How Cells Communicate With Each Other (College Board AP® Biology)

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Cell-to-Cell Contact

  • For effective function of tissues, organs and systems, cells must communicate with each other

  • As organisms evolved from single-celled prokaryotes and eukaryotes into multicellular organisms, the need to cellular communication grew to enable sophisticated adaptations

    • This communication often takes the form of chemical changes

  • Cell communication is often a means of responding to changes in external stimuli

    • Stimuli are converted to responses within the cell

    • A good example is the adrenaline 'flight or fight' response when an animal spots a potential predator

      • A chain or hormone-induced events occurs that leads to a noticeable response eg. a sprint to evade the predator's charge

  • Cell communication can take place:

    • By direct contact, cell-to-cell 

    • Over short distances by employing local regulators

    • Over longer distances by employing messenger compounds such as hormones

Cell signaling

  • Cell signaling is the process by which messages are sent to cells

  • Cell signaling is very important as it allows multicellular organisms to control and coordinate their bodies and respond to their environments

  • Cell signaling pathways coordinate the activities of cells, even if they are far apart within the organism

  • The basic stages of a cell signaling pathway are:

    • A stimulus or signal is received by a receptor

    • The signal is converted to a signal that can be passed on – this process is known as transduction

    • The signal is transmitted to a target (effector)

    • An appropriate response is made

Cell Signaling Flow Chart

cell signaling flowchart

Cell signaling involves the detection of a stimulus by a receptor, the transmission of a signal, and the response of an effector

Direct Cell-to-Cell Communication

  • Some cellular communication happens between one cell and its immediate neighbors

    • This is referred to as juxtacrine signaling

  • This can cause a cascade of communication

Plasmodesmata Between Plant Cells

  • In cells of the phloem, channels between cells exist called plasmodesmata (singular: plasmodesma)

  • These allow cytoplasm, and all its contents, to move between neighboring cells in the phloem tissue

  • They can be thought of as 'cytoplasmic bridges'

  • They form important channels for molecules such as growth regulators and nutrients, such as the many and varied products of photosynthesis

Plasmodesmata Diagram Showing Cell-to-Cell Contact

plasmodesmata as direct contact between cells

Plasmodesmata allow direct cell-to-cell contact and the transmission of cell signaling compounds

Horizontal Gene Transfer in Prokaryotes

  • Neighboring bacterial cells can exchange DNA via a conjugation tube

  • This is called horizontal gene transfer

    • Genetic material is passed from one individual cell to another within the same generation ('horizontally')

  • This enables bacteria to exchange DNA rapidly

  • Horizontal gene transfer can account for rapid changes in the population's genome eg. in developing resistance to antibiotic drugs

Horizontal Gene Transfer by Cell-to-Cell Contact Diagram

horizontal gene transfer between bacterial cells by conjugation

Horizontal gene transfer between bacterial cells by conjugation

Cell-to-Cell Contact in Immunity

  • Antigens and antibodies provide a good example of cell-to-cell direct contact

  • Each type of antibody molecule has specificity to their respective antigen

    • This means there is a direct molecular fit, like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle fitting together

Direct Contact Between Antibodies and Antigens Diagram

Cell-to-cell contact between an antigen-presenting cell and a lymphocyte

Cell-to-cell contact between an antigen-presenting cell and a lymphocyte produces an immune response effect

  • Other aspects of the immune response where cell-to-cell contact is important include:

    • The action of helper T cells

    • The action of killer T cells

Direct Cell-to-Cell Contact in the Immune System

T helper cells and T killer cells have cell-to-cell contact in immunity

T helper cells and T killer cells have cell-to-cell contact in immunity

Cell Communication Using Local Regulators

Communication Between Cells Using Local Regulators

  • Local regulators are molecule released from cells to affect other cells in cells in the nearby area

  • This is known as paracrine signaling

  • The chemical signals are referred to as ligands


  • Signaling molecules are often called ligands

  • Examples of ligands include:

    • Proteins and amino acids

    • Nucleotides

    • Steroids

    • Amines

  • Ligands are involved in the following stages of a cell signaling pathway:

    • Ligands are secreted from a cell (the sending cell) into the extracellular space

    • The ligands are then transported through the extracellular space to a target cell

    • The ligands bind to surface receptors (specific to that ligand) on the target cell

      • These receptors may be proteins with binding sites, eg. a glycoprotein

    • The message carried by the ligand is relayed through a chain of chemical messengers inside the cell, triggering a response

Ligand Binding Diagram

ligands in paracrine cell signaling

Ligands bind to specific binding sites in a nearby cell, initiating a response inside that cell

An Example of Cell-to-Cell Communication

  • Bacteria communicate with each other using ligands

  • This allows a bacterial colony to respond to changes in population size by altering gene expression

  • The term quorum sensing has been applied to this concept as it suggests that a bacterial colony will monitor its size to assess when a threshold has been reached

    • The term "quorum" is used to describe the minimum number of individuals who much be present for a process to take place

  • It works through the following mechanism:

    • Ligands released by bacteria bind to receptors on the surface of other bacteria

    • The more bacteria are present in a population, the more ligands are released

    • When a threshold number of receptors is occupied, a change in gene expression is triggered

    • A change in gene expression leads to a change in activity which signals that a quorum has been met in the bacterial colony

Vibrio fischeri 

  • Vibrio fischeri is a species of bacterium found in marine environments, where they form mutualistic associations with some species of squid, e.g. the bobtail squid

    • The benefit to the squid is increased camouflage

      • The bacteria emit light by bioluminescence, lighting up the underside of the squid and making it less visible against the bright sky from underneath

    • The benefit to the bacterial colony is the provision of amino acids and sugar from the squid's metabolic processes

  • Vibrio fischeri enable the squid to produce light by bioluminescence as follows:

    • Vibrio fischeri colonize a structure inside the squid called the light organ and release a ligand called an autoinducer into the extracellular environment

      • The more bacteria are present, the more autoinducer is released

    • The autoinducer enters other bacterial cells and binds to a receptor called LuxR in the cytoplasm

    • When enough autoinducer-LuxR complexes have formed, a threshold is reached, resulting in transcription of DNA that leads to the synthesis of the enzyme luciferase

    • Luciferase catalyzes an oxidation reaction which releases energy as bioluminescence

  • Bioluminescence only occurs in bacteria when the colony is large enough to switch on the synthesis of luciferase


CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Vibrio fischeri allow bobtail squid to emit bioluminescence, helping the squid to avoid predation

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Author: Phil

Expertise: Biology Content Creator

Phil has a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Birmingham, followed by an MBA from Manchester Business School. He has 15 years of teaching and tutoring experience, teaching Biology in schools before becoming director of a growing tuition agency. He has also examined Biology for one of the leading UK exam boards. Phil has a particular passion for empowering students to overcome their fear of numbers in a scientific context.