From mRNA to Protein (College Board AP® Biology)

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  • After transcription and the post-transcriptional modifications are complete, the mRNA moves out of the nucleus via the nuclear pore and diffuses into the cytoplasm towards a ribosome for translation

  • This stage of protein synthesis occurs on ribosomes

    • Ribosomes are found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

    • On the rough endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotic cells

  • Translation involves taking the genetic code from the mRNA and synthesizing a polypeptide

    • A polypeptide is a sequence of amino acids covalently bonded together

    • The order of the amino acids is based on the information stored in the genetic code of the mRNA

Protein Synthesis in Prokaryotes

  • Conversely to eukaryotes, in prokaryotes, transcription and translation occur simultaneously

  • mRNA is transcribed from the circular loop of genetic material and the transcript immediately binds to a ribosome for translation

  • This is possible because

    • The genetic material in prokaryotes is found in the cytoplasm rather than being contained inside the nuclear membrane 

    • Prokaryotic DNA does not undergo post-transcriptional processing, e.g. splicing. as prokaryotes have far fewer introns than eukaryotic cells

Comparing Protein Synthesis in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes


Eukaryotic cells carry out transcription independently of translation whereas prokaryotes carry out both processes simultaneously

The Process of Translation in Eukaryotes

  • Translation occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell

  • After leaving the nucleus via a nuclear pore, the mRNA molecule attaches to a ribosome

  • Initiation of translation 

    • Near the beginning of the mRNA is a triplet of bases called the start codon (AUG)

    • This is a signal to start off translation 

    • AUG codes for an amino acid called methionine

    • In the cytoplasm there are free molecules of tRNA (transfer RNA)

      • tRNA is a single-stranded molecule of RNA that folds into a clover-like structure

      • tRNA molecules have a triplet of unpaired bases at one end, known as the anticodon, and a region at the other end where a specific amino acid can attach

      • There are about 20 different tRNA molecules, each with a specific anticodon and specific amino acid binding site

    • The tRNA molecules bind with their specific amino acids (also in the cytoplasm) and bring them to the mRNA molecule on the ribosome

    • The triplet of bases (anticodon) on each tRNA molecule pairs with a complementary triplet on the mRNA molecule called the codon

  • The elongation phase

    • Two tRNA molecules fit onto the ribosome at any one time, bringing the amino acid they are each carrying side by side

    • peptide bond is then formed, via a condensation reaction, between the two amino acids

    • This process continues until a ‘stop’ codon on the mRNA molecule is reached

  • Termination of translation

    • The stop codon acts as a signal for translation to stop and at this point the amino acid chain coded for by the mRNA molecule is complete

    • The amino acid chain then forms the final polypeptide

Translation Diagram

Process of Translation 1
Process of Translation 2

The process of translation

Examiner Tip

Make sure you learn both stages of protein synthesis fully. Don’t forget – transcription occurs in the nucleus but translation occurs in the cytoplasm! 


  • Codons of three bases on mRNA correspond to one amino acid in a polypeptide

  • The four nucleotide bases in mRNA are not enough to code for 20 separate amino acids

  • Pairs of nucleotides would only give 16 combinations (42 = 16), which is still not enough

  • Triplets of nucleotides would yield 64 combinations (43 = 64), which is more than enough

  • Different triplets code for the same amino acid, giving some protection against mutation

    • A triplet is a sequence of three DNA bases that codes for a specific amino acid

    • A codon is a sequence of three mRNA bases that codes for a specific amino acid

    • A codon is transcribed from the triplet and is complementary to it

  • An anticodon is a sequence of three transfer RNA (tRNA) bases that are complementary to a codon

    • The transfer RNA carries the appropriate amino acid to the ribosome

    • The amino acid can then be condensed onto the growing polypeptide chain

  • Certain codons carry the command to stop translation when the polypeptide chain is complete ('Stop codons')

mRNA Codons and Amino Acids Table


Worked Example

Use the rules of base pairing and the mRNA Codons and Amino Acids Table (above) to deduce the amino acid sequence coded for by the following DNA sense strand sequence TTC GAG CAT TAC GCC

Step 1: Work out the antisense sequence using A-T and C-G base pairing rules


Step 2: Work out the mRNA codons, complementary to the antisense strand


Step 3: Use the mRNA Codons and Amino Acids Table (above) to work out the first amino acid

First base in codon = U, second base = U, third base = C

So we're looking in the top-left box of the table; this amino acid is Phe

Step 4: Repeat for the remaining 4 codons

GAG = Glu

CAU = His

UAC = Tyr

GCC = Ala

Answer: The final sequence of amino acids is Phe-Glu-His-Tyr-Ala

Reverse Transcription in Viruses

  • The role of reverse transcriptase in the transfer of a gene into an organism is to produce a single strand complementary DNA molecule (cDNA) that contains the code for the desired characteristic, this will then be inserted into a vector (after being converted into a double stranded DNA molecule)

  • Reverse transcriptase enzymes are sourced from retroviruses and they catalyze the reaction that reverses transcription

  • The mRNA (with the genetic code for the desired gene) is used as a template to synthesize a single strand of complementary DNA (cDNA)

  • Reverse transcriptase enzymes are often used as it is easier for scientists to find mRNA with the specific characteristic because specialized cells make very specific types of mRNA (eg. β-cells of the pancreas produce many insulin mRNA) and mRNA does not contain introns

  • Reverse transcription is the best known example where the directional flow of the steps of gene expression is reversed

Examiner Tip

Memorization of the genetic code or the base triplets that code for specific amino acids is not required for the AP Exam.

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Author: Phil

Expertise: Biology Content Creator

Phil has a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Birmingham, followed by an MBA from Manchester Business School. He has 15 years of teaching and tutoring experience, teaching Biology in schools before becoming director of a growing tuition agency. He has also examined Biology for one of the leading UK exam boards. Phil has a particular passion for empowering students to overcome their fear of numbers in a scientific context.