About us

Save My Exams is trusted by students, teachers and parents worldwide, offering expertly written, syllabus-specific revision and teaching resources for IGCSE, GCSE, A Level, IB and AP® exams, helping students focus on what matters to achieve their best possible grades.

How we empower students to succeed

At Save My Exams, we provide expert-created Revision Notes, Exam Questions & Answers, Past Papers, Flashcards and more, all tailored to help students learn efficiently and boost their grades. Our resources simplify complex topics, build confidence and make exam preparation stress-free.

Revise what matters with our tailored Revision Notes

Our concise, summarised Revision Notes are aligned with each student’s syllabus, focusing only on what’s needed for the exam. Revision Notes are broken down by topic into digestible sections and packed with helpful examples, exam tips, diagrams and illustrations to help students fill in crucial knowledge gaps.

Use our Exam Questions to test knowledge

Exam Questions are created by our team of expert teachers and examiners to closely resemble the real exam, allowing students to practise and identify their weakest topics. With varying levels of difficulty and step-by-step Model Answers to help students achieve full marks, they’re perfect for building confidence ahead of exam day.

Remember efficiently with Flashcards

Our expert-written Flashcards are a powerful tool for quick and effective learning. Students can test themselves on key terms, definitions and phrases through active recall, making revision engaging and effective.

Discover thousands of Past Papers and Mark Schemes, all in one place

Students can access thousands of exam board Past Papers and Mark Schemes, all in one place, helping students familiarise themselves with the exam format and the types of questions they’re likely to face in the real exam. Mark Schemes provide clear insights into what examiners expect in answers, so students feel confident and fully prepared going into the real exam.

Included in our study tools

1 million+
Students, teachers & parents* 🧑‍🏫
Examiner-written resources* ✍️
+3 grades
Grade improvement reported by Save My Exams teachers* 🗒️
Members who would recommend Save My Exams* ☺️
  1. * Based on internal data and surveys of Save My Exams users

Loved by over 1 million
students, teachers and parents


Meet our experts

At Save My Exams, we take pride in assembling a team of subject specialists with extensive experience as teachers and examiners. Combined, our content authors have more than 200 years of direct classroom experience.

Lucy Kirkham

Lucy Kirkham

Head of STEM

Lucy, a STEM leader and former Maths director, specialises in curriculum development, teacher training, and exam prep.

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Bridgette Barrett

Bridgette Barrett

Geography Lead

Bridgette, a Geography expert and OCR examiner, leads content creation, teaches online, and has 30+ years in education.

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Caroline Carroll

Caroline Carroll

Physics Subject Lead

Caroline, the Physics Subject Lead, has 12 years of teaching experience and a background in the automotive industry.

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Dan Finlay

Dan Finlay

Maths Lead

Dan, an Oxford Maths graduate and former teacher, has been an examiner for Edexcel A Level Maths and Further Maths.

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James Woodhouse

James Woodhouse

Computer Science Lead

James, a former Head of Computer Science, specialises in digital learning, networking, and making computing accessible.

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Lára Marie McIvor

Lára Marie McIvor

Biology Lead

Lára, an Oxford Biology graduate and tutor, loves making complex topics visual and has a keen interest in epidemiology.

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Lucy Vinson

Lucy Vinson

Psychology & Social Science Subject Lead

Lucy, a former Psychology Teacher and Subject Lead, has expertise in AQA A Level Psychology and research methods.

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Stewart Hird

Stewart Hird

Chemistry Lead

Stewart, a Chemistry educator for 35 years, has taught globally and examines for IB Chemistry.

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Steve Vorster

Steve Vorster

Economics & Business Lead

Steve, an Economics and Business specialist, has taught internationally for 18 years and examines for IBDP HL Economics.

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Jamie Undrell

Jamie Undrell


Jamie founded Save My Exams to help students achieve the best possible grades with the least possible effort.

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Constance Mantle

Constance Mantle


Constance, CEO of Save My Exams, has a decade of experience building consumer technology products that people love.

Stuart Taylor

Stuart Taylor


Stuart, a Chartered Accountant with 10+ years in EdTech, is passionate about scaling & growing impact-driven businesses.

Joe Robertson

Joe Robertson


Joe, a software engineer with over 15 years' experience of building products people love.

Astrid deRidder

Astrid deRidder

VP of Content

Astrid, a publishing expert with 20+ years in content, has led teams at Cambridge, Macmillan, and FutureLearn.

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David Gordon

David Gordon

VP of Growth

David, a UC Berkeley grad in International Politics, blends his passion for education and start-ups in edtech.

Neil Ballantyne

Neil Ballantyne

Head of Product

Neil, a former teacher who’s been blending his love of education and building great products for over two decades.

How it all started

Professional tutor Jamie Undrell was inspired to create Save My Exams after seeing countless students struggle with the ever-growing pressures of exams.

Recognising a lack of accessible, reliable, and high-quality revision resources online, Jamie set out to build a platform that would enable students to revise with ease and confidence, free from stress. His mission was simple - to empower students to succeed.

Launched in 2017 with this mission in mind, Save My Exams now helps over 2.5 million students every month, providing the tools they need to build confidence and achieve their best possible grades.

As Save My Exams continues to evolve, our growing team of experts is committed to ensuring the platform remains a powerful resource that supports students worldwide in reaching their full potential!

Why we do, what we do

At Save My Exams, our mission is to empower students to succeed by building the best course-specific learning experiences so that they have everything they need to ace their exams.

We simplify studying by providing syllabus-specific resources created by expert teachers and examiners. Our focused materials help students avoid information overload, save time, and reduce stress so they can walk into exams confidently and fully prepared.

More insider tips

Follow us on TikTok for more exam tips and revision content from our teachers and examiners, and get to know the expert team behind the scenes.


Chemistry expert


Physics expert


Chemistry expert


Physics expert

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If you are passionate about solving challenging and meaningful problems and care about making a real difference in the lives of students and teachers, we’d love for you to join us.

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