complications for the baby

      • It is disadvantageous to have a very high birth weight as this increases the risk of birth complications

Stabilising Selection Graph

Stabilising selection on birth weight

Stabilising selection on human birth weight

Directional selection

  • Directional selection is natural selection that produces a gradual change in allele frequencies over several generations

  • This usually happens when there is a change in the environment or new selection pressures which leads to a certain allele becoming advantageous

  • For example, a recent finding has shown that climate change is having an effect on fish size in certain habitats; the increase in temperature is selecting for a smaller body size and against a larger body size

    • Warmer seas cause fish metabolism to speed up and so increase their need for oxygen; oxygen levels are lower in warmer seas

    • Larger fish have greater metabolic needs than smaller fish, so they feel the effect of increased temperatures more strongly

    • Organisms are sensitive to changes in temperature primarily because of the effect that temperature can have on enzyme activity

    • Fish with a smaller body size are therefore fitter and better adapted to living in seas experiencing increased temperatures

    • Fish body size is determined by both genetic and environmental factors

    • Fish of a smaller size are more likely to reproduce and pass on their alleles to offspring

    • Over generations, this leads to an increase in the frequency of alleles that code for a small body size and a decrease in the frequency of alleles that code for a larger body size

Directional Selection Graph

Directional selection on fish body size,

Directional selection acting on fish body size

Disruptive selection

  • Disruptive selection is natural selection that maintains high frequencies of two different sets of alleles

    • In other words, individuals with intermediate phenotypes or alleles are selected against

  • Disruptive selection maintains polymorphism; the continued existence of two or more distinct phenotypes in species

  • This can occur in an environment that shows variation

  • For example, birds that live on the Galapagos Islands use their beaks to forage for different-sized seeds

    • Different sizes of seed are more efficiently foraged by a shorter or longer beak than by a medium-sized beak

    • The size of the bird's beaks are either small or large with the intermediate, medium-sized beak selected against

Disruptive Selection Graph

Disruptive selection on beak size

Disruptive selection acting on beak size in a bird population

Examiner Tip

Become familiar with the shapes of the graphs above. They can help you answer questions about the type of selection that is occurring in a population.

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Author: Phil

Expertise: Biology Content Creator

Phil has a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Birmingham, followed by an MBA from Manchester Business School. He has 15 years of teaching and tutoring experience, teaching Biology in schools before becoming director of a growing tuition agency. He has also examined Biology for one of the leading UK exam boards. Phil has a particular passion for empowering students to overcome their fear of numbers in a scientific context.