How Life Started on Earth: Theories (College Board AP® Biology)
Study Guide
The Origin of Life on Earth
Evidence for the evolution of LUCA
The first life form on Earth has been named LUCA
LUCA stands for Last Universal Common Ancestor
It is possible that LUCA evolved in hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean
The conditions near hydrothermal vents provide opportunities for organisms to generate energy by chemosynthesis
By NOAA, Public domain, Wikimedia
Life is believed to have originated near hydrothermal vents
Scientists have found fossilized structures in the sedimentary rocks near deep sea hydrothermal vents in Québec, Canada
These structures are similar to those produced by modern prokaryotes found near hydrothermal vents
The fossils are at least 3.77 billion years old, but could be more than 4 billion years old; one of the oldest forms of life ever found
These fossil structures are small tubes made of hematite, which is the mineral form of iron (III) oxide
The presence of carbonate and other carbonaceous material in the sedimentary rocks indicates that oxidation and other biological activities may have occurred there
It indicates that these ancient bacteria had a similar biochemistry to modern iron-oxidising bacterial communities that live near hydrothermal vents
Analysis of sequence data from modern species that live near hydrothermal vents indicates that they all share a common ancestor
Based on the properties and functions of amino acid sequence data from these organisms, LUCA may have had the following characteristics:
Anaerobic, therefore able to survive in the absence of oxygen
Converted carbon dioxide into glucose
Used hydrogen as an energy source, instead of sunlight
Converted nitrogen into ammonia for the synthesis of amino acids
Survived in environments of very high temperature (thermophilic)
Fossil evidence and genetic analysis indicates that LUCA may have been an autotrophic extremophile that lived in hydrothermal vents, in an environment with an abundance of hydrogen, carbon dioxide and iron
Note that this is not the only hypothesis for the origin of life; scientists will continue to gather and analyze data that may support or refute existing theories
Theories About the Origin of Life on Earth
The Oparin-Haldine hypothesis is that, to create the original first cells from nonliving material, the following four stages occurred:
Simple organic compounds needed to be synthesized from inorganic molecules (this was demonstrated by Stanley Miller and Harold Urey)
Then assembled into polymers
Some of these polymers (it is thought to be RNA) developed the ability to self replicate (which enables inheritance)
Formation of membranes (by lipids) that surrounded the polymers creating packages with internal chemistry different from the surroundings
Life Arising from Non-living Materials Diagram
The key stages involved in life arising from non-living materials
Miller-Urey experiment
Miller and Urey recreated the conditions thought to have existed on Earth prior to life, using a specific piece of apparatus
The apparatus allowed them to:
Boil water to produce water vapor reflecting the early primordial soup evaporating in the high temperatures that existed on Earth
Mix the steam with a mixture of gases (including methane, hydrogen and ammonia) that recreated the atmosphere
Add electrical discharges to the gases to simulate lightning (one of the sources of energy available at the time)
Cool the mixture (representing the condensation of water in the atmosphere)
After a week Miller and Urey analyzed the condensed mixture and found traces of simple organic molecules including amino acids
Miller and Urey's Experiment Diagram
The apparatus used by Miller and Urey
Alternative Theory: Organic Molecules Arrived on Earth from Space
One theory is that organic molecules were not first synthesized on Earth
Rather, they were thought to have arrived from another celestial body eg. a meteorite
A meteorite, named Maribo, landed in Maribo, Denmark in 2009
Analysis of the meteorite's chemical makeup showed it to contain some of the earliest organic matter in the known universe
Whilst the molecules found are primitive, simple molecules, they are believed to have been incorporated into the Earth's biomass since meteorites have been landing on Earth for billions of years
Alternative Theory: The RNA World
This hypothesis suggests that RNA pre-dated DNA as the original molecule carrying genetic information
RNA was thought to exist even before the first cells took their form
According to this hypothesis, RNA played a dual role in primitive cells
It stored genetic information
It also catalyzed the chemical reactions within the cells
Only later in evolutionary time did DNA take over as the principal store of genetic information, with proteins becoming the major catalyst and structural component of cells
To support this view, RNA still catalyzes several important reactions in modern day cells
RNA is present as a structural component of ribosomes, which are a feature of all cells
RNA has been found to possess some catalytic properties, in particular in the area of being able to catalyze its own replication
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