Mutations & Natural Selection (College Board AP® Biology) : Study Guide
Mutations & natural selection
The process of natural selection is closely linked to mutation
Mutations lead to changes in genotype that may creates new alleles and affect the phenotype of the individual
These changes are then subject to natural selection
New alleles can benefit the organism or individuals they are present in
Others have no effect and are considered neutral
Some lead to detrimental effects on the organism
Advantageous alleles allow individuals to outcompete others in the population e.g. for food, habitat occupancy or for a mate
This ensures that the affected individual is more likely to pass on the beneficial allele(s) to future offspring
Therefore increasing the evolutionary fitness of the organism as the basis of natural selection
Natural selection favors any changes to DNA sequences which may increase survival and reproductive chances through several methods:
Horizontal acquisition of genetic material from prokaryotic cells
Recombination of genetic information in viruses within a host cell
Reproduction processes increase genetic variation are evolutionarily conserved and are shared by various organisms
This means that these processes are shared across species from bacteria to humans.
E.g. sexual reproduction which favors genetic variation within species through meiotic processes crossing over and independent assortment
Horizontal transmission of genetic material
DNA, often in the form of plasmids, is frequently transferred between prokaryotes (even from one species to another)
The processes of horizontal gene transfer ensure that genetic variation is increased
This occurs during:
transformation - foreign naked DNA in the environment is taken up by a cell and incorporated into its DNA
transduction - DNA is transferred from one bacterial cell to another via viral particles (bacteriophages)
conjugation - a thin tube, or pillus, forms between two bacteria to allow the exchange of DNA
transposition - the movement of a segment of DNA or genes between and within the same chromosome or between different DNA molecules (e.g., plasmids and chromosomal DNA); sometimes referred to as 'jumping genes'
Antibiotic resistance
A bacterium containing a gene for antibiotic resistance, could transfer this gene on to other bacterial cells through horizontal gene transfer
This is how ‘superbugs’ with multiple resistance have developed (e.g., methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus – MRSA)

Pesticide resistance
Pesticide resistance organisms, such as insects and bacteria, acquire genetic changes that allow them to survive exposure to pesticides
These resistance phenotypes can spread through a population via mutations and horizontal gene transfer which enables adaptation of the organisms to pesticide environments
Resistance to a pesticide may arise at random due to a mutation
A single nucleotide change in a gene can alter the target site of a pesticide, reducing its effectiveness
Horizontal gene transfer allows resistant organisms to transfer resistance genes to others, (even across species)
This speeds up the spread of resistance without needed new mutations in each individual organism
Viral recombination
Sometimes, two virus strains co-infect the same host cell
The genetic material from the two strains interact with each other during viral replication, using the host cell's replication processes
This is called viral recombination
Recombination generally occurs between members of the same virus type (e.g., between two retroviruses)
Virus progeny acquire genes from both strains
This increases genetic variation with virus strains and the ability of the virus to withstand pressures from natural selection
Heterozygous advantage
Sickle cell anemia is a disease where genetic variation influences health and survival
The disease is caused by a mutation in the hemoglobin gene (HBB) which leads to the production of abnormal hemoglobin (HbS)
When the oxygen levels are low, mutated hemoglobin forms rigid structures, causing red blood cells to become sickle-shaped and block blood flow
The inheritance of sickle cell anemia disease is through individuals who are homozygous for the sickle cell allele (Hbs)
There is a heterozygous advantageous to individuals who inherit one normal allele and one sickle cell allele
These individuals 'carry' the sickle cell trait but do not show symptoms, however they have shown to be resistant to malaria, offering a survival advantage in areas with high malaria prevalence
Heterozygote advantage is an example of how genetic variation can be maintained in a population
The advantages of having a partial sickle cell trait leads to malaria resistance while avoiding the severe consequences of full sickle cell disease
The advantageous trait can be maintained through sexual reproduction

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